Anime in 2023

It’s that time of the year again!

I have been preparing for this review ever since January. It was honestly hard to write my review last year because I wrote everything last minute, so I couldn’t remember what to tell about the anime that I watched earlier that year lol.

But it’s different this time! I came fully prepared and wrote my review once the show finished, so I shall present to you my anime and manga in 2023 review!


Winter started off with basically new shows and new sequels. Wasn’t the best season, but I did watch a bunch of shows this season. Unlike last year, the reviews are going to be in chronological order…but basically!

The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague: It was okay for an adult-office-oriented anime. Heck, I like Himuro-kun cuz he was so madly in love with Fuyutsuki-san. But to be honest after a couple of episodes, I just pretty much lost interest on it and watched it for completion. Compared to the other office romcoms like Wotakoi and My Senpai is Annoying, this one was okay I guess. It was pretty much SOL without a lot of romantic development. And the show would’ve been better without the supernatural elements (ice man, wolf woman, fireworks guy) but anyways. Cute watch if you want the light-hearted romcom.

Ijiranaide Nagatoro-san 2nd Attack: I’m so happy Nagatoro got a second season and it’s still soooooo gooood. They adapted the sick visit chapter that shook everyone when Senpai called Nagatoro by her first name. And the aquarium date! They’re such a fun couple to watch now because the writing improved so it’s easier for the audience to root for them. Just hoping they do a 3rd Attack and for the manga to have more progress man lol.

Boku no Hero Academia 6th Season (2nd half): After an incredible first half, of course BNHA delivers again in the second half. In general though, S6 was great from start to finish and yey S7 announced.

Bungou Stray Dogs 4th Season: This season started boring and I was admittedly not paying attention. Nothing against my boi Ranpo but I wasn’t paying attention (until I heard Shimono playing a minor character lol). But the second half happened and the Agency got framed…that’s when I started to pay more attention and got more invested! This was a pretty gud season upping the stakes. Too bad this arc isn’t even done in the manga yet lol. But season 5 on July let’s goooo! And I hate those hunting dogs. Even more because I got spoiled that their big boss is the big evil boss.

Danmachi S4 P2: Even better than part one. The sheer tension of whether Bell and Ryu will get out of the deeper floor was real and Ryu’s backstory man… I’m not a super huge Danmachi fan but it’s incredible how the subsequent seasons keep getting better and better. And Ains should step out now for the new and the actual best girl, Ryu.

Hirogaru Sky! Precure: IT’S HERO’S TURN! Precure is celebrating it’s 20th anniversary and what’s better than shaking up the franchise’s formula this year. We got a blue lead! a main boy cure! an adult cure! a baby cure! Truly, hiropre shook the formula this year…yet it managed to bore me after 24 episodes. I honestly think hiropre peaked at episode 23 and it’s been okay ever since. I think Sora is a great protag and after Manatsu and Yui, I was just happy to see a lead who finally gets a considerable amount of focus. Sora is brave but also has a lot of insecurities and it’s good to see that she has a lot of fears and anxieties. But she tries anyways because she wants to be a HERO!

But the show’s plot lore took so long to get explained to the audience. The show’s initial plot was to prevent the Undergu Empire to get Princess Ellee. For what reason? We still don’t know yet! Kaiserin has yet to tell the heroes why she had a falloff with Princess Ellelain and I’m not really interested now tbh. If they actually showed more of the villains in the earlier episodes, I would be invested. But the show took the momentum away to focus on other uninteresting stuff. I honestly think that hiropre shines the best when the head writer is writing the episode, but he’s barely present in the show so idk. Well hopefully the last 4 episodes still manage to be good and give us a good ending.

Update: Now that I actually finished the show, I must say that those last four episodes really went all out huh. The final battle with Kaiserin was great, but get this one, the REAL final enemy is Skearhead instead. Poor Kaiserin getting backstabed left and right. And the REAL plot twist is Dark Sky! Woooow Toei really said “here’s your dark cure now stop asking again”. Anyways, in the end I thought the show was “okay” after the first half. I really don’t like about the fact that the plot lore didn’t get introduced until the last 10 episodes of the show. Also, the parting scene in the last episode wasn’t that powerful because they literally saw each other the next day anyways. It had interesting themes of sky and hero, but I wished they explored these themes. But now, it’s time to say goodbye to the heroes.

Also sidenote, but I’m super bummed that I didn’t see any precure stuff (besides going to a store) when I went to Japan. I wish I could’ve visited Toei Animation Museum huhuhu.

Bofuri S2: After weeks of delay this season finally ended. I’m not the biggest Bofuri fun but it’s a good anime to watch when you just want to have a good time. Plus I like that in this season Maple’s team grouped with the other two teams. The last two episodes with them having to fight these giant monsters were great to see. But they always played the same insert song though lol. And season 3 bait in the end there?

In/Spectre S2: It was again an okay season. I’m not the biggest fan so I watched it for completion. I did enjoy the Yuki-onna and the Otonashi family arc. Also its weird but Kotoko and Kuro’s relationship works even though the latter doesn’t show a lot of affection for the former. Would I watch a third season? Idk honestly.

NieR: Automata: Lol delay after delay. I haven’t actually watched the last four episodes because I haven’t gotten time ahaha…so I don’t really know what to say about this show. From what I remember, this is basically your introduction to the Nier series and your introduction to 2B’s assets. Either way, Aniplex shows keep getting screwed up because they don’t give the studios enough time to animate their shows. Let’s hope their 2024 shows get better.

The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten (Tenshi-sama): I’m not the biggest fan, but it was a pretty cute and wholesome anime regardless. Basically it’s “just date already!” the anime and the studio really hyped it up. When I say really I meant REAAAALLLLY cuz they’ve been advertising it since last year. Also same studio as Higehiro, Tomozaki and Mamaha so they all had the same artstyle (tho I checked only Tenshi-sama and Higehiro had the same Character Designer lol) and I would say same tone. The only thing though was I really really really really disliked the OP visuals so I skipped it idc. They wasted a Masayoshi song for still frames man….Anyways I’m happy there was love confession unlike another anime this season *cough*iceguy*cough* Another win for Manaka Iwami’s character.

Pokemon Mezase Master: After 26 years and 1000+ episodes, Ash and Pikachu’s journey has come to an end. Wow!

Personally, I was excited for this finale series and was hopeful for more companion reunion, but ngl I got bored after 3 episodes. I mean it was still enjoyable and the finale episode was great. Open ending, but I’m glad that Ash found his meaning of being a Pokemon Master. Basically being friends with all pokemon. Honestly, same I would wanna be friends with all pokemon.

Overall though, I started my anipoke journey with XY and man almost 8 years huh? I don’t regret it though because I really liked it. I will always have a soft spot for XY and despite my criticisms of SM and Journeys, I enjoyed them for what they are and finally made Ash a CHAMPION! But yeah, as much as I’m gonna miss Ash, I’m glad that they finally gave us a conclusion to his story. It just hits harder than the other franchises because 26 years man. Imagine if One Piece ended that would be incite an even bigger reaction from everyone. Anyways…bye bye Ash and Pikachu!

25 Years with Ash and Pikachu. So long friend!

Spy Classroom (1st Cour): I admittedly watched this anime because Umehara and other stacked VAs…but man wow this was honestly my least fave this season. Impossible Mission….what a joke tbh it didn’t seem like it was going to be impossible like where are the stakes man. Also they decided to dedicate the remaining episodes to the girls afterwards. It would’ve been better if they fleshed out the girls first before the climax. But oh well Grete best girl. And what was that ending at least announce the second cour! (Update: they did for summer season) Idk which ended more abruptly this one or Sugar Apple or Bungou.

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale (1st Cour): This anime gave me tingles and pain simultaneously. The classic shoujo style of course. I enjoyed it a lot more better than Spy Classroom though. Also Challe’s VA is becoming a new fave of mine (deep baritone voice actors do it right for me). But MAN this anime was so frustrating. Poor Anne gets screwed over every arc and don’t get me started with that douchebag Jonas who kept appearing every arc smh. And the finale made me seethe multiple times. I hate it and second cour better be good. Still, pink/blackhaired pairing this time yes give me more.

Tomo-chan was Onnanoko!: Ahhhh the face of r/manga (and 4ch for a while) finally getting an anime adaptation. I thoroughly enjoyed this anime and TakaRie was great as Tomo. I’m really glad she’s expanding her horizons and showing off what she can do! And Sally Amaki getting more exposure. And a likeable Kaito Ishikawa male lead brings me tears in my eyes…I didn’t really like his character in Cuckoo so Jun is the proof that good writing always matter. But yeah, I’m glad Tomo got a full adaptation and ended on a very high note.

Vinland Saga S2: Farmland Saga more like Peakland Saga because man this season is incredible from start to finish. I loved Thorfinn’s redemption arc because the staff really took the time to flesh it out so it doesn’t feel unnatural and rushed. It really elevated the manga and man it was a treat to watch. I also love the introduction of Einar because he is the best bro. And man…Arnheid…what a woman. Incredible season all around. To Vinland they sail! (hopefully season 3 happens).

And that’s all for winter! Now we go to the blooming season.


Spring 2023: Sequels and romcoms everywhere!

Like last spring, this season is once again filled with romcoms everywhere. Not that I’m complaining though. More romance is good for this hopeless romantic.

The Dangers in My Heart (BokuYaba): In a season where the sequels and ONK dominated, BokuYaba really caught me in the midst of them all. I wasn’t actually planning on watching it, but then I saw my Saturday watching and I was like “hmm I’m not watching a ton of Saturday shows for once” so I decided to watch it. No regrets because gosh this anime was so good. It was basically about a short chuuni boy with self-esteem issues and a cute tall girl who loves to eat a lot and it worked. It really did and I’m glad I gave this anime a chance. I love the way Ichikawa and Yamada’s relationship bloomed throughout the anime and my boy Ichikawa I love him. See this is why Shun Horie should voice a character like Ichikawa and not a character like Kazuya. Anyways, I’m glad BokuYaba is getting a second season and hopefully they reach the confession chapter? Pretty please?

Dr. Stone: New World (1st Cour): In this season of Dr. Stone we have a BIG SHIP! Every Dr. Stone season makes me happy because I know it’s not going down the classic shounen cliches because it’s actually its own show. And we have a bigger threat this time because WHY MAN right? Haha. Also I really miss Byakuya and hearing him this season with a different VA hits too close to home…Either way, it’s a split cour this time so we’ll find out what happens to Senku and the gang in a few months.

Hell’s Paradise (Jigokuraku): I watched this show because again I don’t have anything for my Saturday watch. It was…okay I guess. Again, I’m not the biggest fan of fantasy especially this kind of fantasy. It’s surprising to see the protag have a wife though…that’s rare in shounen especially in a Shounen Jump manga. It got episodes that made me pay attention and episodes that made me not pay attention lol. Anyways, let’s see what the second season/cour will bring to the story.

Kimetsu S3: Swordsmith Village arc!!!!!! I actually liked this arc because Muichiro Tokito my beloved and it was pretty short and sweet. But ufotable reaaaaaaaaally stretched this arc because gosh deym it was really dragging at all times. They’ve been doing it since the first season but gee they won’t stop doing it at this rate lol. Even the finale is 70 minutes and you could probably make it a regular 24-minute episode no problem. Still, it’s Kimetsu that we’re talking here and ufotable takes care of it more than the other studios with their IPs lol. Really curious now how they’ll adapt the next arc though because it’s going to be nonstop from here on!

Insomniacs After School (KimiSomu): Want an anime where the two leads are awake most of the time? Well this is the perfect laid-back romance anime for you. Seriously though, this season is really blessed because this show ended with yet another love confession! And unlike Yamada-kun, this is a seinen series! Man we got really blessed with the Reiwa romance gods this season lmao. Anyways, I definitely enjoyed KimiSomu because it was pretty laid-back and it just felt natural. Banger aiko opening song too. And the starry nights looked breathtaking.

Mahoutsukai no Yome S2 (1st Cour): In this season of Ancient Magus’ Bride….Chise goes to school. You can tell that I don’t remember what really happened in the first season because I really don’t remember what happened in the first season lol it has been like 5 years? It’s a chill season though so we’re all good. Like Dr Stone, let’s see what the second cour brings.

Mashle: “Black Clover with Harry Potter” was immediately my first thought when I watched this anime. Like it was soooo obvious from the first episode that this was an SJ anime because lmao it checked all the shounen cliche boxes. It did work for Mashle but still I can’t help but compare it with BC a lot of times. Mash was basically the mix of Asta and Yuno lmao he’s a good guy but again a stoic MC like him….also cream puffs must have had an increase in sales because of this show. See you next winter I guess.

Oshi no Ko: Undeniably the most popular show of this season. And for a very good reason too. For me, well I started reading it from the very first chapter because Aka Akasaka duh! And the premise looked ridiculous I mean a doctor and a sickly girl who got reincarnated as the twins of their favorite idol? Aka please. But somehow it worked and it developed into basically a revenge story in the world of the entertainment industry. Anyways, you could watch the premier of ONK and it could be good enough for you. I was honestly amazed at how Doga Kobo adapted ONK because man the hoshingan/starry eyes looked so incredible in every episode. I must say they really gave it all for this adaptation and it paid off for them really. Personally though, I feel very lukewarm towards the manga nowadays, but the anime adapted the first 40 chapters perfectly *chef’s kiss* So yeah, let’s see how they adapt the infamous Tokyo Blade arc and that means more Akane for me!

Pokemon Horizons (2023) (first year): Goodbye Ash and hello Liko and Roy! Horizons is basically what pokemon looks like when it focus on the adventure part of a pokemon trainer. And I’m enjoying what the show is offering so far. Obviously, I would love if they focus on getting badges and becoming the champion part, but I guess that’s why Ash’s story exist. But Liko and Roy are going in an adventure to find the mystery and I’m liking it. And Rising Volteceers and the Explorers are interesting to watch! I genuinely love Captain Pikachu and how Cap is so different from Ash’s Pikachu…such a badass captain. And I wanna give a huge shoutout to Conisch for yet another godly OST. I just found out that he composed the music for Twilight Wings and Hisuian Snow, so it makes sense for him to get hired to compose for a main series. And man the music is just sooooooooo good and I hope he releases the show’s soundtrack. Looking forward to see where their search of Lucius and Rakua goes.

Skip and Loafer: I actually thought this was shoujo at first. So did everyone else lmao. But man. Skip and Loafer is a great example of how to write good and nuanced characters. None of the characters are truly bad but they’re flawed and they acknowledged their faults. Besides that one thing that made me ehhhh, I really enjoyed seeing how the characters grew in just 12 episodes and how they have their stories to tell. See, PA Works really thrive on SOL so they should do more SOL ya know…But yeah here’s hoping for a second season and more of golden retriever Shima-kun.

Tokyo Mew Mew New S2: This season was basically like this: individual mew girl’s episodes -> blue knight shenanigans -> some romantic development -> prelude to the final battle -> blue knight plot twist -> final battle -> finale. The thing is I guess the remake is essentially your gateway to either watch the OG anime or read the OG manga. It was wholesome to hear the OG VA’s voicing the parents though…yes yes we need more of that UY influence. But as my opinion last year, I still think Aoyama is pretty booooring and Quiche is the better character. The plot twist was pretty unexpected though…but I found Deep Blue’s characterization to be pretty weak and I wish they explored it better. Anyways, I guess that’s it for TMM’s remake.

Tonikaku Kawaii S2: So the opening for this season teased Tsukasa’s backstory and it didn’t happen…imagine my disappointment lmao. Actually surprised Tonikawa got a second season but it’s fine because we got a Kekkon Desuka reference because of it. But I really want to see Tsukasa’s backstory get animated!

Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion: I was excited about this show becaaaause Yuichiro Umehara and I wanted a clean slate from mister GOKUJO DA last season. Also the trailer really looked good…but man the anime really looked like it barely had any budget… I understand that the studio was fairly new, but Raeliana also deserved better you know? The story was pretty good and Raeliana is a pretty fun and competent protag. I would like Noah more if he didn’t look so QUALITY most of the time geeeee. Anyways, I would’ve enjoyed Raeliana more if it didn’t look like stills most of the time.

My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 (Yamada-kun to Lv999): Just like BokuYaba, I wasn’t planning on watching this show but my Saturday schedule was fillable so I did. Once again, in a season where the sequels dominated…another Yamada show rose up and made everyone squeeeaaaal. Personally, I’m okay with this season. Akane is a great shoujo lead and I didn’t recognize Inori Minase at first man. But everyone sounds breathy in the show lmao. Also, again I’m not a big fan of stoic guys unless you are Shinei Nouzen and Yamada fell on the boring side. But looking back I think the show does more of showing than telling. It’s the same thing in the manga and I’m amazed how Madhouse managed to translate the manga into anime. Sooo I guess you need to interpret things on your own. But anyways, I’m glad the anime ended with a love confession because it was pretty cute. Please do the dating arc pls Madhouse!

So that’s all for the season of blooming love stories! Now we go to the hot season.

Summer 2023: A pretty chill season I would say

Summer season baby! Admittedly, I think this probably the weakest season this year. Not a lot of interesting shows to watch, but here we go.

Helck: You ever wonder what happens when you remember to EGAO a lot? Yep. This show is for you. Actually, I’m not really familiar about Helck except the part that the MC smiles a lot. And the show is pretty fun and funny. But don’t let the comedy fool you into thinking that Helck is just a haha show because oh boy oh boy the train departed during the second half and never stopped ever since. To be honest, not really a big big fan, but I enjoyed the show for what it is and it had a solid plot and characters (Piwi ftw). I’m just concerned that we’re not gonna have a second season after that finale man. We need a happy ending for the good guys…

Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2: YOU ARE MY SPECIALZ!!! We are so back bros and there was not single week that I didn’t see a JJK discourse in my twt feed. To be fair, most of the discourse revolved around the show’s abysmal production and we can all thank Mappa for that. But the notorious Shibuya Incident arc was finally adapted and I guess raised the show’s stakes because bye Gojo (and bye to him forever in the current manga arc hahahaha). I’m not really a big JJK fan so thank goodness I’m not super invested in the characters (except for Nanami riiipp and Mahito but that’s because I hated that cockroach so much so he deserved to get eaten by fake Geto). The fights are always good and despite the production problems, the animators really gave their best and that’s why the fight sequences looked so good every single week. If I have to pick a favorite one, it would be Yuji vs Choso…it looked so good and creative. Anyways, see you all in Culling Games where every JJK character you love gets beaten up by Gege.

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation Season 2: Rudeus is back baby. More MT controversy baby because it is Mushoku after all. But SCHOOOOOOOOOOL ARC! Honestly though, I enjoyed this season because it was all about Rudeus getting healed (literally and emotionally) and it was all because of Fitz-senpai aka Sylphy. I still think Roxy best girl but my girl Sylphy carried herself and this season real hard.

Horimiya: Piece: Horimiya getting a spin-off in 2023 was definitely not in my bingo card, but here we go. I do like how this season adapted the remaining chapters in the manga because we got even more fluff and more characterization. Also, their haircuts in the end looked ridiculous on them ngl.

Kanokari S3: If I was paid to count how many times Kazuya says “Mizuhara” every episode, I’ll probably be rich because Kazuya has to be the most simp protag I ever saw in my romcom life. The author is certainly good at writing drama because this season had well-written drama, but the characters man they make Kanokari so bad (except for Sumi ofc). And the opening didn’t even have a dance this time, what a mess. I only accept season 4 if they adapt Mami’s arc and that infamous chapter.

Bungo Stray Dogs 5th Season: I was very very invested in this season man. Ever since that twist happened in season 4, BSD got my attention again LOL. My conclusion though, Hunting Dogs suck and I do not care what happened to their leader. But the whole season had so much tension man and the real stars are Aya and Count Bram, especially the former because she just made everything possible for the Agency to succeed. But yeah, now that the anime caught up to the manga, I guess we’re gonna wait for a while before the next season happens. That teaser in the end though man.

My Happy Marriage (Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon): The title of the show sure does not fit the state of the protagonist because oh boy this anime man. Started off as a Cinderella story, ended up with fantasy fighting in someone’s dream. I do think that the strength of the show lies with how they handled Miyo’s character. Sure, she made dumb decisions here and there, but there is that healing that had to be handled so carefully. Miyo was so abused that she doesn’t have an inkling idea on what a family should be like. Even the memory of being called “onee-sama” haunts her real bad (props on Ayaneru though on voicing such a vile character). Reina Ueda voiced Miyo so good and they should give her all the awards please. But yeah, Watakekkon was pretty good even though it frustrated me sometimes. Hopefully, the title gets justified when season two happens.

Masamune-kun no Revenge R: After 6 years, Silver Link came with a surprise and gave everyone Masamune S2. And to think that they did this to promote the sequel manga… (it sucks so far btw). Anyways, this season went exactly as it did in the last 25 chapters, which I hoped it wouldn’t because the last few chapters sucked so much. Even Nisekoi did it better with no switch-and-bait. And reading Engagement soured this season because again, stupid and unnecessary drama. Sighs, I just really wished Masamune S2 improved the manga and Aki Adagaki deserved better!

At least we got shorthaired Aki. Best girl always.

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale (2nd Cour): After that mess that is season one, I’m glad this season came back stronger than ever even though it was still super shoujo at the core. In this season, we basically got more drama, misunderstandings and most of all…ROMAAAAANCEEEEE. And I can’t believe I got to see Soma Saito and Nobunaga Shimazaki voiced villains this season wew. I wouldn’t mind getting a third season, but I heard it goes even more shoujo-ey drama-wise so erm we’ll see.

Spy Classroom (2nd Cour): Gokujo-da is really back huh. I mean, this season was better than the first but I think Thea’s character sucks. Which is a shame cuz I liked her from the first seaason…At least the opening was a banger.

That’s all for summer!

Fall 2023: The stackest season this year

When I say this is the stackest season of this year, I truly meant it. I had 5 shows to watch every Friday. Five. That’s how stack this season was compared to the earlier seasons. I think fall seasons generally tend to be the stackest season of the year so we’re here once again.

16bit Sensation: Another Layer: How would you feel when you time travel back to the golden age of bishoujo games? Yes, the 90s happened 30 years ago ladies and gentlemen.

I never thought I would see another Wakaki series get adapted and I’m happy they did. 16bit anime is waaaaaay different than the manga since they added Konoha Akisato and time travel, but hey I definitely enjoyed it. Konoha may have a grating voice every single episode, but she’s a very endearing character I would say. The supporting cast was also great but I wish they fleshed them more…I guess you gotta read the manga to see more of cuties Meiko and Kaori. But personally the highlight in this show for me is Mamoru-kun. I swear, I’m pretty sure Wakaki had a lot of input about him because he basically thinks and acts like Keima. Their only difference is one is a galge simp and the other a PC-98 simp. But Mamoru’s a very intriguing character because he’s basically someone who didn’t want anything to change. And he knew Konoha’s time travelling so he’s basically the deuteragonist. But yeah, he reminds me a lot of Keima and I like the subtle character development. And I love how he went from snobby teenager to an ojiisan. I like characters who age throughout the show hehe.

Also, last thing to say…I honestly liked Konoha and Mamoru’s relationship. Weird case I know, but the show made them interact with each other and they’re basically partners-in-crime. Now, are they shippable? Weeeeelll. But yes, they’ll make more games together!

Dr. Stone New World (2nd Cour): Mamma mia this season got me in the edge of my seat man!!!!! I feel bad now for not paying a lot of attention during first cour because we really got a legit good Jump villain this season. Ibara is such an evil villain but he really raised the stakes this season so I’d say he’s a good villain. And he is soooo cautious you might wanna put him together and Seiya in one room and they’re gonna come up so many ways to be extra cautious lol. And I legit liked the final confrontation between Senku and Ibara man. SO much tensions!!! So Senku’s win felt so rewarding…and he’s not alone anymore this time… I’m just so happy TMS is not done with Dr. Stone because season four announced baby!!! I heard the final arcs will be crazier so I look forward to see them go to America and the MOON!!!!!

Goblin Slayer II: GOBLIN SLAYING IS BACK!!!!!! Well, there was less goblin slaying this season and more adventures basically. I actually liked this season because there were more down time moments and the character developments were showcased well. Priestess in particular showed soooo much character growth this season and I’m so proud of her!!! And the episode where GS and the boys talked about their dreams *chef’s kiss* GS definitely grew this season. He might say in the finale that nothing will change, but he definitely did and gosh I hope there’s more sequels…. (with better budget pls).

The Eminence in Shadow! 2nd Season (KageJitsu): Shadow-sama is back! We got: vampires, capitalism, JOHN SMITH!!! weddings, more SHADOW-SAMA, more atomic, JAPAN! So yeah, I enjoyed this season and I always enjoy Shadow-sama’s show even though I’m not a huge Shadow-sama fan. But it is fun to see how Cid tries to BS himself into every situation and manages to win every single time. But what’s even funnier is hearing veteran VAs like Sugita, Namikawa, Show Hayami and Koyasu voice pathetic and funny villains. I’m looking forward to the movie sequel even though it’s probably not coming out to the whole world until 2025/2026…

Kanojo mo Kanojo Season 2: Shino Shino Shino Shino Shino Shino: the season. I’m not gonna lie, my enjoyment this season soured because of the manga. I didn’t read it, but I know what happened and the ending… But anyways, Shino was pretty much the star of this season and I can’t believe ClariS sang the ending…

Kibou no Chikara: Otona Preure ’23: Ever since precure stopped doing timeskip endings, I get always sad when the last episode doesn’t show the future of the cures. I literally made a collage with the cures and their future looks. That’s how I liked timeskip endings.

But fear not! For the 20th anniversary brought us…Nozomi and friends as adults.

Honestly, I still can’t believe otonapre is real. When the trademark came out back in March, I was like, “maybe more merch?” But then they announced Y5 AND MAHO SEQUEL. Yep, I was screaming hard back then. And seeing adult Nozomi’s design??? I would have never thought. It feels so surreal even though the show finished two days before Christmas.

But otonapre! The show tried to mix idealism and realism and it worked for the most part? What I really enjoyed the most about otonapre is just seeing the Y5 and SS women try to navigate this reality called adulting. I mean, most viewers are probably young adults who grew up watching these shows…I’m pretty sure they related a lot. And I did too. Rin was probably the one I related the most cuz I know that feeling when you get told that your best wasn’t enough ahaha…But I also liked the cures bonding with each other. Honestly, the character interactions were the ones I loved the most. And Kurumi! The best wingwoman ever.

However, I’m not a big fan of the cures de-aging. Once Nozomi transformed, the show’s formula got predictable. I was sooo curious what’s gonna be the plot after episode one. But welp, it was gonna be about the cures getting their focus episodes and transform until they reach to that climax part. And ironically, Nozomi was the only one who paid the price despite everyone de-aging and used their cure powers quite a lot during the final confrontation with Bell. Speaking of Bell, she basically almost wrecked the town but somehow had the gall to not apologize in the end…Guess that ending means she’ll be back in the future otonapre shows lol (as long as NHK funds them I guess!).

Lastly, well I wanna talk about everyone’s favorite precure pairing. When otonapre first got announced, my first thought was: Nozomi and Coco finally!? And then it turned out Saki got the ring first. Speaking of Saki, I’m midkey salty that she didn’t end up with Kazuya…like hello?? Yeah right give her a faceless and nameless fiance I guess…But going back to my beloved otp, I have a lot of feelings okay. One hand, I still love them and the show just reinforced why their relationship mattered from day one. Nozomi granted Coco’s wish and Coco made Nozomi dream. There’s a lot of love and trust in their relationship…but there’s also a lot of uncertainty and anxiety in their relationship. Hence, the main conflict for them in otonapre is what comes next? how do we make this bizarre relationship work? And the answer is basically have Nozomi almost die so that Coco realizes that he can never let go of her no matter what. So, in another hand, I don’t like how Coco basically ghosted Nozomi for 4 years (while stalking her duh) because he started to doubt their future together. I rewatched some Y5 episodes and this attitude isn’t really new I guess. But man Coco you’re a real jerk for that one…Good thing Kurumi wingwomaned for them so hard she became the prime minister because she deserves it.

But anyways, for all the ups and downs that otonapre made my otp go through, I am so glad they finally sealed the deal and got MARRIED!!! M A R R I A G E another Kawamura pink got married. Miyuki has to step up her game. We got bluebailed with the kiss though smh Narita. But that proposal is beautiful *chef’s kiss*

Overall, otonapre is basically Toei’s experiment with adult cures and if they’re planning otonapre 2024 then I sure do hope they learned a lot from 2023. I enjoyed seeing Nozomi and friends again and I wouldn’t mind seeing them again in the future. Justice for Komachi/Natts.

The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You (Hyakkano): I have been waiting for this adaptation ever since I started reading it. And man what a good job Bibury did to adapt 100gfs. The adaptation really elevated the manga and I’m pleasantly surprised they didn’t rush anything. I guess Bibury learned from adapting 5toubun lol. But yeah, I really enjoyed this adaptation and I’m so stoked that they’re going to adapt Mei, Mimimi and Meme next season woohooo.

Kusuriya no Hitorigoto (The Apothecary Diaries) (first half): I didn’t have any prior knowledge about this show except the fact that the MC is a poison simp. I must say though, I’m really enjoying Kusuriya so far. Maomao is a great protag tbh I thought I wouldn’t like her too much. But hey, being voiced by Aoi Yuki helps. And I also didn’t expect to like Jinshi. He’s a flirt, but his growing crush on Maomao is so cute. That’s right. They have a great chemistry and I hope the second half develops it a bit more even though it’s basically in the background. And oh, Sumi Shimamoto is the narrator!!

Mahoutsukai no Yome Season 2 (2nd Cour): School arc continues! I must say though this season had the worst grandma villain ever man. Even more so than Kazuya’s grandma (i still don’t like her too). So evil and so vile and she deserves every bit of suffering that she received man. Philomela’s arc was pretty good with how everyone just wants her grandma to get yeeted off already lol. Overall though, MahoYome’s college arc introduced new characters that are pretty interesting. I liked how they became Chise’s friends and how they really bonded throughout the season. Well, everything’s not over yet though! Maybe we’ll get a new season in 2 years? I hope so.

The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent Season 2 (SeiMajo): The ultimate slowburn isekai romance of this season. I’m honestly glad this got a second season because I like comfy isekai ya know. But man I won’t be lying if I said there’s not a single episode where I said: “JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!” Man. Maaaaaaan. But I liked that this season focused a lot on the “will they-won’t day” romance between the two leads because I’m a romance sucker haha. Sadly, the finale just ended with a hug but hehe now we know the saint’s magic power is fueled by the power of loveâ„¢

Sousou no Frieren (first half): The most popular and hyped anime this season and rightfully so. Again, I didn’t have a lot of expectations coming into this show cuz I’m not big on fantasy, but I’m really enjoying it so far. And it’s actually making me curious on what happened during that “short” ten-year journey with the Hero’s Party and how they defeated the demon lord because they’re all interesting as characters. Special shoutout to my dwarf king Eisen…such a good coward warrior. And Himmel!!! Generic kind hero characters get boring nowadays, but Himmel isn’t. He is HIM!!!! But yeah, Frieren has good storytelling, interesting characters and world to explore. Off to more mages next year I guess.

Spy x Family Season 2: Cruise arc!!! Once again, WIT and Cloverworks did a good job adapting the latter chapters in this season. Cruise arc is pretty good so yeah there’s the Yor focus that you all want haha. And I am so happy to see more of the school chapters adapted and the Bond chapters adapted!!! Literally the last episode is a Bond episode…also I guess they hinted another season at the end? Guess that means the manga will need to publish more chapters. But for now, guess gotta wait until the Code: White movie comes out to the west.

The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 3: Was this season better than S2? Well thankfully no but I swear Shield Hero peaked in season one. This season was all about dealing with the other three idiotic heroes because they keep on falling on that witch’s scams!!! I swear, they all suck. Lots of the characters in this series suck. And every time the word slavery gets mentioned I just cringe. Naofumi’s not really above all since he uses the slave pact to make sure no one betrays him again. I’m really over that subplot tbh. And all of the training to fight the phoenix only for the season to end with the reveal that Raphtalia is actually a part of the nobility. Thanks a lot for this reveal Shield Hero. Anyways, cool Shingo Yamashita OP. I just didn’t really like this season even though it was slightly better than the second.

Tearmoon Empire: MIA-SAMAAAAAAAAAA!!! DESU WAAAAAAA!!!!! Besides 16bit, I think Tearmoon is another underrated and overlooked anime this season. I guess you can put it in the villainess isekai because it’s all about Mia trying to redeem herself in her second life and avoid the guillotine no matter what. And honestly, Mia is a pretty fun character to watch desu wa. She’s basically Bakarina but gets a lot of luck lol. And the supporting characters are alsoooo fun. Not a single week did I not hear any of them kneel before the Wisdom of the Empire. But yeah, I really enjoyed Mia-sama’s schemes every week. I sure do hope it gets a second season like Bakarina right Silver Link? Please?

Undead Unluck (first half): A shoujo disguised under a shounen series…is what I would describe UU. I mean come on, the MC was literally reading a KimiTodo knockoff in the first episode. And she literally got kissed in like episode 9. I must say though, I’m really enjoying UU so far. Fuko is a good protagonist and so is Andy. I heard a lot of things about the manga and I guess it’s gonna get crazier from here on. So let’s see what happens…but super huge props to DavidPro for this crazy good adaptation.

So that’s it for fall! But this review isn’t over yet!

Other shows and movies 2023: Heh I did watch a lot this year

I didn’t watch a lot of movies this year again. But I watched some movies, rewatched a show and watched new shows this year!!

I watched Suzume in a movie theatre this year and I’m so sorry I forgot to put her in this collage. BUT! Seeing a Shinkai movie in a big screen was a magical experience. I honestly liked this movie more than Weathering with You because of how absurd it was to see a girl try to kiss a chair…an ikemen chair. And once again, Shinkai puts Tokyo in danger with earthquake. He cannot be stopped I swear lmao. But I really enjoyed Suzume and Souta trying to close doors everywhere. And the heartfelt story between Suzume and her aunt. Really though, the last act of the movie was really gooood. Looking forward to see more Shinkai movies.

I also finally watched Furifura aka Love Me, Love Me Not okay!!! I didn’t let my 2022 self let down this time. Honestly, the movie is pretty enjoyable. Obviously, I wish this got a full anime adaptation instead. Some parts looked pretty rushed and the other pairing got less romantic development. But I’m always delighted to see a Sakisaka series adapted. If Kimi ni Todoke can get a third season, then I can always cope that Ao Haru Ride can get one. In the meantime, I rewatch Hal it’s always a good choice.


Delicious Party Precure Movie: Dreaming♡Children’s Lunch!: Well well well this is the first solo precure movie since the Star Twinkle movie and I really enjoyed it! It’s basically for kids, but Zako’s storyboard carried this movie real hard sasuga. And I really liked seeing the DP fairies get human forms (human Pam-Pam ftw). The main villain was also good and honestly had more characterization than the actual main villain in DP lol. But the movie had a story to tell so better appreciate your lunch kiddos.

Goblin Slayer Movie: Goblin’s Crown: Yes, there were goblins in this movie. Yes, GS and his gang slayed them all. Yes, I didn’t watch this movie until this year. But ya know what, I had a good time watching Goblin’s Crown and most especially, GS and Priestess’s new year moment was finally animated. I’m happi.

Kaguya-sama: The First Kiss Never Ends: I was gonna watch this movie in theatres, but school happened so rip. But yes I watched Iceguya arc finally and my goooodness A-1 keeps outdoing themselves on the Kaguya adaptation. Good direction and storyboard really carries Kaguya so hard. And I was just happy to see my favorite Kaguya arc get adapted. Just bummed out that they darkened Shirogane’s room so the audience couldn’t really see the scale of his insecurities. Regardless, we probably won’t get any Kaguya for a while? Unless they announce one new year. But yes, Kaguya and Prez finally won.

Kimi ni Todoke (rewatch): It was just another day during August. I was pretty bored and school was starting soon…so I checked Netflix and lo and behold! Kimi ni Todoke finally on Netflix. So I decided….it was time for a rewatch. I fell inlove with the series all over again ngl and it still really holds up well. Of course, things started to get more complicated during the second season oh boy. Well I will say more about KimiTodo in the manga section, but the timing of my rewatch couldn’t be any more right because SEASON THREE BABY. SEASON THREE!!!!!!!

Hibike! Euphonium: Ensemble Contest Arc: I’m not gonna lie, I have been so out of the loop with the Hibike series ever since the compilation movies + the chikai no finale movie. But it’s thriving more than ever and season three is coming out next year so yey. But I enjoyed this OVA a lot. Very low stake, but I enjoyed listening to Kitauji High band again. And oh Kumiko is the club prez now and she really showed why she has that position. I really hope they make it to the nationals next season and WIN!

Gotoubun no Hanayome∽: Ahhh 5toubun…you thought everything is over since the movie came out? Wrong. I guess they finally realized that this series can generate a lot of profit, so here comes a two-episode OVA about the unadapted manga chapters. In an alternate timeline, we would have gotten 3 seasons without a movie and it would be adapted faithfully. The good side about this OVA is Shaft. Because this is basically a Shaft show (now I miss Nisekoi…) and made me wish Shaft adapted 5toubun instead…Anyways, I’m pretty sure this isn’t the end of 5toubun, but I am so happy to finally see Yotsuba’s backstory adapted.

Futari wa Precure Splash Star: In anticipation of otonapre, I decided to watch SS and I really really liked this series. The show really shines on developing not only Saki and Mai, but the supporting characters too! I guess this is the greatest advantage of a two-cure focused series. Nowadays, a precure show has 3-5 cures, so there are less supporting characters now. So, I appreciate SS for really utilizing the cast to their fullest. And the Kiryuu sisters clearly paved the way to villains getting redeemed. I loved their arc and based Narita for including them. It’s a bit criminal that otonapre didn’t show a lot of SS characters (especially the fairies and Minori man, just whyyy). But SS is super good and don’t let it being advertised as FW 2.0 fool you because it had a lot of heart. Zekkouchou!

Noein: It was yet another day of browsing through TVTropes. You see, this girl right here still gets into Hugtto phase sometimes, so yes I discovered Noein because of Hugtto lol. Noein is honestly a fascinating series because the main characters are kids, but the plot is not for kids. You have this girl who’s just trying to live her life, then suddenly this weirdos dressed in cloaks come up and try to kidnap her. So yeah, lots of innocence and realism happening between the kids and the depressed time travelers. And it’s just funny to see this weirdo tell his past self that he’s pathetic and can’t “protect” the MC…Anyways, I really had a good time watching the show because I actually love time travelling shows. They’re always going to be a hot mess because of time paradoxes and everything, but I think Noein did pretty good for what it did. I just wish it had another episode because it just kinda ended after the final confrontation. And once again, another main villain motivation that wasn’t fully explored. Will I ever find that time travelling show that actually shows and tells why the main villain is trying to ruin everything? Find out.

Shingeki no Kyojin Final Season Part 3 (finale): 10 years after the first anime came out, SNK is finally over. I’ve had the privilege to watch this actual finale live, but I haven’t watched the subbed version yet haha. BUT anyways, my opinion is still the same. The endings sucked hard. Even though there’s been changes in Eren and Armin’s final conversation, the ending still sucked hard. I’ve detached myself to the series ever since 2021, so I guess no hard feelings this time. Will we get more SNK in the future? I wouldn’t be surprised if we get more new content (we’re already getting a new short story about Levi next year and the leaks are hilarious even if they’re fake). See you later, the boy who cried TATAKAE.

That’s all for other shows and movies! Maybe and hopefully more movies next year?

Manga time!

Manga 2023: I tried my best again

Again, I tried my best to keep up with reading manga this year. I still need to catch up with the majority of on-going manga I’m reading, but here are actually the ones I’ve read this year.

Oshi no Ko: So this year literally started with a bang because Aqua finally exposed the existence of Ai Hoshino’s twins to the world to save Kana’s career. Aaaaaand a bunch of drama after that. I’m pretty sure ONK is a full-fledged soap opera drama at this point lmao. I do appreciate Ruby/Sarina finally getting moooore characterization this year. We got to learn her backstory so that’s awesome. I just think, however, that ONK is going further downhill. Honestly, there’s no need for Aka to make Kana even more miserable man. Even though I’m not a huge Kana fan, I feel like it’s unnecessary for her to go through the drama every other arc? Also, the twincest undertones are also unnecessary. Anyways, the movie filming arc is pretty slog to read right now. Finish it and make the scum dad act already.

Chainsaw Man Part 2: Crazy year for Part 2. We get more of Denji and Asa and they honestly have a heartwarming relationship. Both are weirdos who just wanna live a normal life. Too bad this is the CSM world soooooo. And more Nayuta this year! They just announced Reze arc as a movie the other day so yey for more CSM content. I do actually need to read the rest of part one though lol. Reading every week but missing context on some parts because I haven’t fully read part one…waaaw.

Hyakkano: I caught up! I stopped reading because I was busy and now I finally caught up. So this year we got 5 new girlfriends: Suu the numbers simp, Eira the super strong yet has phobias, Tama the lazy cat, Himeka the “abnormal” idol singer and Matsuri the foul-mouthed gothic lolita. Gonna be honest, Tama is the only gf I like from this new rooster of gfs. I honestly think I like a gf the most when she’s not really over-exaggerated and has a good characterization. Tama got a considerable amount of characterization and development this year since she legit tried to get a job again. Other than her, none of the new gfs stood up this year. I just hope 2024 brings more interesting gfs. Also, Karane is still the best best girl and actually got the first proposal. Based.

Renai Daikou: Aka’s new manga this year is here. Another romcom but this time it’s about an extrovert girl who’s actually introvert and an introvert guy who’s actually extrovert. But fret not, they have two mascots who are there to help them confess to each other. So uhhh Renai Daikou is okay so far. Not really groundbreaking unlike Kaguya, but it’s certainly something to enjoy. But I swear, it’s not an Aka series without the heroine having parental issues.

Masamune no Revenge: Engagement: If you think Masamune couldn’t be any more worse, you’re wrong. This series is so bad from the getgo man. You introduce this new girl who kissed Masamune in the first chapter and tried to be a homewrecker throughout the 11 chapters. Aki should’ve dumped him gaaaahhhh. This manga infuriated me so much, and so did the translator with the translator notes at the end there lol. Honestly, Tiv deserves a much better writer. Look, Masamune started decently…but it kept getting worse. Even though Aki won, I also think she deserves better than that Masamune. See you in four years I guess when they make new Masamune content again.

Spy x Family: This year in SxF we goooot: school trip turned bomb threat arc! more individual chapters! more school chapters! more bits of info about melinda! loid vs yuri arc! Wow just remembering these chapters made me forget that the field trip arc happened this year. That was a fun arc. Seeing how the kids try to act when there’s the impending bomb and terrorists in the bus was wew. Ofc Anya saved the day, but funny to see how Damian tried too. Loid almost got wrecked in his battle with Yuri too wow. Lots of high tension chapters happened this year, but I do hope the plot reaaaaallly starts moving forward. The extra chapter where we got a small yet very important detail about Anya got everyone so curious. Give us all the deets axeman!

Mao and Shadows House: I didn’t put them in the collage but I’m up to date okay! For Mao, the plot is moving steadily, but I’m still sad there’s no anime adaptation yet. Come onnnnnn guys this manga is actually better than Rinne imo. On the other hand, Shadows House really went crazy this year WEW. So we got a new set of Star Bearers, new kids who didn’t get brainwashed, and Robe-sama being actually an antagonist. I’m honestly curious how crazier SH will go in the future because it has such a large cast at this point man. Goodluck, Emilico and Kate!

Noragami: So uhh I finally caught up with Noragami and can I just say… what in the world happened in this manga??? It was just full of nonstop suffering mamma mia. The manga ended and I know some of the leaks so far, but oh my gosh Adachi really made suffer Yato, Hiyori and Yukine in the last two-thirds man. I do think Yukine’s arc didn’t need to be this way. He was perfectly fine after he got purified in season one, but he became insufferable again once he joined that scum father’s side because he wanted to know how he died. I think his life was pretty tragic, but Adachi didn’t need to make Yukine unlikeable again. Anyways, Noragami man…incredible series but lots of suffering. Once again, we are asking for a third season Bones.

Kimi ni Todoke: It took me 8 years, but I read and finished Kimi ni Todoke this year. There has been more drama and misunderstanding after season two, but the payoff is really worth it. I guess I’m one of the people who thinks Kazehaya is just a nice guy. He is actually. But the manga really shows you that he’s more than just a nice guy. He’s actually very flawed and he will always be a jerk for not properly communicating with Sawako what he wants in their relationship. But anyways…other highlights are Ayane and Kento and Sawako and Kurumi. Man, I was so gutted about AyaKent…their breakup chapter also broke my heart because I was rooting for them so hard. But it is what it is. And I was honestly surprised that Ayane and Pin didn’t happen. I knew that she was gonna actually fall for him later on, but I didn’t expect for her to get rejected! I guess props to Shiina for handling them properly. And Sawako and Kurumi……..Kurumi’s redemption is seriously good and I love how honest and open she became to Sawako. And Sawako’s character development herself is so good. Honestly, KimiTodo is a good manga. It’s more than just a romance between Sawako and Kazehaya. It’s also about living yourself in high school and growing up. Made me miss high school ngl. But yes, I’m so stoked that there’s gonna be season 3!!!!!!!!!! Please adapt everything IG I am begging you.

Kekkon Desuka: Rika and Takuya’s story ended this year. They really went from strangers who got more speech bubbles during conversations to actually MARRIED! I really enjoyed Kekkon Desuka and I’m super happy for Wakaki because this one was a success compared to the previous manga he wrote. Obviously, Kekkon Desuka was not perfect and I think the series could’ve benefitted if it had another arc, but Wakaki tied everything nicely. More than just what a marriage is, Kekkon Desuka is also about relationships. I like how Wakaki was able to show the realities of life while not being too grim about it. As Rika says, they still have a long road ahead of them! (this is straight out of twgok finale too lmao). I am sooooooo happy that 1) this got an english license (thank u wakaki for quoting my tweet hehe) and 2) it’s getting an ANIME!!! Now, I really hope they give it to a good studio and get a good adaptation!!!

Lastly, just wanna give a huge shoutout to Magical Girl Raising Project because it ended this year. I need to catch up actually because I haven’t read since Black. But I know what happened thanks to the spoilers and I just wanna say…wow. Snow White had such a rough journey but she made it. Finally, the evil has been defeated and SW’s story is over, but the world of Mahouiku will continue! And hooray for season two!!!! I wanna see how they adapt the crazy Restart arc!!!

Well that’s it for this year’s review! Wew, I think this is the craziest review preparation I did so far.

But I wanna give a special shout to one of the highlights of my 2023: Japan arc.

When your dream becomes reality…

Everything still feels so surreal, but yes I had the opportunity to visit Japan this past June for 6 days. As an anime nerd, I enjoyed Akihabara so much that I could probably spend a day there and still feel like I need to explore it more! (I guess I understand Konoha’s love for Akiba now haha).

But being an anime nerd aside, I enjoyed what Japan offered. Good food, good transportation (wow got to experience the skyliner too). We went to Shibuya and recreated the Your Name staircase scene hahahaha. Tokyo Tower was beautifuuuuuul. It feels surreal as huge CCS fan. I literally grew up watching Sakura on that tower. Spent so much money on souvenirs and anime merch and my feet hurt every single day lol.

But I guess our main highlight was our kimono experience in Narita. The locals were looking at us and some of them even greeted us. Super polite and respectful. Thinking back, I would change some things (like not buying souvenirs during the first three days rip), but it was really an honor to visit a dream country of mine. Arigatou gozaimasu, Nippon.

And that’s it for 2023!!!! Until next time!

2022 in Review

It’s that time of the year!

I must say, this year has been pretty good for anime. Lots of sequels came out and also new shows for me to like of course.

Also anime-related wise, I spent a lot of money this year lmao. BUT I finally had the chance to go to an anime convention so I’m pretty happy about this.

But without further ado, let’s talk anime in 2022 review!!!!

Winter 2022: The battle between two giant mainstream shows aka SNK and KNY

Basically the start of the year was Kimetsu and Shingeki.

Frankly, I’m pretty indifferent about SNK now after reading the ending 2 years ago. Still, Part 2 of the Final Season animated the two best chapters of the series, so I was still looking forward to it. And it delivered of course! Oh and look forward to Final Season Part 3 for the conclusion lmao.

On the other hand, Kimetsu reaaaaally went all out once again animating the RLD arc. And once again, ufotable expanded the arc, so I’m sure they will do it again in the Swordsmith Village arc. Speaking of that, I’m excited for it squeeee Mui and Mitsuri in action next year!

Other than those two big shows though…this season was pretty eh I guess. Vanitas no Karte Part 2 was good, though my favorite parts were with Vanitas and Jeanne…hehe. How A Realist Part 2 was eh and I don’t remember anything from that isekai show sorry. Takagi S3 was cute as always, it even got a movie that I haven’t watched yet. Koroshi Ai was fun but I admittedly watched the show for Hiro Shimono. His character was trying so hard to seduce Saori Onishi’s character lmao.

And then we got Sono Bisque/Kisekoi. Oh boy Kisekoi was something else. It was funny, horni…but most importantly, it had a heart. Of course, it’s a CloverWorks show after all! Still, I enjoyed it a lot and made me appreciate Shouya Ishige more. Look, I’m not the biggest fan of Yusaku/Playmaker, but I’m glad to hear the VA voice a nice protag. Wakana Gojo is a great character because he has so much passion in what he’s doing, and that’s why best girl Marin starts liking him. It’s a cute romcom show for sure.

And new year means new precure! Delicious Party Precure is pretty much a show about food. I just finished the latest episode earlier, so we’re definitely heading toward the endgame. Personally, I enjoy the show…but I find that it focused on the other cures too much that the pink cure didn’t get character development as of later episodes. Basically, it felt pretty slow at times. But the villain reveal in episode 41 immediately reminded me of Hugtto lmao. Oh and I even rewatched Hugtto last August…Still though I like DP for what it is.

And lastly, 86 is here because the last two episodes of part 2 got delayed to March, and gosh the wait was so worth it. So worth it that I checked the later volumes because I NEEDED to see more of Lena and Shin. Their reunion in that battlefield was emotionally gripping and the whole scene being accompanied with Sawano’s OST was just *chef’s kisss* AMAZING!!! You see, I’m not a big fan of stoic overpowered badass guys. (It all started with onii-sama) But Shin is different. He’s OP yes, but he carries such a big burden and he’s just so humane compared to his predecessor. And him getting saved by Lena in that battlefield adds more weight to his character. Honestly gosh I think Shin is Chiba Shouya’s magnum opus and is a better character than 50% aka Ayanokoji-kun (but we’ll talk about him and his sequel show later ofc). 86 was wonderful and deserves a second season.

So that’s all for winter! Now we go into the romcom season.

Spring 2022: The romcom season

Why the romcom season? Let’s see: Kaguya S3, Komi-san S2, Shikimori-san, Aharen-san, Cuckoo, Rikekoi S2, KoiSeifuku…I think I got most of them but see this is why I say spring 2022 is the romcom season.

You see…I first read Kaguya chapter 136 back in January 2019. It was a Monday morning, and I was looking out for the spoilers…and when the legendary kiss scene came out? I was screaming YEAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! and was like “I want to see this animated one day!!!” So yeah, seeing A-1 deliver it this year was just so great to see the Cultural Festival arc adapted. And Maki Shijo.

Komi-san S2 was also nice and honestly hearing Aoi Koga play a tsundere genius and a shy beauty in the same season was just something else. I enjoy Komi-san but I wish it wasn’t so random at times. Last time I check the manga had 384 chapters and they’re in 3rd year…imagine beating Nisekoi like that lmao.

Shikimori-san was nice. Saori Onishi once again. Surprisingly though, it was Aharen-san that had the kissu on the lips…even tho Shikimori established the couple at the start…Cuckoo’s Fiance was eh like what I expected. I stopped reading the manga because I was getting bored and 100gf was better (even tho I speedread the latter too lol). Hiro worst girl.

Rikekoi S2 though? Oh my goodness what happened man? I actually forgot about the show until I looked in MAL…but S2 shifted into a different genre in the last few episodes and the reveal in the end that Kanade (aka the only sane character in the show) also likes the male lead??????!? For what reason man…I mean I remember I discovered the manga via Facebook years ago and found the premise super interesting. Two scientists love each other, but are trying to figure out why. I even read the manga until the translation stopped at some point. I was pretty happy when it got an anime…and season 2. Then the Kanade arc happened and it just crashed man. It didn’t need to be that dark and it didn’t need to be that dramatic. But anyways that’s me ranting about a show I want to forget lol.

Thankfully though, Love After World Domination aired in the same season and I still got my weekly dose of laughter and fluff. I actually watched the show after 5 episodes because I heard good stuff about it. And boy it was such a fun show. Shame that the manga ended abruptly…Still though, seeing a sentai and a villain trying to hide their relationship was hilarious.

Sequels! Shield Hero S2 was hilariously bad that they couldn’t even bother animating a big turtle…Also the dialogue was worse than in the first season. Dude, I enjoyed S1 and loved the openings, but S2 was pretty bad. Even the OP. I hope S3 gets better…Date A Live IV got a new studio for the nth time and luckily this time it doesn’t have JC-quality animation (I’m sorry JC ily but S3’s animation was pretty bad). Also gave more Tenka aka Dark Tohka. And it’s getting a 5th season…I’m happy but in pain as a TWGOK fan…I just hope S5 adapts the most important volume properly. Aaaand I won’t be surprised if S6 happens to finish the story.

The only isekai that I watched this season besides Shield Hero S2 was Skeleton isekai. It was because Ono Katsumi directed the show…Pretty fun though. I am saddened though that I didn’t watch Ya Boy Kongming. I even had to dance the OP dance in Otakuthon because I joined a game lmao.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Go Rush aka the 8th instalment in the yugioh franchise. Many people, including myself, got surprised when they announced that SEVENS was ending back in March. I saw the logo leak and I was like “wut” But now that the show has 39 episodes I must say…I guess the show is a sequel of SEVENS but is the past of the show? Still has a lot of mystery. And while I enjoy the reappearances of SEVENS character incarnations, I also find that it bogs down the show a lot because it can’t form its own identity. But anyways, looking forward to see what year 2 has for us.

And RIP Kazuki Takahashi. Thank you for giving us yugioh…

Last two shows I wanna talk about: Summertime Render and SPY x Family.

I just wanna say… I don’t regret watching STR. I actually know the name because of someone I follow on bird app read it. Also *cough*remindedthemoferehisu*cough* But man, another super interesting and emotionally gripping time travel story man. I was pretty much at the edge of my seat every week because there were so much high stakes in the story. The protags didn’t have a lot of upperhand most of the time because the villains were following them when they reset the timeline. And there were tries as well. Honestly? Just a super good show and I love that it got to adapt the whole manga! One of my favorites this year.

And Spy x Family! Everyone knew it was going to get an anime at some point, but man it really grew mainstream this year. So mainstream I got to buy 2 SxF tshirts from Uniqlo. But anyways, everyone and their moms had high expectations for this adaptation and WIT and CloverWorks definitely delivered! I finished watching the show yesterday and I’m glad it’s getting a second season and a movie. Can’t wait to see the Bond chapter animated lol. But yeah. I started reading it around chapter 20ish and I love it ever since. Also Damian/Anya is like the second coming of SyaoSaku so I’m like hnnnngggg puppy love i knooow. But anyways, definitely glad to see SxF this year.

So that’s all for season of romcoms! Now we go into summer.

Summer 2023: Sequels everywhere!

I basically call this season the season of sequels because just look at those sequels right there man.

Before the sequel talk…let’s talk about the new shows first. I didn’t watch Call of the Night and Lycoris Recoil so yeah.

Isekai Ojisan! I actually didn’t pay attention to this show until I watched it with my cousin and that’s when I decided to watch it all through. Very funny and it has Takehito Koyasu so it was extra good. It was basically a finished isekai where the ojisan just shows his isekai adventures to his nephew and his nephew’s osananajimi. Too bad it’s not ending until next year because of production problems. But I enjoy it regardless.

Ayumu, Stepsis ex-gf, Suspicious Maid for the romcoms… Ayumu was okay but that was it, also slowburn ofc. It’s expected for the Takagi author. Speaking of, the author really got 3 anime adaptations of their mangas (Takagi S3, Ayumu, Tsubaki ninja) this year huh! Good for them. On the other hand, My Stepmom’s Daughter is My Ex wins the most bizarro title of the year but I watched it for Shimono (and Rina Hidaka because she kept on getting romcom roles this year lol) and honestly? It had a story to tell despite the bizarre title and synopsis. It had a Kaguya element for the first few eps and then we find out later on it was basically a story of two teenagers who loved each other but were still too immature to be in love. So yeah! Also thank goodness one of the male lead’s girl friends didn’t fall for him. All platonic friendship in the end. Rikekoi S2 could never. But I enjoyed this bizarre-titled show for what it is. The Maid I Hired Recently is Suspicious was a late arrival and I watched it because Rie Takahashi (also this series reunited the Mahou Tsukai Precure trio hah) and I didn’t expect it to be a full-blown love story? I don’t know what to feel about that tbh but oh well.

Tokyo Mew Mew New! Okay so I didn’t watch the OG TMM so I essentially know nothing about the show and watched it because I want to see the reboot. It was fun to watch but I couldn’t help but think how boring mister nice guys Aoyama is. Also, I can just hear Yasaharu Takanashi all over the show because of the soundtrack. It’s sad to learn that the author passed away few months before the reboot started though…RIP Mia Ikumi.

Sequels talk now. For the record, I also didn’t watch Hataraku Maou-sama S2 because I didn’t watch S1. I didn’t hear good things about it though. And the LN ending lmao.

Kanokari S2! The trash continues and after seeing the legendary chapter 218 just before 2021 ended…I must say my perception of the series completely changed lol. But anyways, more Kazuya being a simp and Chizuru being indecisive and stubborn and more of worst girl Ruka. Seriously man. I love Nao Toyama but she voiced two worst girls this year: Hiro and Ruka. But yeah, everyone in the show is terrible besides Sumi and I’m sooooooo glad it’s getting a third season.

Classroom of the Elite S2 came back after 5 years and did it deliver the most anticipated arc? I guess so. But I feel sad that the animation quality is somehow worse even though it had five years in the making…But yes, I watched the anticipated 50% vs Dragon Boy fight in a restaurant and lmao it was hilariously brutal. Speaking of 50%, I will once again say that I do not like him because there’s just no nuance to his character even though he’s supposed to be coldhearted and manipulative. Meh. At least they gave Kei Karuizawa the spotlight because best girl right? Nah for me it’s smug girl Arisu Sakayanagi.

Overlord S4 had a full-out one-sided war this season where we get to see a crazy psycho princess dance in the end. Ahh Yasuno Kiyono really nailed it as Princess Renner…but really though Overlord content is always nice to see. Also the opening is such a banger! And then you have Danmachi S4 which really REALLY upped the stakes and gosh that cliffhanger in the end is illegal. I’m glad S4 part 2 is airing this January…but yeah I feel very tensed every week I watch a new episode because they’re going to a deeper floor and it screams danger…I honestly like Danmachi so I’m glad JC is continuing with it.

Made in Abyss S2 oh boy season two was something else. Brutal and heartwrenching man and Misaki Kuno should get an award for her performance as Faputa and Irumyuui. The craziest thing is she also voiced another crazy character that season: Haine from STR. She even tweeted that she lost her voice because of voicing Faputa…so yeah I have so much respect for her for her incredible performances this season. Special shoutout to Yuka Terasaki too as Vueko and I was like “hmm that name sounds familiar…*checks out* wait Ruka?!” But yeah, MIA has always been incredible, and S2 upped everything and it was worth it in the end.

And lastly…Shadows House S2. I’m sooooo happy that Shadows House got S2 because I love the show. I love the manga even though there are waaaaaay too many characters. So they adapted Robe-sama arc this season and they did it well. Obviously I wish they do a third season now because that’s when we’ll see the 5 kids and Kate’s backstories…but yes I was just so happy to see it back.

So that’s all for summer! Now we go into the faaaaaaall.

Fall 2022: HYPEEEEEE Season

To say that this season is hype is probably an understatement. But it was really hype.

You got the most anticipated anime ever: Chainsaw Man.

The most anticipated sequels: BNHA S6, Mob Psycho 100 S3, Fumetsu S2 and Pop Team Epic S2 (to some extent) Bleach and Iruma S3 (I didn’t watch these two tho).

And then SxF part 2 though. So it was a stacked season.

So let’s start with the sequels. Honestly? BNHA S6 freaking delivered this season gosh. I remember seeing the spoilers with Dabi being Endeavor’s oldest son and seeing it adapted was pretty cool. If only I didn’t get spoiled huh?! Anyways as always Shimono…as always his performance was great and he should definitely play more villain roles. (And be in yugioh please) But yeah BNHA gets better and better every season. Idk exactly what’s happening in the manga now but I heard it’s going towards endgame now so heh!

To Your Eternity S2 is…fun so far. It feels more fast-paced than S1 though. Also worse animation quality but I guess it’s because NHK didn’t give Brains Base enough time. But Koyasu is the perfect seiyuu for Bon and he’s such a best boy. I’m looking forward to see everyone get resurrected though! I wanna see March again! Pop Team Epic S2 is as kuso anime as ever and I got to test my seiyuu ears every week. I swear, I think I learned that I’m pretty good at recognizing voices because of poputepipicu lol.

And then you have Mob Psycho 100 S3 which literally ended the show on a super high note. I’m not the biggest Mob fan, and I admit I forgot what happened in the first 2 seasons, but gosh this season couldn’t have been even better. We got Mob vs Dimple and Mob vs everyone else. Mob’s final arc had an incredible message for everyone and I just love how we get to see Mob finally accepting himself and Reigen being really honest with Mob. Bones really did a good job adapting MP100 and all in all…Mob laughed!

Now with the new shows! I didn’t watch Bocchi the Rock, Akiba Maid War, Blue Lock and G-Witch Gundam so there’s that…I kept on seeing them everywhere but I can only watch so much.

I’m the Villainess, So I’m Taming the Final Boss, Bibliophile Princess and Raven of the Inner Palace were basically my romance gateways for this season. I watched Akulas because of Yuichiro Umehara. I watched Bibliophile because of Reina Ueda and I watched Raven Consort because of dragon boy Ryuuen’s voice actor (Mizunaka Masaaki) lol. But I did enjoy them for what they are….Raven Consort was the least romantic out of them all though because it was mostly a fantasy-mystery-drama anime. But then you have the MYSTERIOUSSSSS opening and the ending (I like the ending) so yeah. Bibliophile Princess was making me happy until it didn’t. Eliana Beeernsteeeein became a wattpad female lead and doubted her beloved Christopher for the sake of drama. I’m just like whyyyyy did it need to happen…Sighs. Anyways at least Aileen saved the day because I love this villainess. I was actually unsure if I should watch Akulas but I did and Umehara should voice more isekai bishounen character man. Luckily he’s gonna be voicing another lead next year yie! But yeah, Akulas started really strong and Aileen was such a strong character (also added by the fact that Rie Takahashi voices her). The school arc was still fun…but what happened after that was just unnecessary. Look, I like amnesia arc and everything, but it felt so out of place in Akulas and made me dislike the show a bit. We really didn’t need Claude-sama to lose his memories tbh. But anyways, this year didn’t really have a lot of shoujo presence (romcom season still consisted or romcom shounen shows tho) so hopefully 2023 gives me GOOD ROMANCE.

Chainsaw Man aka the most anticipated show this year ever since the anime was announced last year. Personally, I find the show “ok” and I feel that it had a different identity from the manga. Not that I’m saying that it’s a bad thing but I guess Fujimoto’s style is unique and it’s hard to translate it into the anime medium. I say this because I read Fujimoto’s one shot this year Goodbye, Eri and he really has a unique style of his own. Also the show felt like JJK I guess because same studio and some of the staff also worked on JJK. But yeah, I should probably really read the manga because I’m reading part two even though I haven’t read the whole manga lol.

POST-EDIT: I can’t believe I forgot about The Eminence in Shadow until I saw a pic yesterday lmao. Basically an isekai where the protag is so chuuni that it’s hard to take him seriously lol. It’s pretty cool for what it is, and that’s pretty much it. Again, I like flawed characters so chuuni OP characters like Shadow-sama isn’t my cup of tea. He’s a cool mob character though!

Last one that I wanna talk about is the Urusei Yatsura reboot. I mean I did mention in my Maison Ikkoku review that UY pulled back into the Rumiko Takahashi universe haha. But honestly, I just feel a lot of love from David Production for this reboot because gosh the effort in every episode! It’s not without its flaws ofc (too fast-paced at times) but it’s such a fun anime and fun reboot. And watching the funny moments in youtube made me realize why Takahashi is so good at comedy. Absurd and over the top, but she writes good comedy. Also I read the last arc and yeap. Even though Ataru and Lum’s relationship is centered around the absurdity of UY, it works and Takahashi made them work. Really, I can say that UY had a great influence on romcoms and I think it’s great that they rebooted the show for the new generation. I might watch the OG next year who knows!

So that’s it for faaaaall and this year’s review! What a year, right?

But this review isn’t over yet!

Movies 2022: I didn’t watch a lot you see…

This year’s movie watching is not the best tbh.

Though I will say however that my biggest accomplishment this year was watching two anime movies in a big screen: Jujutsu Kaisen 0 and Gotoubun no Hanayome Movie. Pretty cool achievement for me tbh because I never get the chance to watch one. Literally the first one I ever watched is Kimetsu no Yaiba and I actually bawled myself watching that movie haha…

But let’s talk about anime movies then! So the first one I watched was Yu-Gi-Oh! Bonds Beyond Time back in January in the middle of my 5D’s watch. It was really a cool crossover and the fact that the plot somehow went back to main 5D’s story because of Paradox was pretty nice. I was actually surprised when I learned that Paradox is one of Z-one’s buddies so that was a nice surprise for me lol. Other than that, it’s great to see Judai again…one of my faves always. Cool crossover movie and 12 years later we finally got another one in Go Rush’s episode 39.

Next one was JJK0 back in March and seeing other weebs in the theatre was pretty nice. I’m not the biggest JJK fan, but I enjoyed it regardless. Also Yuta is cool. I’m always a sucker for characters who starts as weak and scaredy and ends up being badass…that’s what exactly happened to him and bonus point Megumi Ogata voices him lol. Well JJK S2 is next year so hopefully he gets a small cameo at least.

Next movie that I watched was Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure: The Snow Princess and the Miraculous Ring! and that’s when I decided to make a 4th twitter account because I’m just a hot mess and I always tweet my reaction and I didn’t want to flood my main so…lmao. But anyways, I did enjoy the movie and it honestly treated the crossover characters better than the HG movie..The story isn’t as impactful for me, but it did tug the heartstrings during the emotional parts so yeap. Next was Saekano Fine and I know I’m almost three years late but I forgot about watching it so my apologies to best girl Megumi…but then again the movie just solidified her win so I’m quite satisfied. BUT! I’m actually surprised how quiet the movie’s mood is. It’s not like there was a big thing that happened…besides Tomoya’s confession but that’s pretty much it. Everyone got baited in the last 10 minutes though lmao. But yes, Saekano concluded and I’m glad everyone grew up. Even more happy that another best girl wins.

I was originally planning to watch Fruits Basket Prelude in a movie theatre but the show times were only during the night and there’s no showtimes to my nearest one so I just waited for the subs to come out. The movie really did great on adapting Kyoko’s story, but I’m pretty disappointed that the first 30 minutes was essentially a recap…I love kyoru but why…Anyways, Kyoko’s story has always been controversial because 1) age-gap and 2) student-teacher romance. But really I just watched this film in the lens of Kyoko’s character development. Because really she started as a broken character who’s shunned by everyone else. When she finally finds someone who will accept her for who she is, that’s when that love gets taken away from her and we saw how her grief consumed her. But it wasn’t the end of the world for Kyoko…she has someone else with her now even though Katsuya died–their daughter Tohru. So really for me what I liked about this movie is the exploration of Kyoko’s character and why is she such a great influence on Tohru.

(I just realized after writing this that Kyoko Honda and Kyoko Otonashi…both characters who lost their husbands and have the same name! What a coincidence.)

Last three movies! Okay I put Love Me, Love Me Not in the collage because I was honestly planning to watch it this year but couldn’t…I did read the manga a few years back, but I didn’t finish it sadly. But next year for sure I’ll watch okay! I hope!

Urusei Yatsura: The Final Chapter and Maison Ikkoku: The Final Chapter. So apparently these two films went back-to-back release back in the ’80s but I decided to watch UY Final Chapter out of a whim…because I read the final arc and I wanted to see the adaptation lol. I really liked it. It was pretty much 1:1 adaptation but the final 10 minutes with Ataru and Lum’s tag game was great. Him having flashbacks of Lum while saying “I won’t forget about you!” is the best scene and even better scene because it elevated the manga chapter didn’t have it. Really the movie was about two stubborn people who almost doomed the world because they’re stubborn and they love each other. On the other hand, I was honestly disappointed with MI Final Chapter and I was looking forward to it too…The movie took place in one night, but it felt like it lasted for 453945 nights lmao. I just hated how it focused more on the other characters. It should’ve been really about the main couple…Yeah I said it in my MI review but I just didn’t like how we needed to deal with Ibuki’s shenanigans again. But anyways, that’s my sentiments about these two Takahashi movies.

Gotoubun movie was the other movie that I watched in a movie theatre this year and let me tell you some of the people walked out when the winner was chosen lol…But in my honest opinion, the movie should’ve been a 3rd season instead. I mean the studio still won anyways because the movie generated a lot of profit, but really cramming 25 chapters in a 2-hour movie is not a good idea. Also Crunchyroll’s subs were pretty terrible. For the movie itself, it was enjoyable, but it felt like a string of flashbacks here and there and since they were adapting ~25 chapters so there was no time to breathe. And of course the honeymoon trip made it… Really, my thoughts about 5toubun really changed after the ending. I was on board with Yotsuba’s win, but the ending pretty much soured it and looking back, she should’ve had more character development. But anyways, let’s see if Negi’s improves when his new sentai anime comes out.

Overall, didn’t really watch a lot of anime movies this year, which is funny too because I watch a lot of movies this year in a movie theatre. Hopefully more next year? There’s Suzume, Kaguya movie and Kimetsu special screening (last two episodes of RLD and the Upper Moon meeting) and yeah! That’s all for movie reviews.

Manga 2022: Also wasn’t up in my game but I did read!

To be honest, my manga game hasn’t been good for the past few years…it’s pretty hard to keep up with them.

Like looking at my MAL manga list, I am like super behind with some of the mangas that I’m reading. Like there’s AkaYona, CCS Clear Card (this one tho it’s hard to find translations), Choujin X, Goblin Slayer, Kono Oto Tomare, Noragami and Otoyomegatari. I mean I could catch up with some of them but we’ll see lol.

But with the ones that I was closely following and caught up…let’s talk about them eh!

So Spy x Family this year pretty much dealt with Loid’s backstory as well as starting a new arc: School trip-turned-into-hostage arc. Loid’s backstory really elevated his character, and we get to see why he fights for what he thinks is right. Also Endo showing why war is bad and always unnecessary. The school trip arc so far is preeeetty intense but I’m really excited to see how it concludes next year. BUT! The other highlight this year is Yor’s meeting with Melinda Desmond. Oh boy that chapter really surprised everyone including me…I know that SxF is pretty slowburn and it builds itself every arc, but I do hope we get major stuff happen next year.

On the other hand, Oshi no Ko got really intense this year because double the star means double the trouble. I’m really glad that Ruby finally gets to shine this year though cuz she’s supposed to be one of the main characters as well. And then you have Aqua and Akane breaking up this year………………screw me I guess. But yeah, anime finally got announced for next spring as well as English license. I miiiight buy it but I need a bookshelf for realsies…But yeah! More revenge next year baby.

Shadows House got bigger and bigger this year tho tbh I can’t remember what happened this year besides Oliver regaining his memories as a human. And Patrick/Ricky and Barbara/Barbie character developments…The author got busy during S2 so there were longer breaks. But yeah, my biggest concern is that the manga will drag on because of how big the cast is. But we’ll have to see what happens next year with the sunshine gang.

I put Chainsaw Man Part 2 and Maison Ikkoku just because…again I spoiled myself with CSM’s ending so I was like “whatever let’s read part two” and it’s actually pretty good so far. Asa is a flawed protag and I love flawed protags. I honestly should’ve put Goodbye, Eri cuz I actually read that one-shot this year and it was bombastic for real. It was basically Fujimoto flexing his love for cinema and movies and it was just a wild ride. I will read MI manga though….I was going to this month but I got busy writing the anime review instead lol.

So for the mangas that I caught up! 100 Girlfriends Who Really Really Really Really Really Love You is a wild ride as always. I think there are 21 girlfriends as of now? (checks tvtropes: 22 girlfriends!) so yeah…Tbh, I like it, but I couldn’t keep up with the girlfriends now lol. Really for me the best girl is Karane…the tsundere ofc! But it would be so funny if Rentarou gets a “normal” gf because all of his girlfriends have a certain archetype/quirk so far. I think the other archetypes that the manga doesn’t have so far are: twins, yandere, cuckoolander, stuco president and more that I forgot lol. But yeah, whenever I feel like catching up I will catch up with 100gfs to see what craziness we have once again.

On the other hand, I caught up with Mao during my Takahashi phase. And I was literally reading it during my psych class lol. I’m actually impressed with this manga so far. There’s a clear mystery and instead of resolving it easily, Takahashi is spreading it out so it makes the manga more interesting. Also, there is actually romance and it’s pretty cute compared to Rinne. It’s not blatantly obvious, but Mao and Nanoka’s relationship gets to be developed and they’re both not tsunderes so there’s no osuwari and baka baka moments lol. I just think that Takahashi improved her writing with Mao and I’m excited to see where the manga goes because there are clear stakes behind the plot.

Then there’s Are You Really Getting Married? and oh boy I tell you this manga…At first, everyone and their cats thought this manga was just going to be about two introverts trying to protect their introverted lives by signing a marriage contract. Then Wakaki goes ahead and makes a romance manga while also tackling serious irl issues. Like I just noticed that it started to gain more attention in r/manga so I started catching up and I’m like “Yep that’s Wakaki’s new hit alright. Give us the anime adaptation!” But yeah, I really enjoy this manga. Compared to TWGOK’s wacky romcom shenanigans and supernatural elements, Kekkon Desuka is more grounded and hits you right in the face. While TWGOK hits you with the debate about ideal vs real, Kekkon Desuka basically hits you with reality yep why do people have to get married mate. Also we get to see how Takuya and Rika’s relationship develops and it reminded me why Wakaki is pretty good at romance. Like seeing them kiss for like 4 pages and chapter 86 man…chapter 86…I think it’s neat to see how two introverts develop and they really do grow as individuals and as a couple. Wakaki’s art and writing definitely improved with Kekkon Desuka and I justttt gaaaah I wish for an anime adaptation. I need to watch the live-action, but anime adaptation please! It has the perfect Reiwa romance energy….

Last but not least, Kaguya-sama: Love is War ended this year. I still remember back in 2019 wondering if Kaguya and Shirogane will ever end up with each other and chapter 136 rolled around and I was like YES! and the next arc concluded with them kissing and dating and I’m like YES! And then the rest was history.

I’m gonna be honest though, the last 14 chapters of Kaguya really soured my opinion of the series. By the time I read the ending I was like “Well I guess Kaguya is officially over.” When Aka announced that he’s gonna end Kaguya, I was like “wait but third year just started no???” And yeah I was preeeeetty salty that we never got Freshman, Summer chapter after all! But yeah, my feelings for the series changed in those 14 chapters. And even the arc before that which dealt with Kaguya’s family…But really what made me pretty salty is the conclusion of IshiMiko. I guess it was another case of AOT ending because the fandom was split about it. Personally, I’m in the dislike side because I don’t understand why they became Kaguya and Shirogane 2.0. They’re pretty much different from the other couple and I think it’s unnecessary that their Maybe Ever After ending was trying to make the other person confess. I don’t mind that they didn’t become a couple at the end, I’m super bothered with how they went to ShiroKagu route instead. Really made me salty lmao. Honestly I think the IshiMiko doujin that I read years ago spoiled me too much that I got high expectations for them in the series proper…Oh well.

Overall though, Kaguya is not a perfect manga by all means and it had its highs and lows. The best high for me will always be chapter 136 and the actual best high is chapter 45. Kaguya broke a ton of romcom tropes while also presenting real growth with the characters. If anything, Kaguya is the new standard for romcoms and I definitely agree with the comments saying that romcom authors should stop stalling already! Why go through 100+ chapters of romcom shenanigans and misunderstandings? Get together and solve couple problems. There. I’m very happy for Aka though for striking gold with Kaguya. 3 seasons and a movie and another hit with ONK. I think he could improve his writing furthermore though. He said he’s gonna retire as a manga artist and focus more as a writer, so I certainly hope the best for him.

Bye-bye, Kaguya!

So that’s it for the manga talk! Actually I just finished Wakaki’s 2015 manga earlier: The Screw People but it was last minute because I didn’t even know it got fully-translated last year lol. Basically, very philosophical manga, but Wakaki literally went it to get roasted by his characters lmao. It was a nice read regardless and IT HAD KAMINOMI CONTENT! Keima and Elsie cameo I am just finding that out after 9 years lmao. Yeah…I really want new TWGOK content…

Let’s see what 2023 brings.

Soooo before ending this review I just need to do a special shoutout to…

Ash Ketchum World Champion!!! November 11, 2022 is the date!

PM Journeys ended a few weeks ago and finally. FINALLY. Ash is a world champion. After 22 years of defeat and 3 years of debating whether he’ll win against Leon or not….we get to see it this year! It trended worldwide too.

And it finally erased my bitterness about Kalos League. Tbh, I was happy for him for Alola League, but his win should’ve been really in Kalos. But here we get to see him defeat Steven, Cynthia and Leon so WOOHOOOO!!! Lost opportunity fighting Alain though…I still wanted that revenge win lol…

And then we get the announcement that he’s retiring as the Pokemon anime protag and we’ll see 2 new protags next April. Unlike many people, I’m really happy that his journey will finally end next year. Like what’s next for Ash anyways? Being a Pokemon Master is broad term too and looks like they’re answering that in the 11-episode finale…But yeah, I think that Ash’s story deserves to have a conclusion and I’m glad that they finally decided to give him a conclusion.

Soooo that’s it for 2022! It was definitely a good year for anime and manga and movies, and I got to watch and read a lot this year so yipee. Until next time!

Maison Ikkoku: The House of Chaos, Laughter, Tears and Love

The most chaotic house ever.

So I’ve been in my Rumiko Takahashi phase lately. You can all thank the new Urusei Yatsura anime for that. And I was really thinking about watching Maison Ikkoku because I heard a lot of things about it. And of course, I was watching the Rumic World NHK poll and saw bits of it. So I’m like “yeah let’s do it!”

The problem is…I was towards the end of my semester when I decided to watch it. I was pretty stoopid, but you know what…I don’t regret watching it at this point in my life.

The thing is, Takahashi’s works are pretty much about zany antics, lots of fighting and powers and adventures aaaand basically most of her series have fantasy elements on them. Inuyasha was first Takahashi anime and one of my childhood shows. Ranma 1/2 was also one of my childhood shows (I remember watching it in Tagalog dub! Time flies so faaast) though I never actually got to finish it haha…Kyoukai no Rinne was pretty fun, but it’s not my favorite Takahashi show. Mao is pretty good so far though.

But Maison Ikkoku? Not a hint of the fighting and powers. This series is the most grounded Takahashi series ever.

But as a Takahashi series? Yep, some characters are giant douchebags lol *looking at the MI residents*

Still…I just found myself being so invested in the show as it went on. And now that I finished it (actually finished it weeks ago), I want to talk about what makes Maison Ikkoku special. Let’s talk about the most chaotic house, Maison Ikkoku.

Widow. Alcoholic. Casanova. Voyeur. Ronin. Redhead. Dense. Clingy. Demure. Yep, they are the Maison Ikkoku characters.

What’s really interesting about Maison Ikkoku is it’s really a character-driven show. Whenever a character makes a decision, there is a consequence, whether it be good or bad. Of course, the overarching plot is whether the poor and broke ronin will end up with his beautiful manager who can’t let go of her deceased husband. But the show makes sure that we get to know these characters better.

But then again, I found myself usually keen whenever the episode was about Yusaku and Kyoko. And when it’s about Kyoko visiting her late husband’s grave.

And the time in the show moves! Unlike Takahashi’s other series, Maison Ikkoku went on a 6-year journey during its publication, so she decided to do the same in-universe and Yusaku’s journey also went in for 6 years.

The show starts with Yusaku trying to enter college, and the show ends with Yusaku getting a job and starting a family. You don’t really see this kind of story where we see the main character’s journey throughout. The biggest one that I could think of right now is Mushoku Tensei (and an impressive one too…from baby to old age) but anyways. I think it was really awesome to see Yusaku’s journey.

But before talking about him (and Kyoko and their relationship!), let’s talk about these crazies and wackies.

They will drive everyone crazy every episode!

When I say that Maison Ikkoku is the most chaotic house ever, I mean it. We get Hanae Ichinose (1) the nosy alcoholic mom who can’t stop gossiping about everything. And then Yotsuya (4) the most mysterious yet the most extreme of them all because he can’t stop being a voyeur and always trying to get free food from Yusaku. Akemi Roppongi (6) the redhead drunkard who’s perpetually tired and sleepy. And not in picture but is also a part of this house…Nozomi Nikaido (2) the college smoker who’s very very very insensitive. I actually wish the anime included him and not just in the movie! I think he’s pretty funny and is a nice addition to the already chaotic cast.

But yes, our drunkard trio. To be honest, I did not like them from the very beginning. I’m still not a big fan of them, but Takahashi likes douchebag characters. Anyways, they are very annoying and very nosy…and very annoying. I call them the peanut gallery, but to be fair, they’re a fun peanut gallery. Without them, there would be no wacky hijinks and no wacky episodes. Like the episode where everyone got stuck in a well because of Yotsuya lol.

Even though they are Yusaku/Kyoko haters, they’re not really also haters? This is mostly attributed to Yusaku’s immaturity and Kyoko’s stubbornness. They aaaalwaaaaays like to interrupt them, but when things matter the most…they help them. Also, they really became like a family later on. Sure, a crazy family.

Also, special shoutout to Akemi. Out of the three of them, I think she had the most interesting character arc. It’s not really clear who she really is, but there was an episode about her where her “boyfriend” asked her to run away with her. She was going to, but she realized her worth and ended up staying. Also, I thought she’s around Yusaku’s age but I guess not? I heard she said she’s older than Kyoko… Anyways, despite being really frank to everyone around her, Akemi has a hidden kindness. In the movie, she lets Ibuki sleep in her room because she knows that she’s hurt, so that’s her way of comforting her. Aaaaand of course, she is the one who puts an end to Kyoko’s stubbornness. I guess part of the reason why she became more sympathetic of Yusaku later on is because Kyoko is stubborn. She is stubborn and won’t listen to any other reason. Akemi even lampshades this in episode 92. I mean, she is brazen, but she cares for them. Also, if you’re an adult and you see these two other adults acting like kids, you’ll get fed up with them too lol. I guess in a way, she represents the audience and is frustrated that Yusaku and Kyoko can’t act like proper adults. She’s an MVP in those last few episodes, so she deserves her ending (even though I was so surprised when they just casually revealed that she moved out to Chachamaru in the last episode lol).

But the chaos doesn’t stop in the house! We get other weirdos outside and one of them is Shun Mitaka (3) the rich tennis coach with shining teeth. Now, Shun is really different from the other Takahashi rivals and that’s because he actually acts like a proper adult. Takahashi even says that Shun is a nice guy despite being Yusaku’s rival. And I agree with that because he was also waiting for Kyoko. He doesn’t really have a bad malice and honestly, I was pretty wary of him when he first appeared because Takahashi rivals tend to be nice yet jerks LOL. Shun gets to have his jerky moments…but he’s generally a nice guy. Also he’s actually 30 so that makes sense. And one of the things I liked the most about him is…him getting over his phobia of dogs! Actually, I was really surprised when he decided to get a dog to get over his phobia…all for Kyoko. I wouldn’t even say that his biggest obstacle was Soichiro-san, it was really Kyoko’s grief and Yusaku himself.

But anyways, Shun getting over his phobia was nice to see because Akira Kamiya’s other Takahashi character, Shutaro Mendou, didn’t get over his nyctophobia and was always played for laughs (but that’s the nature of UY so eh). It was also a gateway to him finally getting his happy ending in a hilarious way because of misunderstandings!

And this comes to my other favorite thing about Shun. He’s a responsible adult. One of his biggest flaws is that he got pretty impatient later on and decided to pressure Kyoko. He already knew deep down that Kyoko won’t choose him even though he gave her an ultimatum. I mean heck, he even told her that the reason why she’s not giving him an answer was because of Yusaku. Still, he did jerky moves and went to get her parents’ approval instead. Yes, Kyoko should’ve straight up told him years ago that she doesn’t see him in a romantic light, but Shun should’ve known too that his love was not going to be reciprocated.

Still, why I say he’s a responsible adult is because he took a big responsibility of marrying Asuna even though it was all because of a misunderstanding. Yes, he could’ve backed out and Asuna would’ve understand (even though she will literally faint because of it lol), but he didn’t. I was really surprised when they got married like a year later because Shun pursued Kyoko for over 4 years and he was really serious about her. But I guess, he was able to move on because of Asuna.

Speaking of which, Asuna Kujo (9) the demure soft-spoken ojousama also added a new flavor in the second-half. Although she wasn’t as impactful as Kozue and Ibuki, I liked her. I do think, however, that there should’ve been more to her than a girl who immediately liked Shun. She was practically absent after Yusaku and her found out Kyoko and Shun in his apartment. We should’ve known what happened to her afterwards. I just think we could’ve learn more about Asuna. Just like how Shun overcame his dog phobia, we could’ve had her trying to overcome her social anxiety. Either way, I must admit that Shun and Asuna had the spiciest kiss in the series lol. And of course, I like how perceptive Asuna is and it’s probably the reason why Shun started to like her.

They even got a cute family! Happy for them.

Another chaos that came in early on is Kozue Nanao (7) the cute and nice and dense “girlfriend”. Thinking about it, I’m also not sure if she’s being intentional or not because she’s hard to read! At first, I thought she was deliberately being a dense to get Yusaku’s attention and she’s just teasing him…but she’s actually serious about him. They even dated for like the first half of the show until she disappeared.

I think the thing with Kozue was that Takahashi didn’t really know what to do with her because of Ibuki. There was an episode where Kozue was worried that Yusaku was gonna break up with her (he wanted to ofc) but she got the reassurance that they’re not breaking up. After that, she didn’t really appear until the baseball episode. And by that time, it seemed like she’s not Yusaku’s “girlfriend” anymore. Aaaand then the “proposal” episode happened and she became relevant one last time.

I mean I understand that Kozue’s role is “to prevent people from speaking their minds” as per Takahashi’s words, but I didn’t really like how she was relegated to the sidelines until it’s time for her to be a relevant character. Sure, I’m not the biggest fan of her, but it was just pretty weird that she became Yusaku’s “girlfriend” then not really in the second half. It makes me wonder if they broke up or did she know that they’re not really in a serious relationship. Either way, I’m like on the fence that she had an idea that the one that Yusaku loves is Kyoko all along. I just wanna think that she knows what she’s doing and not a complete dense lol. She must be!

At least Kozue gets her happy ending!

And the force of nature of the second half arrives: Ibuki Yagami (8) the cute yet psycho student who loves the idea of love. Ahh yes Ibuki…

Thinking about her, I really think I have a love-and-hate relationship with her. I mean, more than any other character, she’s the one who actually challenged Kyoko. Called her out even before Akemi did (for the final nail in the coffin). I like that she never backs down…but I also don’t like how she acted even more selfish as the series went on.

She even had 2 arcs dedicated to her. Her first appearance and the time she ran away because her dad didn’t want to hire Yusaku. By the time she ran away the second time, I was exhausted of her like Yusaku and Kyoko lol. I just think she became too much as much as I love her. Well ofc I don’t like the fact that she relentlessly pursues Yusaku even though it’s obvious that he doesn’t want to. And as much as a coward he is, he doesn’t want Ibuki around him but she chooses to ignore that. All because she’s in love with the idea that she loves him. I think she loves the ideal version of Yusaku tbh. It’s an interesting aspect about her character though. It’s just I think she didn’t get meaningful character development for me to not hate her because…

Oh my gosh she was so overbearing in the Final Chapter movie. She’s part of the reason why I didn’t enjoy the movie that much and the movie spent 2/3rds on Ibuki being annoying because she doesn’t want to accept the fact that her beloved sensei is getting married. I mean it did give us a meaningful Kyoko and Ibuki conversation where we got a verbal confirmation that Kyoko loves Yusaku, but man she really bogged down my enjoyment. The movie should’ve been really about Yusaku and Kyoko tbh.

I know I’m being harsh on Ibuki, but that’s the hate part lol. Now ultimately what I love about her is her rivalry with Kyoko. Well idk what to call it formally but right off the bat she admired Kyoko since she had a successful romance with her sensei. But that admiration turns into jealousy and dislike because she found out that her beloved student-teacher actually loves his manager. It’s the same thing for Kyoko, but with Ibuki she actually acts like a proper adult and treats her with kindness still because that’s who she is.

But Ibuki knew that Kyoko loves Yusaku and challenged her because of it. Yes, she couldn’t understand that what prevents Kyoko from pursuing Yusaku is her late husband, but she also knew that Kyoko is a coward. One of the my favorite Ibuki scenes is the episode where she learns why Kyoko can’t move on, and she was gonna say sorry to her…but called her out instead for being a coward. I justttt really like that scene because Kyoko kinda needed that wake-up call. Ibuki finally understood Kyoko’s struggles, but she won’t accept it. It’s like she’s saying, “So what? If you love him then go to him dammit. Can’t you see the efforts that I’m making just to make him love me?” Ibuki won’t accept that her rival can effortlessly make Yusaku love her while she went through a lot of effort and he just can’t. So that’s why I think she’s the biggest threat for Kyoko. It isn’t because of her efforts to make Yusaku like her, but it’s because Ibuki is her antithesis. While most of the characters adore Kyoko, Ibuki hates her gust and she makes sure that she knows. Idk man, I love their dynamic precisely because of how opposite they are. I think I love their rivalry more than Yusaku and Shun lol.

But yes, Ibuki has a lot of good and ugly sides in her, but I truly believe that she’s the force of nature in this series. Takahashi says that she was easy to draw to the main series and I agree with that. And I can see why Takahashi used her more than Kozue in the latter part…she is the perfect chaos to what already is the chaos in Maison Ikkoku. A true chaotic good/neutral indeed (she fits both of them! a rebel and free spirit lol).

Nice college haircut too. You will move on don’t worry.

Before talking about the maaain couple, I want to give special shoutouts to two other characters: Yukari Godai and Soichiro’s dad. They are such good family members (compared to Shun’s uncle lol) and most especially Soichiro’s dad. I really like him because he cares for Kyoko so much that he encourages her to get remarried. He knew that it’s not healthy for her to be stuck in the past, and I love that he is genuinely happy for her in the last episode. He is such a good father and great father-in-law. Yukari, on the other hand, is also a great grandma. We got a handful of episodes with her too, but she really cares for Yusaku. The fact that she lent him money for the wedding was just…what a great moment for both of them (and episode 95 in general). I think that she’s just a great and based grandma for both Yusaku and Kyoko.

I also don’t want to forget Soichiro the dog and Kentaro. I wish they made Kentaro groooow I mean they only made him grow in the last episode. On the other hand, Ikuko grew up during the series…so that’s really bizarre. But Soichiro the dog is a nice doggo. I always hear Shigeru Chiba tho lol. But at least they’re the least chaotic parts of Maison Ikkoku. More like, the normal residents plus Kentaro’s dad.

From manager and tenant to married couple. 6 years journey with them.



Yusaku Godai (5) the protagonist who fell in love with his apartment manager the moment their eyes locked. Very unlucky ronin, but less unlucky than the unluckiest dude ever, Ataru (also special shoutout to his MI counterpart, Sakamoto lol).

Kyoko Otonashi (0) the beautiful heroine who is the manager in Maison Ikkoku. Very nice, but bears great sadness as she becomes a young widow prior to the start of the series.

Both of these characters are not perfect and are very flawed characters. In fact, Takahashi couples are flawed characters, but it’s because they’re flawed that they thrive better together. I think Takahashi writes great romance and romantic tensions so I can’t complain about that lol.

But really…what makes them both worth investing in is the fact that they’re both flawed characters.

From the very beginning, I was totally crept and cringed out by Yusaku’s actions to impress Kyoko. Like, those first 20 episodes were pretty hard to watch. Especially episode 19 oh gosh I will not speak of that episode. I was not rooting for them at all. But anyways, Yusaku was just pretty terrible for Kyoko because all he was thinking was his feelings. Never about Kyoko’s feelings. When he found out that Kyoko is a widow, his first thoughts were basically: “forget about him! i will make you happy…” For him, Soichiro was a competition. A rival that is even more threatening than Shun because he will forever be perfect in Kyoko’s eyes. The late husband is in his way to get his beloved kanrininsan. Basically…he was pretty immature about his feelings for Kyoko. Although he loves her genuinely, he also thinks that she should love him too. And he just can’t understand Kyoko because he doesn’t know her well enough.

But that changes after a while. And by episode 40s I was like “Oh gosh I actually ship them now???” One biggest example was the fact that Yusaku did not take advantage of Kyoko in the hotel where they were staying for New Year. I mean…he came dangerously close…but he stopped and let her sleep. My opinion of him started to change.


Though you see, Yusaku Godai is immature, pushover, pervy, insensitive, indecisive, selfish and insecure. So many times I get frustrated at him for not ending things with Kozue and not putting Ibuki in her place. Heck, I was so frustrated at him at the Final Chapter because he just can’t tell Ibuki the tru tru. Another reason why I didn’t enjoy that movie so much. So many times I get frustrated at him for not being honest with Kyoko. But man, I’m not gonna lie when I say that his growth was pretty much worth it.

Why I say his growth was worth it? Well it’s because he started to become more mature! Slow and subtle, but he became more serious about his feelings for Kyoko later on. Yes yes he daydreams so much about her it’s so cringy, but he also started to really consider Kyoko’s feelings. Basically, he became patient because he knows that she’s not ready for a new relationship yet. And also, when he said that he’s gonna graduate and get a good job, that’s when I knew that he’s not the same Yusaku from the first 20 episodes…She became a part of his goals in life and that made him properly consider his future.

Also, I guess what really made me start to get attached more to Yusaku is him being an Education major. When I said I don’t regret watching this show at this point in my life I meant watching it as a uni student. Of all the things I didn’t know about this show that I’m glad I didn’t get spoiled is Yusaku being an Education major. I was legit surprised seeing him being a tutor for Ikuko (and Kentaro sometimes) and I was like “Oh boi something I could actually relate him to.” Admittedly, I was a bit confused why he’s an Education major but was trying to be a salaryman afterwards…But anyways. I mean the show didn’t really go through the struggles of being an Education major, but I definitely know the struggles of being a college/university student. Not on Yusaku’s level though because I don’t live in an apartment with chaotic people/lovely manager, but the the struggle of a student trying to pass their class, trying to pass their exams, trying to find a job, trying to survive internship…and trying to figure out what to do in future. I definitely felt Yusaku’s struggles as a broke college student.

One of my favorite Yusaku scenes is him refusing Ibuki’s dad’s offer for a job. As he says, he’s gonna find his own path and he even refused his offer from the first time. Ofc, he was still happy to get that recommendation, but he had that integrity that he developed over the course of years. And of course, he finally decided to become a pre-school teacher and man was I so proud of him. Speaking of which, despite being a wimpy guy, he’s reaaaally good with kids. Like, it gives me joy whenever he interacts with kids and I’m glad he became one. He decided to become one because he’s good at it AND he loves doing it. It’s not like it’s gonna pay him super good, but I’m glad he found that passion for himself. Even Kyoko was super happy for him because that’s what she wants for him.

Really though, I think Yusaku is my fave character unironically because he didn’t decide to stay as a ronin who can’t stop being a creep around Kyoko. I love that he grew from his experience and didn’t run away. I love that he understood that he will not get Kyoko’s love if he was too hasty. He really waited for her for 6 years and became a worthy man of her love. Yes, he was still imperfect at the end and freaking thanks for that Final Chapter, but I was actively rooting for them the moment he stopped being inconsiderate and started improving himself instead.

And of course, his character development ultimately came to one of the most famous scenes in episode 96 and my favorite Yusaku scene: the final visit to Soichiro’s grave. Like I said, Yusaku always considered Soichiro as a rival and wanted to make Kyoko forget about him. Shun feels the same way too. I mean it’s hard when your rival is someone who passed away because as Yusaku said, “A dead man is forever perfect in her eyes.” And that’s how Kyoko sees Soichiro from the very beginning. Even during their conversation in episode 93, Yusaku tells Kyoko that he’s insecure of Soichiro and can’t help compare himself to him. But still, he’ll do his best to make Kyoko happy in his own way. And ofc Kyoko reassures him that he’s fine the way he is.

So Yusaku finally finds that answer in episode 96. Instead of making Kyoko forget about Soichiro, he can take him into his life, too, as part of Kyoko. Instead of envying and hating him, he will accept him because he is a part of Kyoko. He fell in love with her knowing that she still loves Soichiro, so the answer is not shunning him away but accepting him. Kyoko doesn’t need to forget about Soichiro and Yusaku finally understood that. That’s his answer. That’s the answer that Kyoko was looking for too. And I love it. I think it’s such a profound scene and the ultimate culmination of Yusaku Godai’s character. I really grew a lot of respect for him by the end of the show.


On the other hand, Kyoko is sure a character as well. Very nice, sweet, thoughtful, hardworking, mature…and just an ideal woman every guy would want to meet. A yamato nadeshiko indeed.

But also very hot-tempered, gets jealous easily, can’t be reasoned with when she’s mad, irrational, indecisive and stubborn. STUBBORN.

And I guess that makes her a great character in her own right. A flawed and complex heroine. She is someone any guy would want to be, but also someone who you don’t want to mess with when she’s mad. And oh boy, Yusaku experienced that multiple times in the show.

Really, there’s a lot to unpack about Kyoko, but I wanna talk first about her biggest flaw: her stubbornness. You see, I love that Kyoko is such an independent woman who won’t relent to anyone else, even to her own parents. Her mom can’t win a fight against her because Kyoko is that stubborn. I think it’s just great that Kyoko doesn’t let anyone decide what she’ll do in her life. It’s her life alone and no one can dictate her what she’ll do. But also, her stubbornness led her to losing her managerial job to Yusaku and almost costed her chance to finally start a relationship with him. She got so stubborn that Akemi rightfully called her out for it. Yusaku could’ve called it quits when Kyoko accused him of multiple names and being Akemi’s gigolo, but he loves her anyways. So yeah, Kyoko’s biggest pitfall was letting her emotions take over and not allowing Yusaku to explain anything.

Also, I guess another flaw of hers is something more serious and something I wanna talk more. Her inability to let go of her late husband. Well, it’s not like I can blame her because it’s always not going to be easy forgetting about someone special. Especially if it’s someone who passed away. I empathize with her grief and I think it was very interesting that Takahashi decided to make her a widow. Her tweet for Kyoko was that she thought that widows are interesting. And she got to explore a character like Kyoko who was grieving and she wrote her beautifully. Kyoko loves Soichiro and doesn’t want to forget about him, but she was also grieving in an unhealthy way. And we immediately found this out in the first grave visit episode. Heck, it was Soichiro’s dad who told Kyoko to move on because he genuinely wants her to be happy again.

At first, I could understand why she wasn’t ready to let Soichiro grow yet. It was a year, and she lost him one year into their marriage too. But time also passed and it was getting more clear that she’s not willing to move on from that part of her life. Yes, she said in one of her grave visits that she’s starting to move because she has a life ever since she started being a manager, but she was still holding onto Soichiro’s memory. And her former high school teacher explained to Ibuki why: Kyoko was afraid that if she moves on from Soichiro then that means that her love for him wasn’t real. That if she forgets about him then it means she doesn’t love him. So, this became a dilemma for her as she starts falling for Yusaku even more. It was really interesting to see that reasoning, and frankly makes her a more complex and nuanced Takahashi heroine. The dilemmas that she faced were because of her decisions and she had to overcome her inner conflict to be able to let go of the past.

So, again she found the answer to her grief in episode 96. (As I’m typing this the OST is playing and it’s called “Kyoko’s Sadness”) When Yusaku accepted Soichiro as part of Kyoko, that’s when Kyoko finally got the courage to say goodbye to Soichiro. She got that assurance that it’s okay to not forget about her late husband. Even though she’s getting married to Yusaku, it doesn’t mean that her love for Soichiro isn’t real. It was real. She’s not going to forget about him, she is moving on to be happy once again. I mean she said it herself that Soichiro would be happy for her. And I’m sure that he’s happy for her. So, I just really love the final grave scene in general and how it spoke so much of Yusaku and Kyoko’s character.

Another thing also is that again Kyoko’s rivalry with Ibuki was great. It was pretty amusing seeing her getting jealous of Kozue, but Ibuki was on another level. Also, I just love how Ibuki called her our multiple times and one of them was asking her why she won’t tell Yusaku that she loves him. Kyoko was really mature regarding Ibuki, but she’s the one who pushed her buttons multiple times because Kyoko wasn’t being honest to herself later on.

And this dishonesty also led her to not reject Shun and also created problems for herself in the second half. Actually, let’s say she got indecisive because I guess she didn’t want to hurt Shun? But like it was pretty clear to the audience that Kyoko treats Shun differently than Yusaku. Although she gets happy around him, she also kind of treat him indifferently whenever he makes a move to her. On the other hand, Yusaku pushes her buttons multiple times unintentionally because she was falling for him. Still, their relationship got to be interesting when she rejected him because she truly wanted him to be happy and vice-versa. Kyoko just thinks that she’s not the woman who will truly make her happy.

So yeah, Kyoko was pretty interesting for a Takahashi heroine. I always find myself looking forward whenever the episode is about Kyoko visiting Soichiro’s grave because we get more insight into her. In the first year (episode 6), Kyoko was still heavily grieving for him. In the second year (episode 24), Kyoko still wants to keep his surname. In the third year (episode 52), Kyoko was slowly moving on from Soichiro. In the fourth year (episode 76), Kyoko declared that that she will stay single until spring. In the sixth year (episode 96), Kyoko says her farewell to Soichiro. It took her 6 years to move on and had many challenges along the way, but it was worth it in the end. She decided to become happy again and I’m happy for her. Kyoko Otonashi is a perfect example of how to make an ideal yet grounded and flawed heroine. She’s not perfect and that’s what makes her great for me.

But let’s get to the meat and butter of Maison Ikkoku: Yusaku and Kyoko’s relationship.

Lots of misunderstandings alright! A true classic Takahashi show.

I did say at the beginning that I was not rooting for them at all. And this is mostly because Yusaku was being such a creep around her. No boundaries or whatsover.

Also I did check and I forgot that Kyoko saw him as a little bro at first. The brozone is real lol.

However, he did confess to her so loud that everyone in the neighbourhood heard it (episode 9). Because he was drunk. And it did lead to a major misunderstanding that caused Kyoko not to take Yusaku seriously. I guessss that’s why she doubted him later on regarding his feelings for her.

And then they had a date but that date was also a misunderstanding because both of them went to a different date location (episode 15). Then another misunderstanding because Yusaku thought that Kyoko was going to marry Shun (episodes 30-31). More and more misunderstandings later on between them and one of main reasons was because they didn’t have cellphones! The Showa-ness in the show was really something else…But really it was also because they didn’t know how to properly communicate with each other.

But really, even though they didn’t become a couple until episode 92, their romance was so worth it. I mean I’m used to slowburn romance and heck another Takahashi couple barely got anything…not even a proper wedding…*cough*Ranma/Akane*cough* Yes, it’s easier to root for them because one of them was already madly in love with the other, but it was more interesting to see the development because Kyoko is a widow. Yusaku was agonizing about the fact that Kyoko still really loves her late husband remember? So he literally had to wait for her and it took him 6 years BUT the wait was worth it.

Still, you gotta ask…why would Kyoko fall for Yusaku? Shun is miles better than him and heck Hanae was rooting for Shun lol. For sure, Kyoko could’ve chosen Shun and live comfortably since he’s rich and very independent. Shun is basically an ideal man despite being a casanova lol. But really…the answer is because she saw him grow as man in those 6 years. Kyoko values hardwork and she saw how hardworking Yusaku is. I mean heck she kept on cheering on him from the time that he was a ronin to finding a job. I think for her, she appreciates that Yusaku is trying his best even though he’s a broke college student and that’s when she starts to fall for him for real.

But I think the dealbreaker was in episode 45 when Yusaku got late for his exam because Kyoko didn’t wake him up. I mean she did promise him that she’ll wake him up, so she REALLY feels bad about it. And she told him that she’ll wait for him. That’s when I knew that she already chose Yusaku over Shun. And even before that episode we had the Christmas episode where she was so worried for Yusaku because he was missing during the Christmas party. So, really when she was getting comfortable around Yusaku, that’s when she started falling for him.

Though, I also love that their dilemma wasn’t only because Kyoko was still grieving for Soichiro, it was a series of misunderstandings and choices that they made throughout the show. Yes, it was super frustrating when they couldn’t find each other during a trip. It was super frustrating when they had a huge fight because of Kozue’s kiss. I was always frustrated by them because they just can’t communicate well!! Kyoko kept on postponing giving an answer to Shun because she wants Yusaku to stop her. All while he didn’t even know about the situation until he found them on Shun’s apartment. Yusaku kept on letting Kozue and Ibuki hit on him even though he’s madly in love with Kyoko. Causing her to be really irrationally jealous and stubborn in those episodes where she quits being a manager. They’re so frustrating gah!

But thankfully! They decided to be proper adults and communicate towards the end.

I love episode 92 so much because it was the culmination of their relationship. The actual moment where Kyoko gets put into her place and Yusaku mans up because he’s serious about her. The contrast between his first confession in episode 8 and his confession in episode 92 is unreal. I love it. He finally puts an end to Kyoko’s doubts and fears and Kyoko finally stops being a stubborn. Great episode all around.

Also, that episode gave us insights into why Yusaku truly loves Kyoko. She’s hot-tempered and gets jealous easily, but nothing gives him greater joy than seeing her smile. And that smile made him fall for her in the first place. It’s just great to see that Yusaku’s love for Kyoko developed throughout the show. His love was immature at first, but it became profound to him. His love for her made him try harder in life. Made him do better because he knew that she was waiting for him. She became a part of his future and he knew that if he wanted to be a man worthy of Kyoko’s love then he needed to try harder. I love how his love changed him as a person and made him a better man because of it.

And I also love that Kyoko wanted the best for Yusaku. I mean, when she slapped him in episode 85, it was because she was mad that he was not taking his studies seriously. When she said that it didn’t matter to her whether Yusaku becomes a teacher or salaryman, what mattered to her is him doing his best and accomplishing in his life. Because in the first place, what made her fall for him was his hardwork in life. So I just found that slapping scene pretty good and insightful for Kyoko’s character.

Honestly, gosh there are just so many things to talk about them, but really their relationship is what makes Maison Ikkoku truly special. You get invested in them so much and we got to see how their relationship grew throughout the show. I always love love stories where the love changes the person for the better. And it did for them, especially to Yusaku. There was a big waiting game with Yusaku and Kyoko, but the payoff was really worth it.

Just seeing them together in the last 4 episodes and the Final Chapter gives me a lot of joy because squeeee they’re finally together! I just felt like I had an emotional journey with them and gosh I’m just happy to see a Takahashi couple having a conclusive ending. I got lucky that I watched Yashahime last year and seeing InuKag reunite with their daughter Moroha was something else. I just hope Mao and Nanoka get a happy ending…conclusive ending if it’s possible…

But anyways! Yusaku and Kyoko! Their individual character arcs and their relationship made Maison Ikkoku extra special for me. I got hit hard when I watched the post-ending pachinko episode though…no I don’t want to think about that huhu. But really I love their story. It was one heck of a romance.

Ending where it all started: Maison Ikkoku

So there you have it! Maison Ikkoku aka the show that gave me a lot of emotions lol. Lots of laughing and squealing and malding and a bit of crying at the end there.

Rumiko Takahashi created a grounded series that gave you a sense of embarking on a journey with its characters. It wasn’t as wacky as UY or Ranma or Rinne or as high-stakes as Inuyasha or Mao, but it was relatable. I’m really at the adulthood stage of my life so this series feels so real to me at times (except the romance part ofc hahaha…huhu lol). I’m definitely impressed that she did UY and MI at the same time and still ended up writing a cohesive story with both.

And I’m certainly glad that it placed 3rd on the Rumic World NHK poll in 2019. Thank you ojisans! Actually, it was watching the special program that really pushed me to finally start watching the show. And watching UY reboot is making me want to watch the OG series…Maybe next year…

Maison Ikkoku is a house full of chaos, laughter, tears, frustrations and, most especially…love. The characters are not as wacky as Takahashi’s other series’ characters, but they are chaotic in their own right. They are also characters with strengths and weaknesses. They are flawed characters, but them being flawed makes me appreciate them more.

Six years of journey with Yusaku Godai and Kyoko Otonashi. Six years of laughing with them, being mad at them, rooting for them. And seeing them with their cute little Haruka Godai in the final episode sure brings me a lot of emotions man. Gosh.

I think this might be my favorite Takahashi series now. Actually, it is my favorite Takahashi series thinking more about it. And really, I’m glad to have watched Maison Ikkoku this year.

“It all started in Maison Ikkoku. And it all ends in Maison Ikkoku.”

Maison Ikkoku forever!!

Hugtto Precure: Embrace Your Shining Future

After one month, I finally finished my Hugtto rewatch!

And it’s been actually almost 2 years since I watched the show, BUT I’ve known the show since it was airing. Pretty funny how it took me until December of 2020 to actually watch the show despite having actually watched ST and HG because of Hugtto.

You see, Y5 is honestly my favorite precure series (so far), but I unironically am invested more in Hugtto for some reason. Actually, I know why: the constant thirst for knowing more about the show’s lore because I’m basically a sucker for plots that would really intrigue me. I find that only two shows keep on doing this to me and it’s Hugtto and ARC-V. But anyways, I just put this to clear myself out there lmao.

So, why the Hugtto rewatch? Well, for one, I wanted to rewatch the show because it’s been a while. And yeah, I got to download all the BD episodes after a long battle with torrent and my laptop’s battery became the casualty lol. Originally, I was only going to watch my favorite episodes, but I rewatched episode 1 and I was like “fine let’s just rewatch the whole thing and oh don’t remember school starts soon!” Sooooooo that’s what happened.

But I have no regrets about this rewatch because it only made me love Hugtto even more!

Sure, this show isn’t perfect at all means and we’re going to get on that. But really, the show’s message is just so impactful that it gives you a sense of hope because Hugtto was pretty serious compared to other precure. In Smile, the show sticks with one tone in every episode, but in Hugtto…it doesn’t really give you any kind of warning lol. Even in the first three episodes, it went serious already. And it’s really because the show’s plot was about the future, so I can’t really blame the writers for handling it with seriousness. But yeah, the show really handled a lot of serious themes since it wanted to appeal to both the old timers and the new timers. Ultimately, it worked and I’m happy it did. Just very cool to see moms relating since the show was celebrating them and kids because…precure alright.

So, without further ado, Fure! Fure! Hugtto review!

The Plot: Jobs and Family

Oshigoto Switch On!

One of Hugtto’s themes is “work” but I actually find it funny that this theme only appeared for 8 episodes. 8 episodes because those were the only times they used the Mirai Pad lol. Regardless, Hugtto touching about this theme makes me actually wish we had a full season dedicated to honoring different kinds of jobs. I mean, Hugtto did the best covering the important ones (besides teaching, actually the show didn’t feature an episode about teaching in a school, only in a daycare), but I would honestly like to see more work themes in precure.

In terms of the family theme of this show, I am honestly really impressed that Hugtto managed to cover different aspects of family: being a kid, being a teenager, fatherhood, motherhood, siblinghood, being an adult and being old. Most of these episodes showed up during the show’s third cour and I’m still not a big fan of that cour. Still, it’s very touching to watch these episodes because you can actually relate to the characters featured in those episodes. Personally, I was really touched by Hana’s grandma’s episode because I’m weak with those kinds of episodes lol. And that cour presented two episodes about childbirth and even then, those episodes were about two different things: being a dad/mom and being a sibling. Also featured two different kinds of birth: natural and c-section so there’s that. But really, Hugtto really gave me the feels with all the family themes during the third cour lol.

Also, speaking of family, I am also impressed with the fact that each cure’s family got a decent amount of screen time and characterization. Hana’s whole family…Saaya’s mom…Homare’s mom…Emiru’s brother…Ruru’s creator dad…Like, now that I really think about this ofc haha. Even Emiru’s grandpa gets a shoutout because even though he only appeared for two episodes, he got to be characterized as a grandpa who was too rigid and changed in the end. Kotori got a whole episode for herself and that too was really sweet to watch. Anyways, my point is that I love how the cures’s families got prominently featured throughout the whole show. It makes the cures and the families themselves get more characterization, especially during their focus episodes.

The Plot: Present and Future

“If tomorrow doesn’t come…then memories won’t be made.”

Hah yes of course I chose this particular picture.

But yes, oh gosh Hugtto’s plot. Thinking about it, I’d like to divide it into three parts. So we have the surface-level plot (Cures finding the Mirai Crystals and stop Criasu Corp from destroying the future), the mid-level plot (Cures trying to find what they wanna do in life, fure fure every episode, EMBRACING YOUR SHINING FUTURE BECAUSE YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU CAN BE ANYTHING), and the deep-level plot (bad future happened and Hana is one of the catalysts of how Criasu Corp became to be the show’s villains). So I guess let’s talk about all of these and what I think of them.

The surface-level plot was okay and pretty standard for a precure show I mean, ultimately, their goal was to stop the villains from stealing the future. After they collected the Mirai Crystals, nothing really changed besides the set of villains for the second half. This actually worked in Hugtto’s favour because its main theme was about the future, so not emphasizing the “collecting the toy of the week” part was fine with me. So…I have not much to say about this part haha.

Now the mid-level plot aka the character arcs! Now, I’ll talk more about the characters themselves later, but this season definitely had a big cast. Not only did they focus on the cures and the villains, but they also gave focus on the side characters and it was pretty great to see. I liked how everyone had their own story to tell which ultimately ties back to the show’s message: “You can do anything! Embrace your shining future!” I actually liked seeing everyone become a cure in episode 48 because it was just fun to see it. It honestly made Hugtto’s climax more memorable though it wasn’t actually my favorite part of the episode haha.

However, my biggest problem at this level of Hugtto’s plot is the result of having such a big cast with different stories to tell. It really ultimately led to an uneven number of episodes to the cures. Saaya became a victim of this because her follow-up episode after episode 7 was…episode 26. I think that she deserves to get fleshed out more but more about Saaya later. I also think that Twin Love goooot a bit too much of screentime and their being together after their debut made me like them a little less. Also more about them later, and I definitely loved them, but I really can’t help but think that I’m more interested in them as individual characters…especially Ruru who had a nice redemption arc. But anyways, the character arc aspect of Hugtto was great, but the big cast also made me think that the show didn’t really do a good job of distributing the character episodes equally.

Now onto the deep-level plot!

Ah gosh I wanted to talk about this so bad because there’s a lot to unpack about Hugtto’s lore!

But before that, I just wanna say what ultimately got me to really watch precure was the Hugtto threads back in 2019. I remember browsing the threads because everyone was talking about how the MC was actually the villain’s future spouse and I was like “huh that’s interesting.” I’ve also read the livewatch during Hugtto’s finale and it was so funny to see. I was dying at work while reading the comments because the MC was giving birth and that was my final straw and told myself that I’m going to watch the next precure show. So that’s how I got to watch ST lol.

My ultimate favorite part about Hugtto is its plot lore about the future. One of my least favorite parts about Hugtto is its lore about the future. Sounds contradicting right?

The thing is, I’m a fan of time travel stories. I mean, some of my all-time personal favorites are Madoka and Steins;Gate (TWGOK too but the time travel plot happened in its last arc) and they both contained time travel plots. More specifically, a character travels in the past to save someone who is very important to them. In Hugtto’s case, the character who does is the main villain. That’s why I was particularly entranced by this plot point and it became something I was really curious throughout my first watch of the show.

But yes, I just…love the fact that the bad future happened not only because of Criasu, but also because of humanity itself. For me, it makes the villains more compelling (particularly the main villain but we’ll talk about him later) and it really made me wonder what truly happened. Unfortunately, we didn’t get too deep about this and that’s really my major problem about the show’s plot. Even after my second rewatch, it’s still very unclear to me what really happened and there are a lot of interpretations about it. I have my own interpretation too and I kind of want to explore it? (Lmao I don’t even know how to write proper stories ha ha ha) But anyways, the reason why I keep on having Hugtto phase is really because I have this deep desire for the bad future lore to get explored furthermore.

Also, Hana being of the main catalysts in this bad future really got me super interested in the show. I knew it before I watched it because I spoiled myself woohooooo, but still actually learning about it (even though again it was surface-level explanation) gave me angst. The good angst of course cuz I love angst and yeah *nervous chuckle* I mean it actually made me super invested in Hana’s character even more because she’s a character who actually had deeper problems behind her cheerful personality. When you think about it, she was already vulnerable before the series starts, so it’s not really surprising that she ended up having a sad end in that future. I feel terrible saying this now, but like that’s why such a small thing as cutting your hair just to get terrible bangs and meeting two people on the rooftop on your school are VERY essential to have a better life in that timeline.

But yeah I really love Hugtto’s lore, but I am also disappointed with how they explained it. Of course, they had to limit the explanation because some of the aspects of it isn’t really kid-friendly? I mean how can you explain to little kids that the big bad meanie from the OP is actually our beloved terribad bangs protag’s future husband, right? So, I would say they did a good job not making it super obvious to the kids but obvious enough for the adults to argue about lol. However, if this was a normal anime show, I would be super duper salty and pissed off because it’s essentially leaving A LOT of plot holes and confusion to the viewers. BUT…this is precure so it’s a different story. I would say, though, that Hugtto’s plot was pretty much ambitious for a precure show. It’s just the execution could’ve been better.

Actually, I wish we really had more explanation about Hugtan/Cure Tomorrow and Mother because they were essentially the plot devices in the show. They had one episode of explanation…and that was it. Especially about Hugtan because she was actually freaking Hana’s kid from the future. We just didn’t know what was her thought process because she was a baby for the whole show. Anyways, again, lots of interesting lores, but not enough actual explanations!

But I guess to end this section, after rewatching the show, I got my personal interpretation of show’s bad future plot (yey!) Basically, I think this is what happened:

Hana doesn’t cut her hair/never meets Saaya and Homare (aka no divergence according to Kawamura (but I’m trying to find it in the Animage magazine that I bought and I can’t find it!)) –> Grows up but didn’t get the chance to resolve her past issues –> Gets a job (I’m not really sure if she started Criasu…maybe she did but I got no solid evidence on that) –> Gets married and had Hugtan/Hagumi/Cure Tomorrow –> Overworks herself and dies as a result –> Criasu gets formed and froze the future –> Hagumi and friends become cures to stop them –> She gets captured and met Harry –> They escape and travel back to the past –> Episode 1!!!

I made this interpretation in mind that:

1) Hana didn’t become a cure in this timeline because Criasu can’t exist without her dying: It doesn’t make sense for her to die while protecting Cure Tomorrow when the future was already frozen by the bad guys (though one of Tomorrow’s friends sounds awfully like Hana that it made me think for one sec lol).

2) Hana probably produced togepower which contributed to her death: Though, the show contradicted itself when Traum said in episode 40 that Criasu produced togepower…when six episodes later we found out that humanity actually produced togepower and stopped moving forward as a result. (I swear this show lmao).

3) Hana didn’t die during childbirth: I say this because Hugtan was originally planned to be Hana’s descendant anyways. So her not getting recognized by her dad was probably because it wasn’t planned yet. Also, she’s a cure so it makes sense that she’s trying to hide her identity. Though in my theory she probably told him at some point in the other timeline.

4) Hana’s efforts weren’t recognized: In episode 48, she was told that people will shun you yada yada yada and it’s probably over-exaggerated on our main baddie’s part, but it made me think that future Hana was probably not respected. It’s possible that everyone hates her/doesn’t like the contributions that she’s making for the city (hence the episode 11 and 46 painting explanations alongside with some other shenanigans with the spoiler book). So I think it’s not too farfetched that Hana kept on getting bullied even though she’s probably working so hard for the city. Sadly, she succumbed in the process and yeah.

So yeah, that’s my personal interpretation about Hugtto’s plot and frankly I would’ve loved if Tsubofumi actually makes a twitter thread and be like “hey everyone this is what actually happened in hugtto” OR Hugtto novel because I really want one Toei!

In the end, I really loved Hugtto’s plot and frankly, it became the basis of my imaginary story #6. Yeah yeah I know I’m being too much over the plot, but it’s really because I really cared about it. That’s the same plot care that I had for ARC-V and honestly both shows left my thirst unquenched because they both didn’t go deeper with their plot lores…But anyways, Hugtto was able to tell an intriguing plot that still leaves me super curious even now!

The Characters

Embrace your shining future! Hugtto Precure!

I love their designs a biiiit too much thanks a lot Kawamura! (Also listening to the OST as I’m writing this hah)

Hugtto has a big cast, so this means there are a lot of stories to tell.

For the most part, the show did a great job developing these characters, and I really appreciate that about Hugtto. Yes, I did have problems with the show’s character writing, but we’ll get there orite.

Saaya Yakushiji

Right off the bat, I’m gonna start with Saaya! To be perfectly honest, I thought that she was the least interesting out of the 7 of them (that’s including Harry and Hugtan ofc). And poor girl got the least focus out of the 5 cures too. But alas this rewatch happened and I really found myself appreciating her more! Most especially during her episodes in the second-half because oh boy, they truly hit hard. Compared to Hana’s conflict with the big baddies, Homare’s unrequited love, Emiruru’s journey together, Saaya’s story was simply about her trying to figure out whether she wants to continue become an actress or move on from that career. Definitely the most grounded story and I think it really worked with her character. Also, I’m in university now so I kinda related to her in some extent. Most precure characters have their dreams fixed and were actively pursuing it, but Saaya wasn’t sure about hers. I think it’s something that teenagers and young adults can definitely relate with, especially if your dream came from seeing what your parents are doing/telling you what to become!

I do wish, however, that she didn’t end up becoming a doctor because we already had Karen in that regard. Would’ve been nice if she became an engineer instead since she loves tech stuff! But to be fair, it shouldn’t be surprising with the course that the show was heading…I also wish she was actually rivals with Ranze since we learned that she had a competitive streak. Anyways. What I loved about her episodes in the second half (26, 35 and 44) is that they were just really heartwarming and we got to see her bonding with her mom. Like, the scene in episode 26 where we got a montage of Saaya’s family really tugged my heart. See, I’m weak with family episodes so that episode definitely got me… (also it was SB’d and ED’d by Yuta Tanaka so it hit real hard). Saaya’s conversation with her mom in episode 44 was also just something else. Honestly, thinking about it, they really did a great job showing different aspects of motherhood with Reira Yakushiji because we were shown how she worked hard to give Saaya a better life and also being sad when she learned that Saaya wants to become a doctor mainly because the fact that her daughter was growing up. I mean I’m no mom yet, but I get that feeling of I guess bittersweetness when you see a niece/nephew grow up. You’re happy to see them grow up, but also a bit sad because you want them to still be that cute kiddo that you take care…Anyways, I just really appreciated Saaya during this rewatch. She may be your typical angel/ojou/reserved blue, but she had a story to tell that was unique to others.

Homare Kagayaki

Homare is one of my favorites alongside Ruru, during my first rewatch. I mean, coupled with having a cute romance with Harry and having two sakuga episodes about her, it was really a no-brainer for me to like the queen of KYAWATAAAAAN. I mean the rewatch didn’t really change my opinion about her and #JusticeForHomaHari because *ugly crying* BUT I did find myself wishing that the show also gave more focus on her skater dream instead of it being resolved in two episodes. I guess that’s why Henri exists for the skater angst. To be fair though, Homare had such a strong start and finish that I can’t really complain about it. I really don’t have much to say about her besides being a great yellow despite having such a heavy story during the second half. I love how she was mature about her feelings for Harry and also courageous! It’s not always easy to confess to someone, especially if that someone loves somebody else. So, I think Homare is a great example of an otome in love being more mature in handling her feelings. Her talk with her mom in episode 43 was so sweet and again, I just love the parent-child relationships in this show because the show explored different kinds of this relationship. Homare is really one of a kind especially as a yellow cure.

Emiru Aisaki and Ruru Amour

Emiruru!! Oh this uneven duo to be the mid-season cures…

Personally, I have a love-and-dislike relationship with this duo. The rewatch pretty much confirmed that lmao.

First of all, I love Twin Love and I absolutely love their songs. They are bangers and “Friends With You” will always hit my soft spot…so does their reunion in the last episode *cries*

But yeah. I love how the writers managed to develop this uneven duo and they really built a strong bond. Also, Emiru worked so hard to become a precure so I’m really happy for her.

However, I also thought that the show prioritized developing their bond too much that their individual character arc became an afterthought. Like, yes, I love Twin Love as a duo, but I also found them more interesting as individual characters.

Personally, I loved Ruru’s character arc. She is this android from an evil company who does evil things because she doesn’t have an understanding between good and evil. In her first 17 episodes, we saw how she developed into a redeemed character (who had to be the mid-season cure later on). She started off as someone who does her job because she is told to. Then, she decided to befriend the main trio because she wanted to know why they are full of hope. Like those episodes of her infiltrating were good because she came to understand that she wasn’t completely evil. She started to gain a heart and this is very important to her character development. It ultimately culminated in episode 17 where she was programmed to have no heart again. Honestly, that episode was just so good because really Ruru’s journey was very compelling to watch. She was finally able to understand that she’s not completely evil. She was taught that the perfect world is freezing everyone’s time to preserve it, but everything changed when she met Hana. Also, I love her friendship with Hana and I’m quite sad that friendship was kinda shoved out after episode 15. Yes, there were still moments that they interacted during the latter half, but still I really enjoyed seeing them interact. And of course, her rivalry with Saaya which was only present for one episode. Honestly, I miss seeing cures having beef with each other in a good way of course. It allows for more character interactions and depth, so episode 14 was definitely a treat to watch.

That’s why…I was pretty much like “yeah Twin Love episodes are good but where are their individual eps???” I felt as if the subsequent episodes after their mid-season cure debut were too much for my taste (Ultimate culmination in episode 33, I tweeted that afterwards lmao). Episode 19 and 22 was more than enough to touch their doubts as a duo, but their story had to be connected with Henri’s in episode 33 for the sake of developing their relationship furthermore. I get it, they have doubts and worries, but they could’ve backed off a bit more for Henri in that episode tbh. I just feel like their story at that point was becoming too detached that I don’t disagree when people say that the Hugtto cures were basically 3+2 dynamics. To be fair, it was expected since they are a duo and they have to make sure the audience gets invested in their storyline, but you know…at least connect them a bit more with the main trio…

On top of this critique that I have, I just feel like Emiru’s character arc was forgotten after the duo was formed. So, let’s talk about Emiru. She’s this character who was introduced as someone who is overly cautious of her surroundings (aka the girl version of Seiya lmao) but is also actually a girl who loves guitar but can’t play it because of her brother and grandpa. I really liked her introduction episode because she was so over-the-top that I enjoyed watching her being over-the-top (yes this is me relating to her in some ways haha…) and episode 15 solidified her character for me because Cure Emiru was just super fun to watch. Then Twin Love happened and then…that was pretty much it for her character arc. Yessss I know episode 41 exists (that’s for later talk) but I just wish we actually got to know more about her. Like why is she overly cautious around her surroundings? How did she learn the guitar while hiding it from her brother? Also gosh we didn’t see her interact with her parents! We only saw them singing and that was it. Like most of the cures interacted with their parents (or parental figure in Ruru’s case) and she basically had nothing. Even I feel like her interactions with Masato were limited because of the focus on Twin Love. Nothing wrong with it and Masato had good character development, but it was just pretty disappointing how Emiru got the least individual character arc out of all of them. Even though I love Emiruru, I just wanted to see Emiru grow more even without Ruru’s help and not being soooo tight-knitted with her. I guess that’s why I wasn’t attached to her character during the second-half as much as I wanted to.

Meanwhile, though, Ruru managed to have a great character arc because of her relationship with Dr. Traum. Like, I was so glad when episode 40 was about them reconciling because we got a glimpse of their perspective on each other. After building it up in episode 27 and episode 37, we see in episode 40 why Traum created Ruru and why Ruru is madge at him. I’m probably biased because I really really really really really really love parent-child episodes, but it clearly worked on Ruru’s character growth and I was just so happy to see her rebuilding that relationship with Traum in the last 9 episodes. Also it made me love Traum’s character even more but that’s for the villains talk hehe. Anyways, I found myself being satisfied with Ruru’s character because we actually got to see her go from this emotionless android to an expressive android with a heart. Personally, I liked her no non-sense and snarky personality and it kinda disappeared after her redemption, so her becoming snarky again because of papa Traum was *chef’s kiss* I love my snarky and sassy purple android honestly…

Ultimately, episode 41 still gave them a super bittersweet ending and gosh…the waterworks are real. I would’ve preferred if it was a full-blown Emiru episode and it was great seeing Masato stand up for her, but man was the episode so emotional not only for the duo, but for the whole cast. Even more painful when you see Hugtan not having any idea why they are crying…Anyways, episode 41 being about Emiruru and Emiruru alone was also great for me because of the reinforcement of their relationship. Yessss I did have problems with their duo, but an emotional dialogue will always get me man… I guess it was a reminder that I really loved their duo despite me also disliking certain aspects about their duo.

In the end, Emiru and Ruru’s uneven duo was great to watch and I really love their songs. It’s a bit unfair though that they had a bittersweet ending because they will never meet each other again. Even though Emiru met a new Ruru, it’s not the same Ruru that she knows and everyone acknowledges that. Heck, even the voice actors lamented on this fact…Also, we should’ve been shown the OG Ruru fulfilling her dream of bringing music to the destroyed future…Regardless, the cures of love were able to show their love to each other, to other people and to the audience. Twin Love forever!

Hana Nono

My beloved mecchoku pink!

I already wrote a lot about Hana in my Kawamura Trio post, but I wanna talk a bit more about her because I love her and the rewatch made me love her more while also noticing what I didn’t like how the writers handled her character.

So I said in my Kawamura Trio post that Hana is a complex pink because her genki personality is masked with a lot of insecurities and doubts. The first half and the last four episodes did a really good job of showing that complexity of hers. Again, episodes 10 and 11 showed us that Hana crumbles under pressure because of her past. Honestly, those two episodes were legit too heavy for a precure series and it packed so much emotions, especially for Hana. Then, you have episodes 23 and 24 that showed how vulnerable Hana is and how she copes using her genki personality. Interestingly, the only person who actually saw through Hana was her mom and ofc it makes sense because she’s the mom. But honestly, the scene that stood out the most for me in episode 24 was Hana angsting in the pool (courtesy of Murayama) precisely because we got to know that the events from episode 23 deeply affected her and no one really knows it but her. I mean, no one knows but her that she was actually interacting with the big baddie, so she can’t really share to her dilemma to her friends. So, her saying that she needs to stay positive for the sake of her friends was really because she doesn’t want to accept the fact that she got betrayed by someone that she came to trust. It’s not so much that she’s upset because Criasu’s true goal was revealed last episode, it was that she’s more upset that it had to be that person. That is where the conflict became more personal to her and yeah. Luckily, Twin Love saves the day and she got her genuine egao back at the end of the episode. Still, I really love how episode 24 tackled Hana’s character arc.

So here comes my real gripe about Hana’s character: episode 31.

So, episodes 23 and 24 revealed the real reason why Hana got bullied: She stood up for her friend and became the bullying target. Then, the friend showed up in episode 31 and basically, she patched up with Hana at the end of that episode. I really don’t have a problem with Hana and Eri patching up in that episode, but my problem was basically how it didn’t really resolve anything. Yes, good for them for being on good terms again, but wasn’t Hana getting bullied the real issue? I said this in my twitter post for that episode, but I just find it real weird that the way they decided to resolve Hana’s bullying issue is her being on good terms with the girl that she’s defending rather than confronting her bullies. Heck, one of them told Hana (during the makeup scene) something along the lines of: “Wait is that Nono-san? Why is she doing our makeup? And what’s with her bangs?” Also, I guess I realized this now but I don’t really understand why Hana feeling bad about facing Eri was because she was concerned that she wasn’t a good friend to her for defending her. If anything, Hana should’ve been also feeling betrayed because no one defended her when she was the one getting bullied. I think it would’ve reinforced episode 24 even more because of the betrayal feeling once again.

I just really think that for a delicate issue such as bullying, episode 31 didn’t just do justice to Hana’s bullying issues. Of course, you can’t make it already too dark because of its nature of it, but at the same time, it just didn’t work well for me. I would’ve preferred it more if we actually got to see Hana’s true feelings about getting bullied rather than her feelings about the girl that she defended. Wouldn’t her seeing Eri again would spark the bad memories of how she felt during the entire ordeal? Really, my issue about this episode is they chose to approach this issue in a different angle. A weird angle in my opinion. It was really more about the fact that we didn’t actually get Hana’s true feelings about the real ordeal. She’s allowed to still feel hurt about the whole situation not only because of Eri, but because she was shunned and isolated by her classmates. We didn’t really get that kind of monologue from her in that episode. Really though, if precure decides to approach another bullying issue again, I hope they do it much better than what they did with Hana’s.

Fortunately for Hana, her character arc didn’t stop at episode 31 because of the last four episodes. Even before that, I think her episode with her grandpa and Kotori showcased why I love Hana so much. She is just a loveable pink.

So, in episode 46, we got the revelation that she was, in fact, the future wife of our big baddie ojiisan. However, she wasn’t allowed to know this fact for obvious reasons, but anyways. I would’ve personally preferred if she got to learn about this because I think it’d be interesting and would give her more problems to deal with LOL. Kidding, I meant more personal conflict to deal with. But still, I think that revelation added more layer to Hana for me precisely because of the implications of what happened if she didn’t cut her bangs and met Homare and Saaya. Obviously, I would really love to see what happened to her in the other timeline/future, but it makes me sad that the first future didn’t work out well for Hana. In a retrospect, she basically didn’t get the chance to be free from her past and worst of all, she perished in the process, leaving a grieving husband who can’t move on and stopped time and a daughter who had to go back to the past to stop her grieving dad. Basically, the worst ending for Hana Nono.

Even though she doesn’t learn about this fact, there was still the fact that episodes 46-48 were basically the final battle and the final confrontation between a girl who moves on despite her hardship and a man who can’t move on. And episode 47 man. I actually forgot what happened in that episode because it was between episode 46 and 48, two of my favorite and memorable Hugtto episodes. Anyways, episode 47 really showed the darkest hour of the show and Hana’s darkest hour: almost completely giving up. Literally, she was like: “Okay…I give up…tomorrow can not come anymore…” and was actually producing togepower (it slightly happened in episode 46 too). I honestly got reminded or episodes 10 and 11 because of how Hana really gave in to the pressure…BUT! Daga…shikashi!

“What are you saying Hana?! Precure never gives up!”

And bang! Those words from Saaya woke Hana up and got the nakama power speech from her friends. Seeing this ripple effect from her meeting Saaya and Homare on the rooftop proved really vital for this moment right here. If she didn’t have Saaya, Homare, Ruru and Emiru…then she would’ve given up right there because the pressure was too much for her. Of course, she wants to save everyone…but if the only way to do so is for her to accept the worst outcome so that her friends won’t suffer anymore, then she’ll do it. Personally, I was just really impressed by episode 47 overall (except the hamsters redemption part) and it was the perfect setup to episode 48.

I feel like episode 48 is another whole post to write about because it’s honestly my favorite Hugtto episode. I just loved it from start to finish and I can only thank Tsubofumi’s writing, Zako’s storyboards and Kawamura’s animation for that because they absolutely created a great climax for Hugtto. But talking this episode in relation to Hana…her speech about how “life is full of mecchoku” got a chuckle out of me. But honestly, I love that she got to showcase her personal growth throughout that episode. Yes, ofc there was episode 31, but I’m really impressed how the last four episodes still managed to make her a stronger character. In-part because of her personal conflict with the big baddie and because she was allowed to fall down and get up again. She fought super hard in that episode and I think she was rewarded the best reward at the end of the episode: seeing a broken man genuinely smile once again. The whole last scene in that episode was just really beautiful and a great end to Hana’s personal conflict…And ofc because we were allowed to see her being successful while still being the Hana that we all know and love. I’m just super happy that she became a mom at the end of Hugtto.

I already talked so much about Hana, but it’s just her character is complex and she really reminded me of Yuya. I guess I really have a thing for sad clown/stepford smile characters but honestly, they’re very fun to analyze. But also, they’re kind of frustrating to analyze because you wish the writers handled their characters better because they had so much potential. That’s just me anyways…Still, I really love Hana and the rewatch still made me love her more. Yes, I think that her bullying issue’s resolution could’ve been handled better and yes I think that she should’ve know that her future self died in another timeline, but she still ended up a pink with a strong character arc. And that’s something that I’m wishing for the next pink character because I’ve been not impressed with Manatsu and Yui as pinks (well rainbow in Manatsu’s case) and they kinda made me realize that a precure pink should stand out the most at the end. Nozomi is a great example of that and Y5 had a big cast too. I guess I’ve been just spoiled by Hana in my rewatch because she is a flawed character. Flawed characters are great because you see their moments of strength and weakness throughout the show and we’ve seen that in Hana. In the end, Hana Nono is one heck of a pink. Fure! Fure! Hana!

The Supporting Characters

Again, Hugtto had such a big cast that the entire third cour and parts of the fourth had episodes about either a cure’s family member or another character. Plus, we have Harry and Homare and Henri who were probably the secondary characters.

I don’t really much to say about the supporting cast since I already said that I liked how the show developed the cure’s families as well and we got to see their worries. I wasn’t big on third cour, but I really appreciated the episodes about the families. Also everyone became a precure in episode 48, so that’s quite a milestone for the supporting cast!

I always liked Harry even though he rejected my girl Homare because he was also someone who had worries and fears about life. He’s similar to Coco, but unlike the former, he carries the guilt for abandoning his hamster friends. Still, I like how he tries to be a good support to the cures while also having his personal dilemmas. His conversation with Hana in episode 38 honestly made me like him more in the rewatch because he confided with her about his worries. He acknowledges that he’s worried, but he knows to himself that if he doesn’t believe in the future, then he won’t see memories like them celebrating with the girls. He’s very nuanced as a mascot and I appreciate that about him. Unfortunately, I didn’t find the hamster resolution in episode 47 good because everything about that was rushed. Well more on that later but anyways. For an ikemen mascot like Harry, he still displayed a good character arc.

Hugtan…well she is the cute baby mascot who is really there to be cute and give powerup to the cures. I mean, her character is not that deep, but ofc I wish they actually explored her more as Cure Tomorrow. And she is freaking Hana’s future daughter for goodness sake. I would’ve been okay if she’s a descendant, but she became Hana’s daughter so I can’t really turn a blind eye on it. Still though, I like that she remained a baby character who had empathy towards others and honestly… her not understanding why everyone was crying by the end of episode 41 and episode 49 made sense because she had a baby mentality. So, when it hit her that they have to leave in episode 49…that’s where she started to bawl her eyes out. Very heart-wrenching farewell scene overall.

So yeah. I could’ve talked more about the supporting cast but like that would take me so long to write lmao. Overall though, Hugtto’s supporting characters were interesting on their own.

The Villains: Criasu Corporation


Oh man I really loved Criasu as a villain group and probably my favorite villains in precure. Not sure if other villain groups will top them, but still. I do love the Bad End villains though. And Bunbee.

But what I really loved about them was really the fact that they had their own stories that are unique to them. We had Charaleet (the millennial who was afraid of being tossed away), Ruru (the android who can’t compute some things such as love) Papple (the sexy obasan who got heartbroken because of her love), Daigan (the boomer ojisan who was blasted after 5 minutes, became good, became bad again, and became ultimately good), Jelos (the young sexy subordinate who doesn’t want to age), Jinjin and Takumi (the ikemen subordinates), Bicine (the yandere hamster who is so madge at Harry), Listol (the stern hamster who is also madge at Harry), Dr. Traum (the happy-go-lucky scientist ojiisan who’s in there for the ride) and George (the depressed ojiisan big baddie of the show).

Believe it or not, they all got redeemed in the end and that actually made me appreciate them more. It’s easy to scoff at a redeemed villain because they got redeemed by some power of friendship, but in Hugtto’s case…I really enjoyed seeing the first-half villains (sans Listol) get redeemed and interact with the cures later on. I think it’s one of the strengths of Hugtto because of it’s message of: everyone deserves a second chance.

We got a taste of this during Hana’s big moment in episode 11. Not only it was Hana’s big moment, but it was also Charaleet’s big moment because it was his redemption moment. I like how it all boiled down to him being scared of not being able to do anything. Hana related to that and saw his pleading and scared face, hence she didn’t use the sword on him. That whole episode was just great btw. There was also Papple’s redemption episode which had great imageries and such because of Zako ofc. She was betrayed by the guy that was supposed to be her lover and you can just feel her pain throughout the whole episode. So, her getting her redemption because of Twin Love was poetic on its own since they are the cures of love after all. Honestly, everything about episode 22 for me was just really memorable and Narita Yoshimi really knows how to write painful romance lol.

Honestly, Daigan also stood out for me because I actually forgot that he returned to Criasu because of Listol’s offer. He didn’t truly have a redemption moment and he doesn’t have a compelling story compared to Charaleet and Papple (and by extension, Listol) so I think it was neat that they allowed him to get tempted to go back to the other side once again. For me, it really shows that you have a choice, so choose wisely. And also just the influence of having good friends because Daigan has good friends, Charaleet and Papple!

While the first-half villains had great characterizations, the problem lies with the second-half villains. In particular, Jelos (and her minions) and Bicine felt out of place many times. Well, at least Bicine had his connection with Harry. But Jelos? Her story was so disconnected that they couldn’t bother actually give a cure that could connect with her. I mean, I had no problems with her story being basically like “nooo i don’t want to age because i don’t want my beauty to fade away” but it was just very strangely placed considering how every villain got their connection with at least one of the cures. At the very least, I really like her redemption in episode 45 because it was nice to see that she really cares for Jinjin and Takumi.

On the other hand, Bicine and Listol honestly had my least favorite redemption out of them all. Listol already had his in episode 39, but he had to be brainwashed again for the final battle so…but anyways. I like Bicine because he was clearly unhinged out of them all, but I don’t like the fact that he was basically forgotten after episode 32 and only got remembered during the last few episodes. Their redemption in episode 47 felt pretty much out of place and deserved to have at least an episode dedicated to them. Idk, it was just very awkward to see Listol crying in Harry’s arms in the middle of the battle while Bicine was standing on the side very confused lol. To be fair, I wasn’t a big fan of Listol in general because he only got to be active when he recruited Henri and Daigan. And the only time that he actually became the villain of the week was the episode that he got “redeemed” too. The cool thing that came out of that whole Harry-Listol-Bicine segment though was the redeemed villains working together, but that’s for later.

Now that I got them out of the way, it’s time to talk the actual ojiisan menaces of the group.

Dr. Traum ahh Dr. Traum, my favorite Hugtto villain. From the time that he first appeared, I’m like “yep i really like this individual already” and the rewatch made me like him more! He’s very charismatic, funny and at the same time, menacing. I mean he almost destroyed the whole precure universe with his time stopping and had to be stopped by all the 55 cures that were there at that time. Also, I love charismatic villains because they’re fun to watch. Traum is also very considerate because he did adhere to Saaya when she said “QUIET THERE ARE BABIES HERE!!!” and made an anti-silent Oshimaidaa when they fought again in the hospital lol.

But what I really liked the most about him is his relationship with Ruru. He pretty much got the best character arc out of the villains because he was given a chance to repair his relationship with Ruru. Of course, part of me wished that he was one of the last villains to defeat, but I think him getting beaten that early benefited his character furthermore and it really worked out for him. Really, my highlight of episode 37 will always be Ruru’s line to Traum: “We cannot turn back time. However, tomorrow will come.” “So it seems.” Like it’s just a powerful line that I always think about it whenever I think about Hugtto. What I appreciated the most about their father-daughter relationship was the fact that it didn’t end in episode 40. Yes, they patched up in that episode thanks to everyone around them as well as Ruru deciding to give Traum a second chance, but the last 9 episodes showecased them more! Traum being a doting dad and Ruru being the daughter who gets annoyed when her dad is being annoying was just great to see. It also gave back Ruru’s snarky attitude lol! It took a while for Ruru to warm up to Traum and I love that Traum tried his best to be a good dad to her. My heart got tingles when she called him dad and they hugged in episode 45. It was truly the best Christmas gift for him. While it’s true that a part of him created Ruru because he misses his late daughter and saw Ruru in her, he really cherished Ruru as his own. And again, I’m weak with parent-child episodes in anime, so I appreciated their relationship so much. So yeah, Traum was such a great villain from start to after his redemption because he clearly had a story to tell. Look, I even chose him hugging Ruru as one of the 3×3 pics because that’s just how I love their relationship haha. The rewatch just solidified my opinion about him and I really love his design. Seriously, Kawamura does her best when it comes to the ikemens haha. But anyways, Traum da beeeeest!

And of course, we have the big baddie ojiisan George and boy I have a lot to say about him. I always restrict myself when it comes to talking about him because of me being weird in general. But anyways…I really think that he had the most interesting story of them all and frankly out of all the precure main villains that I’ve known so far. I mean, he’s still the main villain that the protag met the earliest (episode 8) and that’s really saying something about what he became later on: a foil to Hana.

Unlike Hana, he had a pessimistic view of life and genuinely believed that stopping time is the best course for humanity. He thought that everyone would be happy if we all just stay in the present because the future is bleak. In a retrospect, you can get tempted with that belief because the future can be scary to think about. That’s why Hana couldn’t fully refute his argument and ofc, she had her own painful experiences. Anyways, I love the fact that George and Hana’s conflict was personal and not just some good vs evil generic conflict between cures and villains. Of course, one of the reasons why their conflict was so personal was because they’ve established a connection with each other in the 4 episodes that they’ve interacted in the first-half. And when he revealed himself in episode 23, he was always directly challenging her. For him, it was either his ideology or her ideology and I think his rivalry with Hana made me like his character more as the main villain of the show.

And of course, we actually learned later on that his backstory involved someone very close to him dying in the future where he came from. As if Traum’s backstory is not already painful enough huh…But that person was actually the future Hana Nono and this really added another layer to his character. There’s been a lot of debates about this ever since episode 46 came out lol, but to have this kind of connection to the main character was really interesting to me. He has skewed view of life because he’s still grieving for his wife and seeing her again alive made him have the goal of preserving her happiness by stopping time. That’s why he always asked Hana: “Are you happy right now?” and it honestly makes his motivation stronger to me at least. It was so strong that he almost made Hana give up in episode 47. But then again, I like what one redditor said about his view of Hana: He was always looking at her future self that he lost. I mean, he didn’t ever reveal to her their actual relationship and her actual fate in the future where he came from. So clearly George didn’t want to create a time paradox lol.

I know I’m talking too much about his relationship with Hana, but I mean you can’t really talking about him without talking about Hana. I just reaaaaaallly reaaaaallly like personal conflicts between the MC and the villain because it adds more weight on them as individual characters. My problem with him is that his characterization was really vague. Like, actually spouting nonsense at times lmao. I guess it’s because they didn’t want it to be outright obvious that he’s essentially Hana’s future husband, but still…even Traum got an actual backstory in episode 40 dammit. Like that one anon says, it’s hard to untangle him because he’s really a mess. I mean that literally. He says a lot of profound stuff without real meaning behind them and you can’t really understand them. I guess that’s why many people are saying that he was idealizing Hana a bit too much like she’s some kinda of a martyr…But either way, I really don’t like the vagueness of his character and it’s making me frustrated because he was such an interesting villain and I like angst so…

Either way, despite my problems with George, his redemption scene in episode 48 still hits me so hard and I really consider it my overall favorite Hugtto scene. There’s just something so poetic about giving someone hope about tomorrow, especially if it’s coming from a beloved that you lost in the future where you came from. Also, I’m pretty impressed that George accepted his loss gracefully and I guess it really shows how for him, it ultimately comes down to his ideology vs Hana’s and Hana won. So no bitterness in his part (even though he was already bitter in the first place about life lol) and idk it definitely made me like his character more. And of course, it was Hana’s question that ultimately gave him hope: “If you don’t believe in tomorrow, then why do you tell me “Until we meet again” every time we met?” Like that question right there…gosh straight to my heart. Deep down, George had that subconscious hope to believe in tomorrow, but his grief was overcoming him every time. He really wanted was a future where his beloved is alive (heavily implied in episode 46), so that’s why he thought that the best way to do this is freeze time in the present. I also really liked one redditor’s comment about him always looking at future Hana whenever he sees our Hana. And it really makes sense because there’s a lot of concerns about the nature of their relationship. But going back to episode 48, the music freaking elevated that last scene between them, so I just keep on loving that episode okay. It was basically the last version of the show’s main theme. And it was truly fitting to a scene about the main villain’s redemption. Yes, he did terrible things and he can’t be excused for that, but at the same time he had a characterization going on that makes him more compelling than the other precure villains that I know. I just really love episode 48 because it was an episode full of hope.

(On a side note, seeing young Traum and young George in that episode is something that will forever etch my mind and they freaking should’ve made an episode about them both. I say this with extra passion because Tsubofumi eventually did it in PriMagi lmao. Oh and he also became Hana’s husband. Toei will not fool me the craspedia flowers are there.)

Anyways, I think I talked a lot about George but at the same time, I didn’t? Lmao. Even though Traum is my overall Hugtto villain, I think that George is the most interesting villain of them all. Clearly, I’m biased because I love angst lmao. It was just super cool to see a precure main villain whose motivation wasn’t about world domination or something. Well, he did want to freeze time, but the conflict was always personal for him. And it was personal for Hana too. So, they had a great dynamic as protag-villain and their final confrontation was great. It honestly makes me hope we get more personal conflicts in precure I mean they did the same with Nodoka and Daruizen and I liked their conflict too. Overall, great main villain even with the ambiguity around him.

Already talked so much about the villains, but I just want to point out that seeing the redeemed ones fight in episode 47 was so great. In particular, Traum apologizing to Daigan was so memorable. Everyone thought that they forgot about it, but Traum didn’t and he properly apologized to him. And Daigan forgiving him because he also received a lot of love was also great to see. Aaaaand Papple’s line: “Adults can dream too you know!” And it’s such a great appeal to the adult audience, especially to the ones who grew up with precure.

Overall, Criasu Corp is a great villain group to me because they really felt like humans. I mean the majority of them are humans, but still. I appreciate that they got proper characterizations and actually have connections with the cures. They pretty much set the bar high for me that I can’t help but to not like the precure villains if they don’t have a lot of characterizations lol. Still, the rewatch really made me like them more. Matta nee!

The Verdict

Man I really did talk a lot about Hugtto and this really took me almost two months to finish haha. Thanks school and procrastination.

But really, Hugtto is really special to me because it had such an engaging plot and loveable characters. And Yuki Hayashi’s music that made every scene be extra special.

Hugtto was really a story about moving towards tomorrow. Yes, it’s scary to think about the future and what it holds, but at the same time, the show always tells us that we’ll never know what happens if we don’t take a step. Yes, there will be hardships along the way, and Hana even said that in the last episode…but you have people who will support you along the way. So cherish those people.

And it was a show about family. About mothers, most especially. Hana even became one at the end! It was great to see them feature different stories about a family member, especially what motherhood truly meant. Hana becoming one was great to see and even though the birth scene will always be hilariously bizarre in a hindsight, we actually see a cure become a mom so that’s really special.

All the characters in the show had their own struggles and pain. We get to see those who moved forward despite those struggles, but we also saw those who lost all hope for a better tomorrow. So, seeing the ones who moved forward encouraging those who could not is very powerful and really sends a positive message to the viewers as well. Tomorrow will always come. Embrace your shining future!

I watched it for the first time back in December 2020 and I loved it. Rewatching it this year made me love the show even more. And it’s reaching its 5th year anniversary next year! Pretty crazy if you think about it because it is the show that celebrated precure’s 15th anniversary. And the show next year will celebrate precure’s 20th anniversary. I hope precure 2023 will make me love it the way I loved Hugtto too.

And as Hana says…

Fure! Fure! Minna!

Fure! Fure! Watashi!

Gotoubun no Hanayome: Winner, Losers, Endings, Three Years Later

It seems like I have an anime/manga phase every other time haha.

For the few months, it’s yugioh (as expected). Right now, it’s this series. Probably because of the movie that recently came out and I really went ahead and reread the manga multiple times (more like speedreading lmao) even though the movie won’t come out in the west until like after 6 months…welp. I will cope of course! I believe in the power of quints!

So, I wanna talk about 5toubun for one big reason: I don’t want to create a huge twitter thread about how much I dislike the ending years later.

But before all of the ending talk, well I guess it’s a good time to also talk about the series as a whole because I did like Gotoubun. I think I started reading it around 2019 after seeing the craze about it. I mean think about it, it’s a harem series where the first chapter already tells you there’s going to be a winner. But there’s a twist! The winner is one of the quintuplets! Have fun trying to figure out who the MC will eventually marry. And for me, that’s a pretty unique premise for a harem series.

Throughout the years, the harem series that I closely followed besides 5touben are Bokuben and 100gfs (Cuckoo I stopped reading ahahaha). Both have a similar premise with muh tutoring these idiots, but it’s Bokuben where I actively supported a girl (best girl Rizu!). Meanwhile, with 5toubun it was pretty hard to root for someone because I like ’em all, but no one really captured my heart. Well…except lowkey Itsuki (and Nino later on) because clearly, I’m still a sucker for the first girl trope. Also, Itsuki and Fuutarou were like your old married couple who loved to bicker with each other so there’s that.

But anyways, I did get more invested with 5toubun because of the premise and how it pretty much had a linear story. In Bokuben, random stuff happens every chapter with just a different girl. In 5toubun, there’s an endgame and the author must do his best to reach that goal while also developing these girls. I’m not really sure why I’m comparing the two lmao I’m being random I know.

But when everyone says that 5toubun peaked during the first half and went downhill after Yotsuba’s backstory…I agree with them. Especially during the last like 10 chapters of the manga. It’s always been like this with romcom mangas I SWEAR. But I guess what made 5toubun great was the fact that you can clearly see the quints develop throughout the manga. I guess you can say that the series was more character-driven and I love character-driven stories because the characters can make up for a mediocre plot.

5toubun had a super interesting plot with the bride’s identity. Unfortunately, Negi didn’t really do a good job of properly conveying why that quint is the bride. But this is not really that quint’s fault. It’s the MC’s problem.

In order for the mystery to remain a mystery, Fuutarou had to be the mystery box because he’s the one who’s gonna choose his bride after all. However, it pretty much resulted in the readers not actually knowing Fuutarou’s thought process about the quints. His thought process was pretty much “yeah they’re pain in the butt but idc about love its a distraction but i love them all but i need to make them pass!” kind of thinking. Maybe I’m really speedreading who knows but I’m just pretty disappointed about Fuutarou’s character in general. I saw a post about comparing Fuutarou and Keima and I was like “yes this totally makes sense” because in a sense if this is TWGOK, Fuutarou is like one of the conquest girls and he’s the one who’s reacting to Keima’s actions. In 5toubun’s sense, it’s the quints who are trying to conquer Fuutarou of course. Honestly, I don’t think this is a bad thing cuz it helps to develop the quints further, but gosh damn it did hurt Fuutarou’s character. He said to Ichika in her festival chapters that he’s choosing no one, but he was clearly lying to her because he did choose one (orange juice beybe). Even though she encouraged him to do so. Yes, I’ve reread the chapter to be sure and she clearly called him out for it. But really, my point is that what was Fuutarou’s thought process really? Until now, I still wonder how was he falling in love with Yotsuba while the other sisters were CLEARLY trying to get his attention. All he said was pretty much “i couldn’t have done this without your help please accept my love for you” and the best part about this is that the next few chapters leading to the wedding decided to focus again on the quints’ drama. Just one chapter of them being intimate and it’s just the proposal chapter during high school lol. He even skipped her part during the final quints game! Good thing the movie fixed this (i just wanna see it sooo bad). There’s just… no in-depth explanation as to why Fuutarou chose Yotsuba as his bride and it just makes me salty honestly. They deserve better as a couple but that’s for the ending talk later. Fuutarou, what a mystery box you were until the very end.

I did say that it’s not the bride’s fault, but Yotsuba also had her fair share of problems. Again, the problem lies more with Negi not properly giving her the character development that she deserves. Well, this is obviously because her character development happened prior to the present timeline. Like…heck she doesn’t even know what she wants and there was no talk about what she aspires to be in her life and 5 years later in the story, all we know is that she lives with Fuutarou and is about to become his wife. Look, I really like Yotsuba and I had no problem with her winning. I joined the hype train when 113 and 114 happened lol. But there’s also that sense that “something doesn’t feel right and i can’t pinpoint out what it is” and I felt that after a while and still do right now. And that is the undeniable thought that it doesn’t feel like she earned that win when she probably had the least interaction with Fuutarou throughout the manga. Again, this is pretty much Negi’s fault for giving her the support role and after her backstory chapter, she got two chapters max. She shouldn’t win because of sloppy writing (yes I got this from r/manga and i agree so much). Although Nino was pretty much a pain in the butt for the next few chapters after the confession, of course she had the right to get mad at Yotsuba because she didn’t even know that Yotsuba also loves Fuutarou. If I was in her place I would be also like “wait wait wait i sure showed everyone that i love fuu-kun and he chose yotsuba???? sure fine if its ichika or miku im fine i know their feelings but no way” Even though you could argue that Nino treated Fuutarou as a trophy price, I’m just saying that I do acknowledge Nino’s thought process after the confession.

It’s just…Yotsuba’s problem was that she wasn’t given more time to shine, unlike Nino and Miku who be. I really loved her date, exam, and backstory chapters. I love the fact that she supported Fuutarou from day one and cares deeply about his well-being. She’s a great girl honestly. But she clearly lacked a character arc that should’ve developed the present her and made everyone have no doubts that she is the BRIDE. She had a martyr complex that was never really resolved in the end because her sisters just accepted the fact that she was chosen instead of the other four. Even though it was really nice to see her ditch ribbon at the end, it still doesn’t change the fact that she had the least character development out of five of them. It’s like the comment that I saw on r/manga about how Negi should’ve completely crushed every quint fans’ dreams the moment Fuutarou chose Yotsuba. I also saw a comment comparing Yotsuba and Chihiro and I also agree that Yotsubad clearly didn’t have a complete character arc. And again, you could argue that her win is unbelievable cuz she didn’t appear that much in the manga, but you know what? She had an effect on Keima in the chapters where she appeared. Heck, even after she disappeared for another 60+ chapters, you can feel that Keima is still affected by what he did to her during the Goddesses Arc. Honestly, all the TWGOK talk is for another post lmao. I just wanted to compare the two because they’re both WINNERS YEAAAAAH BOIIIII. I’m just pretty frustrated that Yotsuba’s character could’ve been handled better.

And this is where the ending talk comes.

Three years later…I still dislike it. A lot in fact after rereading it and the extra chapter for the movie.

It’s just…gosh where to begin. I think the one that I will never let go of the most is the fact that the quints joined the bride for her honeymoon. Her. Honeymoon. I have no idea why Negi did this even though he’s also a married guy. And then I’ve read some of the comments that the ending is actually a pseudo-harem ending in disguise and I’m like “ah! it makes sense now! sneaky negi” But still I hated this part so much because the initial premise of the manga is about finding out who’s the bride that our MC marries. Of course, the manga became really about the quints and their bonds and everything, but gosh damn joining your sister’s honeymoon just doesn’t feel right AT ALL. Let them have their honeymoon AND THEN plan your own damn trip together. And of course Yotsuba didn’t mind cuz muh sisters and everything. But just…WHY!!! Gosh, it just infuriates me so much to no end. It’s pretty much an irrational dislike for me because the other manga ending that still infuriates me to no end is SNK. And then I found out both mangas have the same editor. Heh. I can only laugh. There was just no reason for the newlyweds to get their honeymoon invaded by the losers. They deserved much more than getting an obscure kiss from many chapters ago.

And speaking of the losers, they too deserved better. Since the ending was pretty much a pseudo-harem ending, that means they didn’t have a new love interest five years later! So great right there. Nino crying over her high school love five years later…so great Negi! Not letting her move on from the guy who “couldn’t give her an answer five years ago.” It would’ve been ten times better if she was crying because her sister is getting married, but nah it’s the quints game! It’s not just about the bride, it’s about the quints and how much they mean to Fuutarou because we’re some kind of The Quintessential Quintupletsâ„¢ The other four may be losers, but hey at least we know their character development thanks to Fuutarou and Yotsuba. So good that the final quints game was in the final chapter instead of the penultimate chapter. A full wedding ceremony? The couple exchanging vows with each other? Ring exchange? THE KISS? Nah bro it already happened in chapter 68! What do you mean it’s not enough? OF COURSE IT’S ENOUGH! This manga is about the Nakano quints, deal with it, losers. Even one of the losers got to hug the MC, so great. Oh and the new extra chapter for the movie? Of course it’s not going to be about the couple, it’s fanservice! Better make sure to buy it!

Ugh. Honestly, this ending should’ve been really about the wedding itself. The very foundation that this manga was built. I am more interested in the couple’s vows with each other than what Fuutarou thinks about her sisters. The funniest part is he skipped over her during the quints game. Remember, his vows to her were in chapters 32(? i don’t exactly remember but its during the winter trip arc) and 68 and haha they were vague as heck. Not a lot of substances when you don’t really show the full context when they actually became a couple. Gosh damn, I’m getting really salty here but it’s just this ending is pretty dumb in general. Maybe I expected too much for a manga that’s supposed to be about the MC falling in love with one of the quints and marrying her later on in the story. Even Bokuben treated the girls better in their routes, winner and losers alike (I did have problems with Rizu’s route even though she IS my best girl and all routes had their share of problems). Either way, I’m hearing good things about what the movie did and I saw the quint game clip. The animation, music, and voice acting can really carry a scene even though it was a stoopid scene ngl. But still.

Oh and the bell kisser! Yet another subplot that wasn’t explained properly. I’ve seen comments explaining why Yotsuba was the BK, but honestly, they don’t really make sense. And once again, this is because of the lack of actual thoughts from Yotsuba about that scene. Like, why would she do it? What was her thought process? And why did it got resolved in the last chapter???? It was pretty much a nothingburger subplot that didn’t really impact the story at the end besides creating another layer in the mystery about the bride. And giving Fuutarou ze sacred first kiss.

Honestly, I guess I’m contradicting myself now because of this manga haha. It’s a good thing that I didn’t get too much invested in the quint wars, but as someone who consumes a lot of anime and manga, I’m not gonna let good, bad, and mediocre writing slip past me. I guess I did learn from my English classes hahaha. 5toubun’s writing quality clearly deteriorated during the second half, but a lot of people will ignore it just because. And then the ending made everyone realize that Nisekoi’s ending actually did more justice to the main couple ahahaha. It’s just so strange for me to really love Yotsuba’s backstory and the confession chapters and hated what happened afterward. But honestly, it shouldn’t be because it happens. It happened in SNK of course.

In the end, 5toubun is a series I don’t really look back on fondly because it did leave me with very mixed feelings. Really, this post is to vent about the ending and why it bothers me so much (ofc it took me almost a week to finish this ahaha). The winner? Didn’t even get a whole wedding chapter for herself. The losers? Couldn’t move on from their tutor from 5 years ago. Three years later? The real Gotoubun no Hanayome is the friends we find along the way.

However, I’m still very excited about the movie though. From what I’ve heard so far, it made Yotsuba the protag because they sprinkled her backstory throughout the movie. I’m pretty sure her win will be more believable because it’s gonna get carried by the animation, music, and voice acting. But seriously though, I hope the movie comes out in the west because from watching Mugen Train and JJK0 in my local theatre, I’d say more anime movies deserve to get international releases too. As early as possible of course hehe. As for me, well, it’s time to move on to another harem romcom.

Scoopshipping: The Impact of a Positive Influence

Ahh yugioh relationships.

Well. Besides the fascinating plots that yugioh usually has, I really like the character relationships.

Yugioh can present different character relationships and honestly, they really pull you in and make you get invested in these relationships. Whether it may be about friends, rivals, siblings…I find myself just appreciating how yugioh shows you what it means to have that friendship/rivalry/brotherly love between characters.

(Though I’m not gonna lie if you ask me what’s my favorite yugioh friendship/rivalry I have no answer for that lol it’s a tough choice)

You see…the best thing about character relationships in yugioh is that there’s a significant impact or character development that comes out of these two characters interacting with each other. Yugioh shows you how could a character’s influence on another character impact them as a whole. Yugi and Atem…Yugi and Kaiba…Jounouchi and Mai…Judai and Chronos…Judai and Sho…Judai and Johan…Yuma and Astral…Shark and IV…okay I think I’ve named enough but these characters have an impact on each other and I just find it very awesome that yugioh writers never fail to present strong character relationships!

But I am also a romance enjoyer, so whenever I spot two characters bonding and ultimately giving me angst *cought*fruitship*cough* I will be really keen about them.

And I really want to talk about this particular yugioh relationship because a) I have lots of things to talk about them and b) I think the yugioh writers got to push themselves outside of the usual friendship/rival/sibling relationship by writing about them…

Even before I watched 5D’s, I already have an idea about this particular ship because everyone brings it up every time there’s like a 5D’s discourse. I prepared myself for the inevitable, but gosh damn. I did not expect to see yugioh giving me the perfect amount of romance angst. It’s very impressive of them to do this to me. I am very impressed.

So here we go. Let me tell you why I truly loved their relationship and why I think their relationship really worked.


Fortune Cup ended! What a mess it became to be right? All the Signers got exposed to each other. The Crimson Dragon showed up and people freaked out. There’s no more KING Jack Atlas. There’s a new king in da town and he doesn’t care about his title because his nakama matters. A new threat coming in town and it’s a giant spider. New characters. New arc. Welcome to the Dark Signers arc.

Really when you think about it, DS arc really started in a mess for most of these characters, but well who got it the worst? Jack Atlas baby. He’s not the king anymore. He got hospitalized. He’s got exposed for being a Satellite-born. Used by Rex Goodwin. Shunned by everyone else. Basically in a giant mess. You can say it’s his karma for stealing Yusei’s ace monster to go to the top, but hey Yusei understands his motivations for doing so. That’s why Yusei is the best nakama ever.

But Jack Atlas. Where will his character go now that he lost his title? The title that he wanted so bad that he sacrificed his friendships to attain that dream. Not only his title but I guess he basically lost his wealth…fortune…and pride. Well folks, the answer lies in another character who is looking for a…scoop.

New characters in da town. New allies and new villains. There’s this new character. Big glasses. Meganekko. Seems like a gag character based on her introductory episode, but hey she’s a reporter who’s on the Crimson Dragon case baby. Oh Rex Goodwin you better be careful or your secrets shall be revealed by this reporter…Carly Nagisa.

Honestly, as soon as they started interacting in episode 29 (very nice tag duel btw), I knew to myself that the writers were setting them up to build a relationship in this arc. And the funny thing when I think about them is that their interactions lasted for like less than 10 episodes too. Then the rest is history. However, in those episodes, the writers did a good job establishing their relationship that will ultimately come to a halt when Carly gets killed by the scumbag Divine.

Like, their biggest relationship-building episode was in episode 31 and I think that episode really made me get invested in their relationship for a lot of reasons.

Episode 31 really showed how lost Jack was and unsure because he is not the king anymore. On top of this, he’s exposed as a Satellite-native and just…the biggest clown ever (he says it himself heh). And then there’s Carly who REALLY wants to keep him afloat because she wants a scoop from him. Like I said in my 5D’s review, I think the characters are constantly searching for something and they are no exceptions for this. Jack is searching for a new purpose in life and Carly is searching for a Jack Atlas that she wanted to write. And both of them found it at the end of this episode.

This scene right here is one of my favorites non-duel scenes in 5D’s and honestly my favorite Jack Atlas moment in the entire series. Yes I know Majestic Red Dragon and Red Nova Dragon summoning moments are cool as heck (also the duel with Fake Jack in S2 is worth mentioning), but this scene is what made me like Jack. He’s pretty much a douchebag at the start of the series, so I got turned off a little bit by his attitude (yes ARC-V Jack it’s your fault lol). Him losing to Yusei in the Fortune Cup made him ofc bitter…but also humbled by this experience. I just love that this scene shows the audience the humbleness and Jack’s willingness to change as a person. No more to that Jack who is egotistical and selfish, yes now to a more nuanced Jack. I’m also impressed with Jack declaring for the real Jack to live because he acknowledged that even though he’s living the dream that he wanted for a long time, he hurt people along the way. To be fair though, Jack has always been a straightforward character, but I just really like him acknowledging his mistakes in this scene. It’s just a very defining Jack Atlas moment for me.

Also, I didn’t expect to see Carly say those lines in this episode and I’m just also very surprised that she got development in this scene. But I really appreciate it because it shows me that she’s more than just your silly gag character. She has an agenda that seems good, but she realized that she shouldn’t be like the other reporters who will write anything about someone as long as they get paid. I just really like that the “something” that she found in this episode is having integrity as a journalist. Jack made her realize that everyone has a story to tell, but she also saw that there’s more to Jack when a kid told Jack that he is still the king for him. I just…really loved her character for the moment she appeared, but this episode gave her a character development alongside Jack. And I loved seeing it.

Just…honestly this scene and just episode 31 as a whole made me start to be even keener to scoopshipping because they serve each other as an influence to one another. A positive influence. Yes, more positive influence on Jack because he needed character development, but it just worked so well because he needed that someone to make him realize that he can change. He can forge a new path for himself even if he’s not the king anymore.

See right here? That is the new Jack Atlas heck yeahhhh. And Carly is one of the major reasons why he was able to rationalize his thoughts. She IS his positive influence and her influence would then carry on for the rest of this arc…

Also, this scene right here gave me the tingles because again, this IS Carly’s effect on Jack. He doesn’t want her to get hurt just by getting involved with him and they both know it’s because of the threat of the Dark Signers. Yusei vs Kiryu definitely gave everyone a taste of the terror and Jack knows he can’t involved the girl who ultimately saved him a few episodes ago. Also, I just really like this scene because it shows the audience that Jack’s perception of Carly is now changed. With my shipper side? Well, he definitely cares for her now and you love to see it happening.

Let’s fast forward to angst because angst is good when it’s well-written. Well, gosh damn the angst with scoopship…

Yeah I’m skipping the Carly vs Divine stuff cuz Carly is my favorite 5D’s character and I definitely wanna talk about her in-depth in the future. But the angst in those episodes and Jack finding her glasses…good angst and incoming pain.

So, after Carly gets yeeted out by the scumbag Divine, became a Dark Signer, and Jack freaking out because of him finding her glasses, the scoopship relationship really turned to the angsty road. Heck, Jack pretty much spent the rest of the arc having that constant moment where he stares at Carly’s broken glasses and just becomes…emo (I guess). Since his character got attached to her at this point, this also made me get more attached to his character as the rival of the protagonist. I just find it very interesting that the writers decided to give the rival a love interest this time to motivate them as opposed to other rivals who usually get motivated by their siblings or parents. And I think it worked well for Jack for the rest of the Dark Signers arc because he needs to deal with the fact that the girl who saved him may be dead. Like man from episodes 40 to 46, he’s like “Carly can’t be dead I need to go to Satellite” and from 46 onwards he’s like “Why is Carly a Dark Signer now?? I have to fight her???” That was basically Jack for the rest of the arc and I loved that direction because it’s not about “him” anymore. What he truly cares about at that moment is not about himself, but for Carly’s safety.

And honestly…their reunion at episode 47 is so bittersweet because that’s like Jack’s nightmares coming to life. The worst possible thing to happen to Carly wasn’t even getting absorbed by an Earthbound Immortal…it’s about her becoming a Dark Signer herself. Also, her calling Jack her “beloved” HIT ME IN THE FREAKING ANGSTY FEELS.

And then me being so excited about their upcoming duel waited for 10 more episodes after their mini-reunion and gosh damn the frustration was real at that time. The fact that Yusei dueled 2 Dark Signers before Jack did is just amusing to me but also I was looking forward to that fated duel because yeah I was already super invested in them at that point.

The result of that wait? My personal favorite yugioh duel.

58: Dark Signer Jack tho…

Jack vs Dark Signer Carly.

What a duel.

My favorite thing about this duel is that it’s just about THEM. Even though there was the Yusei getting sucked into the netherworld for like 2 episodes (and Papa Fudo thankfully saves him), this two-parter basically showed the audience the culmination of this long build-up of Jack trying to get answers from Carly and their relationship. Of course, the Dark Signers duels are great and everything, but I also think that there were a lot of distractions like Ruka’s adventure to retrieve Ancient Fairy the rest of Kiryu’s flashback, and his descent to being a Dark Signer, Rudger’s backstory. And I think the biggest offender was Aki vs Misty because it had Misty’s flashback, Divine trying to poison Aki again, Yusei trying to escape because of yeah Divine’s shenanigans. Yeah that two-parter had a lot going on.

But Jack vs DS Carly is different because it’s just about them. About Jack’s growth as a character. About Carly’s desires and regrets. About their relationship. Even Jack becoming a Dark Signer scenario is still about them lol. Speaking of that, I honestly freaked out when it happened in episode 58 because I was like “wait but i like this kind of trope of ???????” Like did the writers know that I also dig the “villainous couples” trope? But ngl, it was also interesting to see the version of Dark Signer Jack that Carly (or maybe DS Carly) sees because it’s also basically pre-DS arc Jack version but eviler this time lol.

BUT the moment when they showed Carly putting his bandages??? Also, hit me in the feels. And the end of episode 58 where Jack woke up because of the broken glasses?!?!?! He desired to be king again, but he knows that his priority right now is saving Carly. The true Jack Atlas wants to save the girl who saved him.

59: I love you

This episode…this episode man…

Immediately, we get a mini-Carly! Very unexpected but also very good for her character. I love seeing smol Carly.

But the way this episode solidified scoopshipping for me is just so good. IT’S SO GOOD. Jack trying to wake up Carly. Carly wakes up and apologizes to him. Cue to Aslla Piscu shenanigans. Majestic Red Dragon first summon! And so many great moments in this episode.

But this moment and basically Jack’s whole speech to Carly in this entire scene is the perfect encapsulation of Jack’s character development in this arc.

This is the impact of Carly’s positive influence on Jack.

He became a better person because another person told him he could. That person believes that he could. Carly believes in Jack.

Imagine if he wasn’t told that he could leave his past and become a new person, right? Where would that Jack Atlas go? What if he just kept on being emo because he lost to Yusei, he lost his title and his reputation is tarnished? Well, I would guess he’d grow even more bitter and resentful. But I’m glad he didn’t become even more broody lol.

But since she came into his life, he was able to change. Like what he said, Carly saved his “bruised and trouble heart” because of her “considerate heart.” And that is so beautiful to see.

I don’t really want to put Mikage in the picture, but I also think that the biggest reason why she wasn’t able to capture Jack’s affection is that she didn’t consider Jack’s feelings at all. And even after Carly disappeared, she lowkey tried to make it about her by trying to confess to Jack. Meanwhile, Carly also made the same mistake in episode 31, but she also realized that she needs to consider Jack’s feelings because he’s super down you know. So, for Jack to acknowledge this quality of hers…ah gosh damn.

And now this moment.


This moment caught me off-guard that it made me repeat the scene twice. I’m pretty sure I got spoiled about this duel thanks to a ygo account that I follow on Twitter, but like Jack Atlas saying the three magic words????? WHAT?!?!?!?!

Yeahh I’m freaking out because I never expected him to confess especially since yugioh is not really forward about the romance aspect of it. I think the love confession that I know before watching 5D’s is Yubel to Judai and Kotori to Yuma. But this time, it’s basically a rival who does this (even though Seto and Kisara exist too but I don’t remember much about them anymore my apologies).

But my initial thought (after screaming) was “…why?” Like why would Jack feel the same way now to her after telling her to back off back in episode 36?

And after thinking about it…I think the answer also lies in that episode! Because like what I said above, Jack telling Carly that he wants her to be safe kind of implies that he doesn’t see her the same way that he did back when they first met each other. And I would guess that her missing and him finding out that she became a Dark Signer made him realize that he truly found someone that he wants to protect. I guess the long ride from episodes 48 to 58 helped him lol. In TVTropes dictionary, I would call this the “Belated Love Epiphany” trope. As the trope page states, “Maybe you’ve become so used to their little quirks you can’t imagine your life without them. Or maybe you realize that they’re the best thing to ever happen to you. Whatever the case, you realize too late that you actually love them.” Yeap. That’s what I think happened to Jack Atlas.

But really for me, this moment really just stood out for me and just I can’t fully explain it… but in my fruitship post, I said that I really value my OTPs saying the three magic words because I’m pretty much a traditional shoujo lover. So, for a yugioh series to do this? I’m blown away honestly. And honestly, I’m impressed that the 5D’s writers managed to write Jack a love interest that elevated his character. A lot. Jack…you’re the man!

And these two moments ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED ME!!!!!! (in a good way of course)

These two moments just solidified why Carly is my favorite 5D’s character (will explain more in the future). But her unrelenting support to Jack touched his heart once again. She knew that he can defeat the Dark Signers, so she prevented him from using his trap card.

Speaking of that, I just think that Jack using a trap card that will end the duel in a draw is another proof of his love for her?!?!?! LIKE HE WAS SO READY TO GO WITH HER!! Gosh damn Jack Atlas. GOSH DAMN.

But with these two scenes…I was just like “that’s it, that’s my favorite 5D’s duel now” and I dared for the other duels to top it. But nah…it’s still my favorite (and honestly my favorite yugioh duel of all time now). Just the emotional aspect of this duel and what it meant to Jack and Carly’s character really elevated it so much. I just so love that this duel presented both selfishness and selflessness from them.

Selfish desires (“I can become the king again?”)

Selfless desires (“You become a real King who is loved by all.”)

Selfish love (“Be mine and you will rule the Netherworld as the new Dark King!”)

Selfless love (“I want to save you, the one I truly love!”)

I just really loved the message in this duel. And I love scoopshipping.

And then you have this moment during the duel with Dark Signer Rex that made me SQUEAAAAAL and once again, the culmination of Jack’s character arc post-Fortune cup.

And honestly I watched the Filipino version of this scene and basically, I died because instead of saying “the love of a woman” Jack said “the person I love the most” and I JUST FELL IN LOVE WITH THEM AGAIN OKAY?!?!?!!?!?!?

And yeah season two happened, but you know I want this post to be just me appreciating about them because like what I’ve said in my 5D’s review, I think that the way the writers made it look like their relationship didn’t exist AT ALL during season two hurt their characters as a whole because the season before it literally connected their characters.

And then I see comments that are like “oh yeah love them BUT season two happened” and that makes me sad because you can be disappointed with how the writers treated them all you want, but I also think that it would be beneficial if you look past it and appreciate what the writers did for them in season one. Helps me a lot tbh. I just think that their relationship is something special in a show that’s about CARD GAMES AND MOTORCYCLES. You don’t get to see a mutual romantic relationship in yugioh, so yeah!

Also Ono Katsumi (director-san) basically said since that they mutually confessed, it’s up to the audience to imagine their future. So you know that I’ll take it and THEY ARE CANON (in my heart and hopefully to most of y’all).

And Jack’s losing line to Dark Signer Carly in duel links is him confessinggggggggg, so yeah there is an acknowledgment right there and it’s time we appreciate them more!

I just…never thought I could love another ship this intense since fruitship, but no regrets at all. Basically, these two ships worked so much because they positively influenced one another and I love me some good old angst in my yugioh shows! I’m a certified fruitship and scoopship enjoyer now heh.

In the end, character relationships in yugioh will always stand out to me because the writers can present them in a way where the audience will get invested with them. That’s why when the emotional duel happens, we all cry and angst at them. Yusei vs Antinomy man…that duel…

And with scoopshipping, the writers were able to write a romantic relationship that helped their characters and just presented the audience a romance in a season where everything is dark and gritty. And I’m just so happy to see their relationship grow.

And you know what? Fanfics exist and I got to read some gooood scoopship fics (both fluff and angst). I have some scoopship ideas here and then but we’ll see.

Jack and Carly showed a relationship that was all about the importance of having a positive influence on your life. With that positive influence and encouragement, you can change for the better. With that positive influence, you can learn to look towards the future instead of the past. With that positive influence…you can learn to love someone selflessly.

They were two individuals that were caught up in this mayhem of season two shenanigans, but they both persisted and ended up giving me my favorite yugioh duel. It all started with an encounter in a hospital and it ended up with a very emotional hug. The perfect recipe for romance indeed. Truthfully, I would like to see another romantic relationship like theirs in yugioh, but either way, I am quite satisfied with their relationship in 5D’s.

(There’s more stuff that I wanna mention but probably forgot so fingers crossed more scoopship analysis in the future because I just love them so much.)

So yeah.


It’s a damn good yugioh relationship.

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s: Bonds, Friendships, and Card Games on Motorcycles

It’s been years, but I finally got to watch 5D’s.


Back in my prime yugioh days, I was just blasting through DM and GX because I was REALLY into yugioh that time. You can thank ARC-V for it and it was absolutely fun finally watching them because they’re fun and had a lot of heart.

The problem though is…halfway through GX Season 4, I just started to slack off and not finish the season. I guess it’s a combination of me finding new obsessions, moving on from yugioh and just…I didn’t enjoy that season as much as I wanted to. Which is a bummer because GX S3 is one of my all-time favorite yugioh arc. But anyways, I still enjoyed that season in the end because of the message behind it: growing up. It’s just a shame that I didn’t finish it as soon and it ultimately led me to finish it back in 2020 lol.

And since my yugioh hype train died down from 2017 onwards, I didn’t bother to start 5D’s too despite hearing so many things about it. The biggest one being “Season 1 the best and Season 2 really bad” and I already had that preconception going into the show. Well, this is why you don’t get deep into yugioh anime fandom tbh.

BUT ALAS I finally had the strength to watch the show last year. Again, you can thank ARC-V dub and ARC-V world in duel links for that.

But another factor that made me like “Oh man I gotta watch this show ASAP” is this particular post that I saw on twitter. For years, I was lucky not to watch any 5D’s clips (besides the GTA one lol) so I don’t have any idea what REALLY happens. But just seeing that post…I was like “Now I regret seeing this because I’m totally curious now what’s context and yeah that’s angsty as heck and I love it” and yeah it’s from episode 59.

And then yeah! I just said to myself that after school is done, I’m just gonna blast through it for the whole vacation. And what can I say now that I finally finished it after a month and a half of constant screenshots and livetweets? I enjoyed it and I’m very emo about it.

There are just sooooooo many things to talk about 5D’s and yeah! Let’s talk about Yugioh 5D’s!

Season 1: Signers? Nazca lines? DRAGONS? MOTORCYCLES?! Welcome to 5D’s!

When people say that 5D’s Season 1 is the best…they clearly have a reason to say it because it is gooooood.

It’s just the way this season folded kept me wanting to watch more. Just the mystery behind the Signers and the Crimson Dragon will have you wondering why they exist and what is their purpose. BUT ALSO, this season is about Yusei Fudo and his journey to go through this thing that we call ‘life’. He lives in a place where it’s regarded as the worst place ever, Satellite. His friend and rival stole his ace DRAGON monster. He tried to escape Satellite to get Stardust Dragon back. He got jail time and got tortured there. More torture and hiding in Neo Domino City. Like, he started his journey pretty much alone and it was just nice to see him gradually climb. Yes, he struggles and falls a lot, but he has that ‘never giving up’ attitude and yeap, your classic shounen protagonist right there.

And I also like the fact that this season took its time to introduce you to the world of Neo Domino City and Satellite. The class wars are legit and real (though ARC-V utilized this to its full potential IMO) yet the people always get united by DUELING. It’s the nature of the show lol. And really I’m surprised how the show started with simple duels even though the Synchro summoning method gets introduced. Of course, it got gradually complicated because it’s yugioh, but I’m quite happy that 5D’s didn’t slap you immediately with the new summoning method cuz it was always all about “how will your backrow help you in your duels” lol.

Also, the Fortune Cup itself is a nice tournament because it wasn’t grand or anything. Its purpose really is to introduce the Signers to each other, get build-up for the next arc, and for Rex Goodwin to be shady as heck. Speaking of him, I just wanna say that he’s such a shady character that I think Reiji looks up to him a lot lol. The only difference is that Rex turned out to be actually shady but we’ll talk about that like in the next paragraphs because…the real meat of this season is the Dark Signers arc.

There is no doubt in my mind that the Dark Signers arc is one of my favorite yugioh arcs ever!! (alongside with Millenium arc, GX S3, A5 S1, and Fusion Dimension arc). I guess the reason why I truly love this arc is the fact where you see how the Signers grow and how their relationship with each other grow. I mean heck it took them 42 episodes to get a full team assembly because they all have personal issues. Yusei had to deal with the fact that one of his old friends came back as a Dark Signer and almost died during their duel. Jack had to find himself again after losing his title as a king and has to deal with the possibility that his reporter friend died. Aki had to resolve his psychic and parental issues. Ruka still has to find Ancient Fairy Dragon. Rua (not a Signer yet) wants to protect his twin sister to the best of his capabilities. All sort of these problems you know. Like they repeatedly tell each other that they’re just…strangers who happen to be connected because of the birthmark that they have. Yet, in the end, their mark is the reason why they found each other and formed a…KIZUNAAAAAA and it’s beautiful to see that.

And then you have the Dark Signers and they’re awesome as villains. Their ugly marks aside, I do like the concept that they became Dark Signers because they didn’t want to die yet and they have different reasonings as to why they became one (though revenge is the biggest one ofc). Either for revenge, for love, for power…or for Demak’s case…a way to develop Rua and Ruka lol. I do wish that we actually see them interact with each other instead of you know…they just stare there menacingly lol. They don’t seem to hate each other you know and Duel Links didn’t even make them have lines for each other dammit. Either way…I just really think that they made the stakes even higher for our Signers and gave the most emotional duels throughout the season. Earthbound Immortals are also great and I love the soundtracks when ITS EARTHBOUND IMMORTAL TIME!

Idk man I just like how the Dark Signers are the catalyst for the Signers to get more character development because most of them were personally involved with each other. Heck, even Crow vs Bommer gave the former a nice character development and I’m quite happy that Crow didn’t turn out to be a Dark Signer like what they planned him to be. It just didn’t fit him tbh. Anyways, I think out of the 4+2 Signers, it’s really Jack and Aki who got the most development in this arc. Very fitting cuz their duels were near the end of the arc like man Yusei dueled twice already and they were still on their way to where they’re supposed to duel lol. Honestly, Rua/Ruka vs Demak was long as heck, but I do like they pay off. Yusei vs Kiryu R2 is emotional and Yusei vs Rudger is even more emotional and I think the latter duel gave Yusei one of his finest moments. Aki vs Misty has the best aesthetics because mirrors make everything trippy (and better). But man… Jack vs Carly…that’s for another post but yeah that duel was everything I could ask for and more.

Side note: I just found out that 5D’s has a Tagalog dub and I’m going through them and losing my mind.

But yes! I love the Dark Signers arc BUT it’s not without its flaws and it’s the climax duel with Rex Goodwin. Now, I don’t have issues with him being the villain and it absolutely makes sense because he was shady from the very beginning. I just…really dislike how the duel with him turned out because the writers had to throw Crow and Jack out to make Yusei ultimately save the day cuz duh he’s the protagonist and you can’t do anything about it. I mean the same thing happened later on with the duel with Aporia (now that I think about it lol), but it would have been better if they all finished the big bad altogether instead of just Yusei. Like…the more I think about it, the more I dislike that duel lol.

Another issue that I had is how the duels with Kiryu and Misty concluded. Now, I actually enjoyed both Yusei’s duel with Kiryu and learning all about the Team Satisfaction shenanigans, but I think it’s pretty telling when the writers chose to not make Yusei actually lose instead. It’s a recurring theme about his duels so lol we’ll get to that more later. His second duel with him tho…as emotional as it was…the Kiryu redemption part went real quick. Since it happened near the end of the episode, I guess it was bound to happen, and to be fair, Crashtown arc exists afterward. The same thing happened with the duel with Misty and even though I also enjoyed the duel, I find that there were many things happening all at once like Misty’s backstory and how her bro died, Divine being the prick he is, Aki losing control of her powers and Yusei and co trying to stop Divine’s shenanigans. I guess that’s why Misty’s redemption moment also felt quick and there was no real processing moment for her cuz she found out the truth + Aki trying to gain control of her powers + episode runtime is almost over. I do reaaaally love the aesthetics in that duel because mirrors are cool! Oh! And Aki having to gain control thanks to Yusei is something I didn’t really appreciate cuz it would’ve been better if she did it herself for a better powerful moment. Like dude it was such a powerful moment when she controlled her psychic powers during her second duel with Yusei. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work the same the second time around. Anyways…maybe I’m nitpicking too much about these two duels but gosh damn if you have a duel like 58 and 59 that ultimately focused on the characters involved in that duel and just Yusei trying not to get sucked off into eternity by the souls around him and getting saved by his dad’s ghost, then it’s pretty hard to top it off lol.

In the end, 5D’s S1 really got to introduce you to these characters and their relationship with each other and it was honestly beautiful that they formed a bond because of their connections as Signers. Special shoutout to Ushio as well who was pretty much annoying at first but ended up having a great character development and like he says, changed his life. Also, I said that I dislike the final duel, but the finale episode of the Dark Signers arc also felt like it could’ve been the finale of 5D’s as a whole, and honestly I don’t mind that! The series started with this great divide between Neo Domino City and Satellite and ended up getting reunited again thanks to the efforts of the Dragon Signers. So yeah, very awesome season.

Season 2: SOL with a giant CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES TOURNAMENT?! Machines what? Time-traveling WHAT?? It’s 5D’s Season 2 baby!

When people say that 5D’s Season 2 is where everything starts to go downhill…they also have a reason to say it.

My main concern going into this season is that I will eventually lose interest and start slacking off just like what I did during my GX S4 watch…and I did lose interest for a bit. But gosh damn after episode 100 I’m glad the show picked up again and gave a lot of hype moments! CLEAR MIND!!!!! SHOOOOOTING STAAAAAR DRAAAAAAGOOOOOOOOON!!!

Now, from what I understand there were issues and controversies going on behind the scenes especially the cult stuff and ultimately became the reason why the show’s plot stirred off to sci-fi with the involvement of the new villains, the Yliasters. But frankly, I don’t feel like diving deeper because I’m scared it might make me like the show less lol because it still ended up great and yeah!

Now, what I think worked really good in this season is the fact that there are downtime moments for our gang after getting so much pain and suffering during S1 you know. It was just nice seeing an episode about Yusei and Bruno trying to hack a system and Crow and Jack fight like kids because they couldn’t beat the mini-dueling system lol. And now that I think about it, the duel with Team Unicorn also brought great moments such as Aki summoning Stardust, and honestly the showdown between Yusei and END YOUR TURN JEAAAAAAAAN is awesome because they were both trying to beat each other and Yusei was on the verge of losing via deck out.

And of course, the duels and everything else after episode 100 are just…so goooood! Yusei summoning Shooting Star? Jack summoning Red Nova? The whole duel with Team Taiyou and Team Ragnarok? The duel with Aporia? Rua becoming a Signer and summoning Life Stream Dragon? Yusei vs Antinomy? Aporia vs Z-one? Yusei vs Z-one and him summoning all the Signer dragons and Shooting Quasar? Yusei vs Jack last round? Gosh damn the hype is real!

It just feels great that after sitting through the filler episodes (even tho I enjoyed them for what they are), we got a lot of fine moments for the cast. Though obviously most of the hype moments came from Yusei himself because he is the man of the hour always! Either way, I think the best thing about this season is that the pay-offs are amazing and you always get this sense of hype for a show about card games…with motorcycles of course!

Now for my issues about this season…

5D’s is a VERY plot-driven and duel-focused season (I mean yeah for sure its not yugioh without the duels!) and I don’t really mind that aspect of it. Even though there were slow parts and the world-building and everything, it doesn’t really change the fact that the plot drives this show. Especially after the Dark Signers/WRGP arc started.

However, since 5D’s is plot-driven, several characters got either sidelined, underutilized, or were just there for the sake of their appearance IF you’re not Yusei! Oh and some of them got the same character development as in season 1.

There are also subplots that were dropped such as Ushio implying that he was gonna join WRGP and that one classmate of the twins who was interested in Stardust. Oh and the lame plot twist about Z-one but we’ll talk about him later.

But let’s talk about the most underutilized and probably less-developed character/Signer first: Ruka. I love Ruka and I think between the twins, she’s the more competent duelist and I can say that because she managed to tie her first duel while Rua lost twice already at that point. I love that she got to retrieve Ancient Fairy Dragon and I think that’s her finest moment. And after that? Nothing really. She was…there. Even though the twins got the duel with Lucciano, she didn’t get a more meaningful character development that I was hoping to see. I mean, heck what does she want to do in her life? What are her interests? Why can she see spirits? (I think they answered this but I probably forgot) Who is Ruka beyond the twin that Rua wanted to protect? I just didn’t like how she was underutilized because she is a Signer and certainly deserves to have more character growth. The fandom seems to be more upset about Aki getting sidelined (I agree to some extent), but I do think Ruka got the shorter end of the stick between the two Signer girls in the group. On the bright side though, Ruka in post-timeskip looks absolutely beautiful. The glow-up is real!

Speaking of Aki, although I also agree that she got sidelined and certainly doesn’t deserve the “benchwarmer” title (seriously tho why this right), I still think that her S2 development is great and frankly I liked her character development the most out of the 6 of them. And I guess this is because of the fact that she started to get interested in Riding duels and what she wanted to do in her life. I don’t really like that she got thrown off her D-Wheel after episode 100 though. After getting that fine moment of summoning Stardust Dragon? Not very nice. Otherwise, I like that she started as someone who wanted to be saved, to someone who saves others. It is pretty neat that she became a doctor in the end.

Another sidelined/underutilized character would be Sherry and *checks her duels in yugipedia* *5 duels with 3 losses*. Welp I guess that further proves my point because her introductory episode was soooooo cool even though I had an idea that her character would get sidelined at some point. And it did. After getting sucked into the wormhole in episode 117 and disappeared for like 25 episodes until she said “hey yusei i saw the future u gonna be ded” and yeah. I also think that her duel with Crow and Aki definitely hurt her character (even though the end of 140 also definitely redeemed her character) and her last appearance was her losing to Jack. She needs to come to Duel Links! But anyways…I think that the writers underutilized her and should’ve shown more of her especially since she is the second female d-wheeler (after my queen DS Carly) who is one of the catalysts for Yusei’s SHOOTING STAR road besides Bruno. Like she definitely challenged his worldview as a fellow d-wheeler.

Speaking of Bruno/Antinomy, I also think he is underutilized BUT then again his purpose is to push Yusei to ACCEL SYNCHRO and yeah…his death definitely hurtssssss. I really liked his character and he is honestly the boi version of Carly. I mean gosh damn his duel with Yusei kinda mirrors Jack vs Carly and yeah…BRUNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I just think he could’ve done more in the show, but as a supporting character, he is awesome.

I don’t really much have to say about Crow because I think his character development is fine as it is. Since he was introduced later on in season 1, I pretty much feel that his character had gradual character development, unlike the two other Signers that I’m gonna talk about after this. His character always revolved around his love for children and I think his duel with Aki against Sherry gave him that inner conflict that allowed him to decide what he thinks is the best for the kiddos. And the last 3 episodes made him decide what path he wanted to take. Now that I think about it…Crow pretty much had solid character development in season 2. Ngl though, it would’ve been interesting to see how he would be as a Dark Signer. He is ultimately the Team Birb Mom of the group!

Now onto the characters who had the S1 character development rehash…Rua and Jack.

Rua, just like Ruka, got underutilized in S2 BUT got more moments than her like the whole thing with Team Taiyou and LIFE STREAM DRAGON!!!!! That duel was super good and definitely a top favorite and Rua becoming a Signer after 141 episodes is well-deserved. However, I also think that during that duel, he basically had the same character development of “I WILL PROTECT RUKA!” as his duel with Demak in S1. The only difference is that this time he actually became a Signer! Really cool moment, but his character development should’ve been more than that statement. Especially since he’s a character who charges without thinking back-up strategies in his duels. I think that it would’ve been interesting if the twins had a conflict of other people thinking that one of them is better than the other. Then have that twin prove to others that both of them have their strength and weakness and they just wanna protect/support each other (cuz obviously that ‘protecting’ part is still a core part of their character). I just really think Rua’s character development could’ve been better. In the end, though, I’m so happy that he became a Signer and a pro-duelist in the timeskip.

Jack. Oh boi I have a lot to say about him.

Jack’s character development in S1 was fantastic. He threw everything away just to become king and ended up losing it all after Fortune Cup. From there on, he got lost and everything until he got that support of starting anew as Jack Atlas, who is not a king anymore. Ensue angst and many angst, he showed everyone that he lost everything, but gained more because of friends, bonds, and of course, love. Great. We got a more nuanced Jack because he’s such a trash-talker and I remember getting annoyed at his trashtalks in his first duel with Yusei because I was like “Wot bro???? I don’t remember Jack being like that.” Thanks a lot A5 Jack lol.

In season 2? Well, he basically got the same character development, and this time, without a girl but a harem! Very nice of the writers. Very nice.

But seriously, Jack’s character development in S2 is basically a rehash of S1, and frankly, I think that the writers weren’t quite sure where to take his character besides making him stronger and relying more on his friends. I mean, sure his duel with Fake Jack showed that he’s certainly not like S1 Jack anymore, that arrogant and very prideful king who cared for no one but himself. There is BURNING SOUL too. But that’s pretty much it. And I think I know the reason why the writers are like “yeah what should we do with Jack? don’t really know” And it’s because after his character moment from episode 31 of deciding to become a new Jack Atlas (which is still honestly my favorite Jack Atlas moment! Such a good scene), his character got intertwined with Carly (and vice-versa) and the rest of the arc was about him trying to find out if she ded -> oh shoot she became a dark signer -> oh man now i gotta fight her. Now, it would be logical if the writers continued to expand their relationship, right? Naw, drop it like a hot potato. Even though the Jack episodes had Carly in them, those episodes are ultimately about him dealing with other people. And I think it definitely hurt his character (and Carly’s character) because when your character got involved with another character last arc, the next logical step is to at least develop the relationship further. Or end it. But acting like their relationship didn’t happen in the first place is worse than ending it. Like…I can’t even explain it fully but Jack basically got a character reset in S2 because they threw away one of the major reasons why he got a character development in the first place? Anyways, more about the two…for another post.

But anyways, I just feel that the writers didn’t know where to take his character and gosh damn he became a punching bag in this season that it wasn’t even funny man. Getting arrested for a crime he didn’t do? Getting thrown off his d-wheel multiple times? More blood? Getting hospitalized like thrice and got his arm broken again? Wew. Punching bag (together with Crow but the bird didn’t get the blood treatment luckily). What I’m saying though is that I also feel like Jack didn’t get the respect that he deserves in S2? Even though he also shines a lot (BURNING SOUL), I feel like he had to get humiliated first. Also, speaking of BURNING SOUL, I honestly didn’t like the fact that he’s the reincarnation/incarnation/whatever carnation it is of the guy who defeated the Crimson Devil. It kind of undermines the lore behind the Signers and the Earthbound Immortals because they already dealt with it in season 1. It was cool and everything to see the geoglyph appear again in that duel, but that whole subplot has basically that “we made this stuff along the way because we need to get Jack his Red Nova” feeling. Also, Jack is already a Signer, so I don’t see the necessity for him to have that mystical identity. Either way, he got Red Nova so I can’t complain much lol.

Ultimately, I really loved Jack’s character progression in season 1. I feel like out of all the rivals, he’s the one I got invested in the most because he went from 0 to 100 to 0 again to 100 once again. Thinking about it, he sacrificed everything to get the title that he wanted, only to lose it from an old friend of his. Yusei didn’t sacrifice anything to get the title, and he didn’t even want it. He just wanted to save his friends and obtained the title of KING after defeating Jack. Pretty much karma strikes back for Jack lol. But he learned to be humble because of this loss and that’s what made me really like him. Yet, Jack at the end of season 2 pissed me off like I don’t even wanna remember it because the anger within me arises lol. But basically, his last scene with his “harem” honestly made me like him a little less and I didn’t want to, but the writers did it anyways. And ironically, his post-timeskip appearance has him being the KING OF THE WORLD while having 3 girls accompanying him. Very nice of the writers, truly. I just…yeah didn’t really like how the writers handled Jack’s character in season 2.

My last issue with this season is Z-one. Ahh yes the big baddie of the show!

Ahh Z-one, the Yusei wannabe because the writers didn’t want him to be full-on Future Yusei for some reason.

Actually, the whole stuff behind the Yliaster Organization and just the futuristic stuff plot for me is pretty okay. I just found it confusing how the Meklords who attacked Neo Domino City in the future are the same cards that the 3 Emperors used? No explanation whatsoever. Oh well.

But back to Z-one. I think in the end, him being a Yusei copycat worked okay in the show. However, it would’ve been ten times interesting if he’s actually Future Yusei. It would’ve given Yusei a greater inner conflict that he needs to deal with in the last few episodes of the show. I just didn’t see the point of trying to build Z-one up as Future Yusei only for the plot twist to be actually “sike I’m him but I’m also a copycat of him” Or you know what, just make him an entirely different character without the Yusei features (though he looks handsome alright I won’t deny that). Idk man, when Z-one revealed who he really was, I was just underwhelmed at the plot twist even though I knew about it beforehand. Also, why would he send Antinomy to the past to help Yusei achieve Accel Synchro if Yusei himself discovered it in the future right? Or why would Placido and Antinomy have beef with each other if they’re actually teammates from the future? Also, why would Z-one be the real cause of Zero Reverse if S1 already showed who did it? Anyways, honestly the whole present-future plot in season 2 gets more confusing the more I think about it.

Ultimately, Z-one as the final villain of the show works except for the plot twist surrounding him. Doesn’t mean that his duels aren’t great though, his duel with Aporia is so good but it’s also because of Aporia. Speaking of Aporia, what a great redeemed villain and he’s probably for another post? But for Z-one as your standard final OP villain, his Timelords are definitely weird (those freaking faces) and unique on their own. BUT he could’ve been definitely more interesting for me if he’s actually Future Yusei.

Phew. Season 2 is definitely a blast throughout even with its flaws.

But the ending definitely made everything worth it.

Separated, but always connected through bonds!

Not gonna lie, 5D’s might be my favorite in terms of yugioh series endings. And that’s really because of the message behind the ending and the whole ceremonial duel in general. Jack knew what he wanted to do, but Yusei and the others are not because they don’t want to get separated after all. It does really hit close to home when you and your friends know that the path you all decided for yourselves will make you all separated from each other in the future. And mind you, the Signers were hostile/strangers to each other at first, but in the end, they became a family not only because of their birthmarks but because of the friendship that they’ve formed. So, it does make me sentimental and emo that they got separated from each other in the end. It’s bittersweet, but it also shows that their bonds will always be there. It was just a beautiful ending throughout (even with the whole Jack fiasco) and I just love how Yusei’s final conversation was with Ushio. The same guy who he first dueled in the entire series. There’s just this sense of nostalgia throughout that scene and it definitely showed that they’re not the same as their first encounter.

Rivals forever!

Also, talking about the ceremonial duel, I think it was really genius of Yusei to end his journey with Junk Warrior. He started his journey with him after all. Just seeing all the low-level monsters in his final turn just gave me that nostalgic feeling because of how he started his journey in 5D’s. AND JUST…honestly the whole message behind this ceremonial duel is finding the path that you want to take. Don’t let yourself be held back by others, even if they are your friends because you will not reach that dream. And a true friend doesn’t hold you back from pursuing your dreams. I do like how Jack basically told them “i know we’re friends and everything, but i’m pursuing my dream and you can’t stop me so decide what you all want to do” and Yusei basically told them “yeah Jack is right and just remember, separation is temporary but bonds are forever!” and yeah! I just wish though that they actually had a reunion post-timeskip and Yusei not having a post-8-year timeskip appearance is questionable IMO. But I bet he looks the same like Jack and Crow lol.

But yes, for all the flaws that season 2 had, the ceremonial duel and the ending were not one of them. The last scene in 154 is definitely bittersweet, but it also had a lot of warmth on it. Team 5D’s forever!

Yusei Fudo: The rarest of them all

Yes, the last thing I want to talk about in this super long review already is our protagonist himself: Yusei Fudo!

To be perfectly honest, I was kind of worried that I won’t really like Yusei because I’m not a big fan of the stoic and gary stu protagonists. Especially if they’re just OP as heck with no character depth. Luckily though, I ended up liking Yusei’s character a lot. Yes, he’s your typical shounen protagonist: loved by all, no losing record, gets cool card upgrades and moments, BELIEVES IN HIS FRIENDS AND CARDS, KIZUNA, GET TO HAVE HIS D-WHEEL WINGS, GETS MASAAKI ENDOH TO SING HIS MOMENTS. Yusei’s an unapologetically shounen protagonist and I’m listening to CLEAR MIND as I’m typing this.

I think what I liked the most about Yusei is really his journey as a protagonist. From a nobody to somebody. From a Satellite “scum” to the new KING (suck it Jack). From being hated to being loved. From not having a proper house to having one with his friends. From having no family to having a family with his fellow Signers. He was just a guy who wanted to get his Stardust Dragon back and ended up in this series of mess, but throughout all those mess, never did you see him complain about it.

That’s why I think my favorite Yusei moment outside of him summoning SHOOOOTING STAR and SHOOOOTING QUASAR is his moment in episode 57 (I swear I think I have a thing for protagonists breaking down for some reason). Him telling Rudger and everyone else how his heaviest burden is the fact that his friends still trust him even though he feels responsible for the Zero Reverse incident. Obviously, he has nothing to do with it and is also a victim cuz he lost his parents, but honestly, it’s just a great moment to show the viewers that Yusei is more than just an unbeatable character. And I can totally see why Yusei’s VA is also impressed in that duel.

Yusei’s character is very simple, very shounen and I have no problems with it. However, his simplicity as a yugioh protag kinda holds me back from really loving him you know. But really it’s because my two favorite yugioh protags (Judai and Yuya) are complex characters. And I always like it when the protagonist is flawed and is hiding a serious issue behind their exterior cheerful attitude. Also, Yusei did not become a villain, so that checks out lol. But yeah, I just think his character development is just simple: relying on his friends more, surpassing his limits, and deciding his path. Nothing wrong with it.

But like I said with my problem with Z-one not actually being Future Yusei, it would’ve been really interesting if Yusei actually faced his future self. It would’ve given him that inner conflict that he must deal with. Like, why would my future self decide that the best decision to save the future is to destroy the present? What led my future self to do all of this? Stuff like that honestly. I feel like the writers held Yusei back a couple of times in terms of making his character a bit more complex and fleshed out. Ironically, Yusei did surpass his limits so many times in the series too. Also, the writers did not want to make Yusei lose even though the stakes aren’t even that high (Sherry and Jack, Kiryu too back in S1 but anyways he got wounded so welp). Anyways, really it’s such a missed opportunity when the build-up is already there.

In the end, though, Yusei proved to me that he’s not your typical shounen protagonist. He has that heart of believing in his cards, friends, and bonds after all. Also, his theme slaps so hard and I love using his deck and skill in Duel Links. He is truly the rarest of them all.

Team 5D’s forever!

And there you have it. Gosh this was so long lol.

And there are still some things that I didn’t cover and forgot to cover too rip. They’re for the next posts I guess!

But 5D’s definitely made me emo after watching it. I just really enjoyed it for what it is and what it did throughout its entire course. There’s just something about this show that is heartfelt when it’s conveying its messages. Whether it may be fighting for your friends, fighting for your loved ones, searching for something, finding something, discovering something you haven’t seen or felt before, fighting for what you believe. I find that the characters in 5D’s are constantly searching for something and seeing them find that “something” (friends, love, bonds, hope, dreams…future) is pretty worth it if you ask me.

5D’s will reach its 15th anniversary next year and hopefully, I can talk about this series again. I just didn’t talk about my favorite character, duels, and moments bro! But my ship is definitely the next post. Next post.

Until then…

Riding duel, acceleration!

2021 in Review

It’s that time of the year!

Well, I usually do this on twitter, but this time let’s make this different. Though I frankly am too lazy to do this now LOL but hey this year is certainly a feast to remember for anime fans.

Also this is super late okay I started to write on the last day of 2021 and yeah…Spidey marathon got me lol.

This year really gave us the sequels to the iconic shows of the past years and new ones to enjoy. Like just thinking about how the year started…well let’s just get onto it!

Winter 2021: Where sequels collide with each other

Easily the best season this year.

SNK and Re:Zero sequels airing at the same season? It was clearly nuts.

I just remember the times in r/anime where this season is a battle of which show gets the highest karma awards and points after SNK. It was just that crazy man.

Speaking of SNK, obviously it was my AOTS for that season. Well, even though the manga’s ending came out ages ago and yeah it sucked, just seeing S4 is…so surreal because I remember reading the chapters for the Marley arc and felt so hyped about what’s gonna happen in the SNK world. The reactions are just as great as I expected. All the issues and complaints aside, I think that SNK really united the anime fans around the world during that season. It’s just really awesome to watch SNK reach it’s prime and while I’m not looking forward to the second part that will adapt the rest of the manga, I’m looking forward to see the PATHS and 130-131 chapters get adapted.

Re:Zero on the other hand…another emotional journey that impressed me a lot. Though I don’t remember many details now cuz I’m really that kind of person, it definitely lived up to it’s height and just the way the arc unfolded is sooooo good. I just hope White Fox gets to adapt the next arc because I heard it gets even crazier from then on.

More on the sequel department, Dr. Stone, 5toubun, NNB and TPN came back and yeah. Stone Wars is definitely so much fun to watch because I never actually read the manga and know nothing much about it, so seeing the two sides clash? So good. 5toubun got a different studio this time, resulting to that drastic change of art style and it was clearly better than the first season. Story-wise? They did a lot of rushing in this one so that’s a bummer. I do am glad to see the exam arc and Nino confession getting adapted this time. With the movie coming out next year…well I am in for another rush ride. Speaking of a rush ride…TPN sequel dropped like hot garbage that the second half of the manga turned out to be. Honestly, it was funny to see everyone going from praising it to outright just not caring at all, myself included. It was so bad that no writer wanted to be in the credits rofl. What a shame really because S1 was really good. Oh well oh well. I kinda forgot about Non Non Biyori S3 but it’s a chill and comfy show like it used to be.

NEW SHOWS! Horimiya started solid and kinda lost on the way, but I enjoyed it nevertheless. Tomozaki-kun is a different kind of romcom and it’s definitely unique on its own.

Mushoku Tensei, yes, the isekai adaptation that everyone is waiting for. After watching the second half of the season in the Fall season, I must say that it’s really enjoyable. As scummy as Rudeus is, I do like that this story is his redemption story and I do love me some redemption stories. And I love the adventure aspect of it, even though I’m not a huge fantasy-adventure fan, MT really made me enjoy the adventure aspect of it. So it’s an awesome show and I truly hope for a second season.

WEP…ahh WEP that original show that started so good, but ended up falling into the curse of anime-original shows: bad ending. Man when I watched that ending in June…so much confusion. I feel bad for the creators though because they clearly had a vision for the story. Unfortunately, production issues really took that anime to another side. Oh well.

But anyways, this season is clearly the best out of them all this year, but man the next season? Let me talk about it.

Spring 2021: My favorite season!

Yes, this is undoubtedly my favorite season of the year.

It’s really because most of the shows that I’ve watched that season…are shows that I really really followed through and enjoyed.

Especially the Monday shows.

The Monday shows aka Fruits Basket, HigeHiro, and To Your Eternity.

Gosh I looked forward to those shows so much. Basically, I would look forward for Monday during that season because its the MONDAY shows time. Like, I wouldn’t let myself watch them the next day (or so I hope I don’t remember now).

Fruits Basket THE FINAL SEASON I had the privilege to read the whole manga the year before and having to see the best moments in the manga adapted felt so surreal. Definitely the AOTS for me that season. I just really wish they would adapt more shoujo shows in the future and watching it makes me really wanna hope for a Gakuen Alice remake.

HigeHiro sparked controversy because of its themes, but I really enjoyed it for what it is. Idk much about the ending, but I like how it’s a story of growing up and what it means to be an adult. It’s just a great drama show for me and yeah. To Your Eternity? Despite the last few episodes falling apart with the quality, I enjoyed it too even though it’s fantasy-adventure. I guess really when a fantasy-adventure show that has minimal romance has a good plot and characters I would definitely enjoy it. A lot. Can’t wait for S2.

Speaking of romance shows, I also quite enjoyed SeiMajo and the cute romance in it. Dynazenon, despite being a Trigger show, had a cute romance with the two protags and it’s definitely one of the best parts about it. Seems that they learned after what happened in Gridman lol BUT it also had a cool story and I can’t wait to see the last installment.

Aaaaand the Saturday shows.

The Saturday shows.

Shadows House made me read the manga AND IT’S GOOOD. Just really hoping that Cloverworks doesn’t screw up S2. Vivy had a lot of heart for an original anime show and I enjoyed it for what it is. I thinkkkk I kinda prefer Sigururi a bit because not a big fan of sci-fi shows, but just kinda because Vivy is better in terms of how the story developed. Nagatoro also turned off people after its first episode but it ended up being REALLY wholesome and bro…I enjoyed it so much and I’m so happy it’s getting a second season. Don’t you like it when you tease your beloved senpai like that? Lol.

Aaaand 86. The show that everyone is hyped about because of the light novels. AND IT KEEPS ON GETTING BETTER AND BETTER I SWEAR. Sad that the last 2 episodes of the second half isn’t gonna arrive until next March (well this March as I’m writing this), but it’s such a good show and I’m so happy it knows how to handle an OP and stoic protag in ways that other light novels can’t (coughMahoukacough). I really hope they adapt the latter novels because I want to see the romance so bad. For my hopeless romantic fangirl side please!

Anyways, a lot of people (myself included) thought how this season could top the earlier season…and it did and more!

Summer 2021: The magic continues

Well kind of? This season is good on its own.

The Friday shows, of course, are the highlight of this season for me.

Friday shows aka: Vanitas no Carte, Hamefura S2 and Kanojo no Kanojo.

Oh boy when I tell you that I watch those shows in order because yes I really enjoyed Kanojo no Kanojo despite its ridiculous premise. About a guy who basically gets a harem but he’s dating them all (well not all yet). It’s funny and definitely funnier than the other harem romcom trainwreck that is Kanokari lol…ALSO! I found out that the show is directed by the Zexal/DSOD director, so it’s pretty fun to see how some former Gallop staff are doing right now.

Vanitas is a beautiful show that’s not created by Shaft but has the Shaft vibes because the staff are former Shaft members. I am looking forward for S2! Hamefura S2 is basically adding more harem members to Bakarina’s harem: the show BUT with more kidnappings. I think it’s getting a S3? I don’t remember now but I still enjoyed the heck out of it regardless.

Then we have the sequels. So happy for KyoAni to return with Kobayashi S2 and it still has the heart and soul that the studio has after all these years. Madoka Gaiden S2 finally showed the OG Madoka and Homura and yeah…MADOKA S4 IN THE FUTURE LETS GOOOO. My Hero Academia more like My VILLAIN Academia and everyone complains. I got spoiled a lot on what happens in the manga sooooooooooo yeap. Looking forward for S6 though!

And Higurashi Sotsu. Oh boy.

I still looked forward to it every week, but boy what a trainwreck it was lol. And it literally had a DBZ-style fight in the end. Honeeeestly what were they thinking because man Higurashi is a great show when it’s about the mystery-suspense-thrill aspect of it. Also kinda ruined Satoko’s character in the end. It’s really a shame honestly.

NEW SHOOOOOWS. I didn’t understand Sonny Boy and it was an acid trip: the anime, but I did enjoy it a lot. Clearly, it’s not for everyone, but I appreciate the visual creativeness of it and it has Aoi Ichikawa sooo yeap. Bokutachi no Remake started strong and kinda went astray along the way. I don’t even remember now how the show ended riiiippp. There was also The Detective is Already Dead and that one is also a trainwreck after the first episode LOL.

Honestly this season is something else.

Fall 2021: Here we go!

Yes this season!

Before I talk about the shows above well I kinda wanna talk about Fena: The Pirate Princess. Technically it’s a summer show, but it’s listed as fall too cuz it aired in Japan in fall. ANYWAYS that’s an anime that started strong and ended really weird. The curse of anime originals I’m telling you. Also nice ship teases and the payoff is an off-shot kissing scene. Very very nice of them to do it. Anyways, another wasted potential which really sucks because I really looked forward to the show every week…

OTHER SHOWS well this season was full of romance-related shows and it’s greaaaat. Like two of them featured canon couples as well! We have Banished Hero that has a super cute and communicative couple and Taisho Otome that also has a super cute couple and Yuzu name too! Lol. These shows definitely satisfied my romance quench.

And there you have Komi…gosh I wish another romcom show had the same atmosphere as Komi. What a show and it’s premier episode is probably the best premier that year. It’s just so magical and captured the essence of the manga’s first chapter as well. I really hope it gets more season because Komi/Tadano too cute.

Then you have Takt.Op who also fell to the anime original curse and yeah. Senpai ga Uzai is pretty wholesome but gosh having no romantic progression reminds me so much of Working!!! lol and the sad part is there’s not a lot of romantic progression in the manga too…Sadge. Platinum End is basically a battle royale but WITH ANGEEEEELS. Congrats on Irino Miyu on his marriage tho!!! Gosh he really beat his Matsu bros lol. Mieruko-chan is a great horror that showed heartwrenching/warming moments…but also throws me off when it shows random bewbs and pantsu moments likeeee this show is not supposed to be an ecchi show, but it just shows me sometimes it could. Welp.

Yashahime S2 finally be showing more character developments and from the latest episodes…I just wanna InuKag with their daughter soon!! Please!!

I put Waccha Primaji in this cuz it started this fall and yeah I watched it because it had Hugtto staff. Alongside Tropical Rouge Precure, well I needed muh shows for girls and yeah. Really fun how I watch them together during a Saturday night. What I’m saying is they’re both fun shows and yes the magic!

Overall, this year really treated the fans with great new shows and sequels and 2022 be looking brighter with more new shows and sequels! Squee!

Fruitshipping: Four Years Later

Duelists locked in battle!
Kicking the earth and dancing in the air alongside their monsters!
They storm through this field!
Behold! This is the newest and greatest evolution of Dueling!
(Gif credits)

Oh hey look.

Back for more yugioh posts.

My love for ARC-V has been reigniting lately. So, forget about everything I said in the last post lol.

I mean it’s a combination of many things. Duel Links…the local TV airing A5 dub…Tumblr…rewatching some episodes and a special senpai. I just find myself appreciating my favorite yugioh series again. I realized that no matter how much criticisms and gripes I had about the show, it’s just THAT special to me and frankly, I could care less now if everyone hated it. I still love the show okay. I do wish its not overhated because its making me just stay away from the ygo fandom lol. But anyways.

With these many factors, I just find myself appreciating new things like Yuya and Jack’s teacher-student relationship, episodes 126-129, Yuya vs Yuri, episode 140, episode 147…yeah I feel that I’m gonna have a blast when I rewatch the show hopefully next year.

And them.


When I was catching up in ARC-V like 5 years ago, I knew that the two main characters were gonna get separated before I reached the Synchro arc. Even then, when I reached episode 23, I was just like “lol yeah i ship them” and I just find myself shipping them harder ever since then. I am weak when it comes to romance and you can make me ship easily in any kind anime, so I just jumped on this ship immediately.

But as the episodes go on, they just made it to my list of “My absolute favorite OTPs” and never left since then. It’s pretty funny actually because they’re my only absolute favorite OTP that never had a love confession or kissu. But its also a problem because I do like my OTPs having direct “suki dayo” and at least a kissu or else imma lose my mind. I’m weird I know.

But it was fine because I love them.

So, why talk about fruitshipping right now? Simple. I fell in love with them once again and it’s really thanks to Duel Links bringing the cake home.

Hmmm, so what happens? Yuya arrives at the DL world, talks about making everyone smile with his dueling, notices that his dear beloved friend is not with him, who is this dear beloved friend? You’re right. Its Yuzu Hiiragi, the girl who always cheered him up when he was down. He vows to find her again, you unlock Gongenzaka in stage 6, Yuya says its not time for dueling, its time to find Yuzu, Gongenzaka says “chill Yuya and lets duel because you won’t be able to find Yuzu if you’re like that.” You reach stage 10, Yuzu appears but is down for some reason, Yuya decides to duel her. She’s back boiz. They are finally back together, but tsundere antics shenanigans happen, Gongenzaka says they’re like an “old bickering couple” and Yuzu blushes. “No, I am not marrying this guy!!” “Ouch! Stop that!” They’re back together squad. Fruitshipping is back in business.

When I saw this meme, I should’ve known it would cause me to go back to my roots lol

Yep. I really should’ve known I am about to go through the fruitship ride again after reading this.

BUT not only did they have a moment together in Duel Links, but they also have:

  • Specific lines for each other during duels
  • Callback from episode 148 (at least the dubbed version, not sure about Japanese version but to be fair them getting separated right off the bat is a callback too lol)
  • Duel each other
  • Tag duel with each other and also have specific lines when they’re the teammates

Thank you very much Konami. I’m pretty much well-fed. Just more fruitship content in the future thanks.

Oh? You thought it was just because of duel links? Nah. The dub too!

But the thing is, the A5 dub is weird when it comes to fruitship. In episode 50, they changed Yuya’s lines about how Yuzu was there for him when people mocked him to something something generic. But on the other hand, dub Yuya told Yuzu in episode 99 okay…”I’ll never let you out of my sight…again!” So like (dub Grace voice), make up your minds please.

Okay but then again even dub Yuya can’t stop worrying (and simping) about Yuzu. Like, I was watching episode 78 dub the other day and he’s like “BUT WHAT ABOUT ZUZU?” “ZUZU NEEDS ME!” “ZUZU’S WAY MORE IMPORTANT THAN DUELING!” (gosh I hate her dub name so much). So… I’d say its a fair game either way.

Anyways…I say all of this to say that I just appreciate this otp again. I want to talk about them because there’s just so many things to say about them! Four years later! Desperately looking for fruitship essays, but none to avail. So, screw it and I’ll do one for myself.

So, let’s do this, shall we? And let me get off this ride rofl.

Yuya and Yuzu’s relationship is very very very special to me for so many reasons.

At first, they started off as this typical MC/Heroine duo where the heroine likes the protagonist because this is yugioh and yugioh does it a lot. Dense protag, heroine likes him, protag saves her a lot of times, heroine is tsundere when it comes to him. Yada yada yada. All those stuff I usually see in other anime shows rofl.

However, the way their relationship developed throughout the show became a game changer for me.

After all, Yuzu gets inspired by Yuya (and Sora and Yuto because I don’t wanna leave them out lol) to become stronger by trying to learn Fusion summon. Yuya saw what lies beyond Pendulum summon because he used Yuzu’s polymerization and created both Beast-Eyes and Rune-Eyes! When these moments happened, I got more invested in their relationship because I absolutely love it when my ship inspires each other to become stronger.

On top of them inspiring each other, they also really cheer up each other. Yuya cheered up Yuzu when she lost against Masumi. Yuzu cheered up Yuya when he was down after berserking against Kachidoki. They just…really bring in the best out of each other and showed that during the first season.

And then they got separated.

For half of the show’s run.

This is where they became even more special to me. Why? I mean they’re not interacting right? Heck, they were just reunited for four separate occasions. The fourth time barely counts as well because Leo Akaba shenanigans and the whole Zarc and Ray plot and everyone is dying including my girls.

I also wonder that too I mean I prefer my ships to be together all the time I mean its should be all about building up to that love confession…*coughs*

But honestly though, its really because of how they became each other’s motivation later on. Especially on Yuya’s part but imma explain that more later.

When they got separated, they really started to yearn for each other because no one wanted this to happen. I mean, Yuya had to deal with all of the carding stuff, Sora and Reiji casually saying “yeah this battle royale is for making u all Lancers” and Yuzu had to deal with all of another girl who looks like her, another boy who looks like Yuya who wants to kidnap her for some reason and another boy who looks like Yuya who mistook her for another girl who looks like her and teleported with him. Okay, I made this complicated but ANYWAYS clearly the last thing they wanna deal with is being far away from each other.

So, when it happened, it made both of them realize how truly important they are to each other. Value each other more. Worry more about each other. Support each other even harder. Like, Yuzu vs Chojiro and Yuya’s letter to Yuzu just really show that this separation isn’t just about making them not physically interact, but making their relationship develop further. Seriously, I never experienced this with my other ships, only them lol.

And just…honestly even though they were separated for half of the show’s run, I just can’t seem to stop falling in love with them because they were endlessly searching for each other. That’s the true angst for me and I love angst, so maybe that’s why I loved them more lol. But anyways, even thinking about them four years later still makes me smile, cry, suffer, and angst a lot because they are that special to me okay. I even finally bought their merch together lately and gosh why they aren’t arriving yet!!! Hello!!!

But anyways…

Whenever I think about fruitship, I always think about it on Yuya’s side.

But before that, of course, I wanna talk about Yuzu’s side because thinking about it, her feelings for Yuya are as strong and worth mentioning. Even though the show made her like Yuya because this is yugioh and every heroine likes the protag (except Aoi and Romin), there are actually reasons why she likes him you know. They grew up together, so they’re friends from the very beginning. And of course, Yuya loves egao and is a nice guy in general (also handsome). Of couuurse Yuzu would appreciate all of that good qualities even though he annoys her a lot too. Come on, the first thing Yuya does when Yuzu lost against Masumi is run to her and comfort her. I understand Yuzu. I understand.

And then she had the dilemma when Yuto appeared. She started to doubt everything about herself and I would suspect that she started to doubt whether her feelings for Yuya are real or illusion as well. Good thing she was able to overcome this, but another problem arose when she got teleported away to the Synchro dimension.

When she said, “Yuya is not here!” in episode 54…now that I think about it too…it just reinforces her feelings for him so much because she just overcame that dilemma that Yuya is there with her, but he has someone who looks like him. Now, she really has to deal with the fact that he’s not with her anymore AND she’s stuck with another one who looks like him. She never verbally said that she loves him throughout the entire show (in the dub though she said it in episode 129) and I wish she actually did. But even then, I just never doubted that she loves Yuya because she just showed it all the time. Cheering him up during her duels. Putting himself first before her (and vice versa too). Risking her own safety because she feels and knows that he’s in danger. ENCOURAGING him to stop the fight the way he knows how. Assuring him that she’ll be okay. Assuring him that he isn’t the demon. Always ALWAYS believing in him. I just…feel it through my veins. And writing this makes me love her character more okay there’s a reason why Yuzu Hiiragi is my favorite A5 character hah.

On the other hand, we have Yuya and boy he did not get labeled “the straightest ygo protag” for no reason.

Just…look at this special fruitship masterpost from Yuya’s perspective and judge for yourself.

But the thing…he also never verbally said that he loves Yuzu or the likes. You could always look at their relationship and his feelings for her as platonic or romantic and it’s fine. I just always looked at them and be like “GET MARRIED ALREADY!!!!” so yeah.

But ANYWAYS. The reason why this tomato boy made me love fruitship so much is the fact that she became one of his main motivations to carry on in the latter seasons. Normally, shounen protagonists’ motivation always revolved around “being strong”, “defeating the evil”, “for my family and friends”. Of course, Yuya embodies these tropes, but him having that motivation of “saving and bringing back the heroine home” is something I never see in my anime shows.

And what I find interesting as well is that they could’ve not separated the two and Yuya would still hop dimensions because he IS the protagonist. However, characters like Shun, Yuto, Yugo, and Reiji had a PERSONAL goal in this interdimensional war. Yuya didn’t because in the first season, he just wanted to see what’s beyond pendulum summon and grow as an entertainer duelist, right? Remember, he refused to join the Lancers…not until Reiji said being one could lead him to save Yuzu.

And this is why I think now that it’s pretty interesting that the writers separated Yuya and Yuzu for them to have a personal reason to get dangled into this mess of interdimensional war. Again, none of them really wanted to be in this mess. I didn’t want them to be separated THAT long too come on…

I just…love that Yuzu became Yuya’s motivation later on because oh man he was in for a ride of his life. Sure, I find it really amusing that he would do anything else but duel when her safety mattered, but it just worked so well in his character. For me, I cannot talk about Yuya’s character without mentioning Yuzu because her impact is just so strong AND always worth talking about. The person who was always with him was suddenly gone and all the rational thinking was gone because you just wanted to go ahead and save that person.

Even though Yuya never acknowledged or yeah, verbally said that he sees Yuzu more than a friend, it’s obvious that he does. You mean to tell me that him discarding Smile World, the card and philosophy that he treasured a lot, to get Yuzu out of the field spell doesn’t show that she’s more than just a friend??? That’s like…wow that scene always impresses me and makes me appreciate how strong and deep my otp is.

There’s also the episode 99 reunion scene (the best fruitship moment I’m telling you). Episode 125 where he just lost it because parasites shenanigans and the Doctor making that mistake of touching Yuya’s waifu. Episode 129 where Yuzu almost got Yuya calm down but Leo said “NOPE ITS TIME TO REVIVE MY DAUGHTERU.” Episode 134 where he remembered her the longest…………my heart. Episode 142 where remembering Yuzu just gave him THE pain and suffering. I’m honestly convinced at this point that Yuya will compare any girls that he will meet to Yuzu and be like “yeah so anyways i wonder how will i annoy her today so she’ll use THE fan on me?”

ITS JUST…I know fruitship is pretty complicated on Yuya’s side and everyone could argue “its not mutual if the other side doesn’t directly acknowledge it” but let me just lay out this section from yugipedia ladies and gents

I’m telling you all this ship is strong.

I think I don’t need to explain any further why fruitship is pretty much mutual and worth getting invested in even though the pain is always there lol.

And the last part of that section? I want to talk about it because I recently rewatched episode 140.

I love that episode so much okay? I think that it was a great way to conclude the Fusion arc and all of Zarc’s madness. Everyone thinks otherwise, but it’s fine.

And gosh. The fruitshipping moment in that episode…

“This bond culminated in Yuzu’s speech to Z-ARC that she believed that Yuya was not a demon despite being the reincarnation of the destroyer of the Original Dimension, allowing for Yuya to break free of Z-ARC’s control and allow Ray/Reira to defeat him.”

I read that and I was like “gosh its true episode 140 is the culmination of the fruitship journey.” It amazes me that Yuzu is really the one who gave Yuya the strength to gain control back from Zarc (alongside Yusho’s famous quote about courage. I love that quote btw). It’s always been her. ITS ALWAYS BEEN THEM!!!

(I wish the other Lancers realized this and said YUZU to Zarc because it would’ve made the job easier lol).

And honestly, really what I noticed from rewatching that episode is that everyone kept on saying to Yuya that he’s not the demon, he always brings smiles to everyone, he is Yuya Sakaki. Even Yuzu said this. But what she said next really struck me:

You’ve left your home to save me! No matter how many times I got separated from you, you kept chasing after me! I was able to smile! Respond to them, Yuya! Respond to your friends’ feelings! And then, we’ll go back home together!

Like…she basically acknowledged his efforts to save her. And to me, that’s like us getting reminded why Yuya leaped dimensions in the first place! Gosh, its so hard to convey how I really feel, but I just love the fact that what Yuya REALLY ultimately needed was a reminder that he was looking for Yuzu ever since episode 50. It’s true that he’s not a demon, but just like Yuto, Shun, and Yugo, he wanted to find the person that he’s searching for all this time.

And it just made me love Yuzu even more because she just shows once again how much she understands Yuya and basically they have the same desire throughout the entire series: find each other and go home together. That’s why they have that shot in ending 6 where they’re facing Maiami City.

See what I’m talking about?

Honestly, I can’t. I’m pretty sure Yuya got touched when Yuzu said those words to him. And I’m like “FINALLY! Someone appreciates Yuya’s efforts and it’s Yuzu herself.” I didn’t know I could love this ship EVEN MORE than 4 years ago.

Anyways. Talking about them four years later brings so much nostalgia to me because hey I moved on from yugioh ever since 2017. I just didn’t expect that seeing ARC-V in duel links would bring me back again. But you know what? It’s fine because I’m really enjoying it so far. Even though I learned how to spend money on it, rip.

And moving on from yugioh means moving on from the memes. So, when I saw the new A5 memes…I was like “…why?” Yeah, the manga memes gave me new pain.

I don’t want to talk a lot about whatever happened in the manga, but gosh I hate that the manga tarnished fruitship’s reputation amongst the yugioh fandom. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH why 😩😩😩 Good thing the A5 manga is on its own, so I’m just gonna move on and pretend that I didn’t read it nor buy the first volume lol.

But I just wanted to get that off my chest because yeah.

But honestly, I’m not surprised at myself that I still love fruitship four years later. Obviously, four years later, I’m still salty about 3 things when it comes to fruitship: 1) They didn’t do tag duel together 2) They’re not the Ceremonial Duel 3) They didn’t get another hug in the finale. Thankfully, duel links finally gave me the closure that I needed because I made them duel each other and do tag duel with each other! HAH! Their decks work well together and I love it.

Since I love angst, I really wanted to see Yuya vs brainwashed Yuzu when the parasite shenanigans happened. You know how emotional it would be seeing Yuzu being cold to Yuya and Yuya pleading to her? Please. I live for those kinds of angst. We might probably see some kind of love confession too.

But yeah, I just really wanted to talk about them and I’m surprised I didn’t write a long twitter thread about them after A5 lol. I rewatch their reunion scene, I scream again. I rewatch their scene in 140, I scream again. I hear their action duel chant in duel links, I scream again. I miss them a lot frankly. I would totally pay to see new fruitship merch and I’m really hoping that duel links give me more new fruitship content in the future.

This ship really means a lot to me because they were able to show that shipping two characters doesn’t only mean seeing them interact more and build to that awaited love confession. They showed that building a strong relationship means having that understanding, inspiration, love, and support for each other even though they are separated. Yuya and Yuzu never stopped believing in each other throughout the entire series and that resulted in them developing a stronger bond and resolution to find each other. I think that the way ARC-V developed their relationship is very unique and different from others, and I fell in love with them in the process.

I’ll probably make another post about them in the future lol. Favorite fruitship moments for sure!

But yeah.

Four years ago, I got introduced to this yugioh ship and the writers just can’t stop separating them. But I loved them regardless.

Four years later? I still love them.

Four years later? I still love fruitshipping.

I still love Yuya and Yuzu’s relationship.

Kawamura Pinks: So Similar Yet so Different

Yes. Its them.

Before I finished Smile, I was already trying to decipher why Toshie Kawamura’s pinks are pretty different from each other. Also, I just finished Hugtto’s crossover movie (it was miles better than Super Stars lol) so here we go!

Technically, Nozomi started the dumb genki pink lead trope even though there was Nagisa and Saki. I mean look after Y5, there was always going to be a pink cure in precure. So, there’s that.

Nozomi, Miyuki and Hana are pretty much the same: Dumb, genki, pink, leader and motivator of the group. They had their own catchphrase too. Yada yada yada they have a lot of similarities.

However, as I think about it furthermore while I’m watching Smile… they’re pretty different from each other too. And I was like ‘well thats interesting’ sooo I finished Smile first before I make this post. Also, they are all great pinks with great character developments.

Going further with their similarities, I think the biggest one that I could think of is how they valued their friends so much. Obviously, precure always emphasizes that, but I think that these three greatly highlights it. Y5 and GoGo always had everyone saying that Nozomi brought the team together. Smile, although it was highlighted with Candy, Miyuki was the one who always showed that she values her friends. Hugtto really showed this with the ending when Saaya and Homare were there for Hana during her birth scene. Obviously, Hugtto’s problem was the team always felt like a 3+2 team, but I do like it really emphasizing on the main trio’s friendship.

Another similarity is them being the “plain” cures who don’t have a set future for them. Nozomi had to figure out what she really wanted to be until the end of Y5, which is to become a teacher. Miyuki loves fairy tales, but she didn’t really have a personal dream until the end with drawing a picture book (and in Smile novel she works at a bookstore). Hana’s future was super vague until the very end, so everyone (including me if I didn’t spoil myself lol) was surprised when she became a CEO of a big company (I think it was beauty cosmetics? Redesigning the town? I don’t remember).

So…establishing a similarity between these three pinks, why are they so different from each other? Well, lemme talk about them individually.

Nozomi Yumehara. She’s ready to kettei her way to greatness.

So Nozomi is probably my favorite pink (so far).

I think that she’s the balance of being a dum dum pink and a great leader. Surprisingly, I was never once annoyed by her being such a big glutton nor too lazy to study lol.

What differentiates between her and the other two is probably her high spirits. Of course, she had her down moments, but I guess her not having Miyuki’s shy personality and Hana’s past makes her always positive in life. She was also a person who didn’t get down easily. In episode 24, she didn’t succumb to the Kowainaa mask until her friends grabbed her down with them. So, I’d say she’s pretty strong emotionally and mentally.

She is also the main motivator of the group. I honestly think its not about everyone motivating Nozomi, its about Nozomi motivating everyone. Always always there to give the motivation to her allies. Even though she barely knew about Coco and Syrup when she meets them, she immediately jumped on supporting their dreams (and main plot shenanigans) because she just simply believes in them. She became Urara’s manager for a day and she absolutely killed it I find. She brought her allies back in episode 24 and reaffirmed their friendship. Honestly… I think she’s the centrepiece of the group and rightfully so. For a character-driven series like Y5, it needs to explore the main character’s strengths and weakness and make her get out of the “too plain” zone, and Nozomi did it. And I absolutely find it good that she found a dream that seems impossible because of her grades, but is willing to achieve it because someone inspired her. Ugh gosh yes I love Nozomi/Coco so much lol.

Speaking of them… well there you go another difference is she got herself a romance arc! Now now now yes yes Hana got hers, but she has a controversial and complicated one. Also, arguably it happened off-screen so ANYWAYS. Honestly, I think Nozomi having a romance elevated her character. Haters gonna hate but I think the way Nozomi’s relationship with Coco was really good. There were romantic tensions here and there, but I think what highlights their relationship is their absolute support to each other. There were just so many instances of either Nozomi screaming “I BELIEVE IN COCO AND HE WILL RESTORE THE PALMIER KINGDOM” or Coco screaming “I BELIEVE IN DREAM THE PRECURE WILL DEFEAT YOU” so yes, I hate that they’re hated because of the weird student-teacher/age gap whatever. You gotta look past that to appreciate what the writers developed them. That’s why… Nozomi really gets the power of love later on and especially in the GoGo movie. Since she has someone who inspired her, she decided to become a teacher too (that’s a plus with me because teacher dream yessir). Also, she got to have a love confession. She got the first kiss in precure. She’s powerful.

Now to compare her weakness to the other two…hmm I guess its her being too carefree. I mean you could say this to the other two, but I think Nozomi ups this and became one of the reason why the group fought in Y5 episode 23. There was also her rivalry with Milk, but honestly I find it interesting that she’s the only pink (so far) that was constantly bickering with someone. In Smile, it was Akane and Nao. In Hugtto, it was Saaya and Ruru. Anyways, again I think that her weakness gets to be a catalyst for her character development later on. Idk, I just really find her character to be so good even with her flaws. Hey, flawed characters are better than Mary Sue characters, duh.

But going back to her strengths, can I just say that the way she got Dark Dream redeemed in the Y5 movie was just so good? She literally showed her love and kindness that Dark Dream doesn’t have. Its honestly a shame that Miyuki didn’t do this to Bad End Happy in Smile, but anyways. There was also her moment with Bunbee where she thanked him and specifically said his name. And of course, the moment where she didn’t even flinch when Coco was about to attack her because she believes in him. Honestly, Nozomi in the films made me love her character furthermore. Falling so many times, but never giving up.

Anyways, I’m heavily biased when it comes to Nozomi, but I think she’s a great pink. I’m totally happy that I got her card when I bought the art book!

Miyuki Hoshizora. The ultra happy pink who always gets happupu’d in the face.

I’m not gonna lie, Miyuki is probably my “least” favorite out of them three.

I say least in quotes because its not like I hate her or something. She’s a great character bro. Probably I’ll rank her higher than the other pinks in the future lol.

But anyways what also differentiates between her and the other two is that she has a very simple character. I’d say she’s the contrast of Hana’s character even though they are both energetic characters. She’s simple because her character growth revolved around her overcoming her shyness and finding what “ultra happiness” means. Not really complicated and I appreciate that.

Speaking of her shyness, that’s another difference between her and the other two. Yes, she’s very cheerful and everything, but the show constantly showed that she was too shy to make friends (I relate to that lol). Even the movie showed this trait and showed that picture books became Miyuki’s refugee. However, once she made friends, that’s where she got out of her comfort zone. By the end of the series, she’s not as shy as before and had more confidence in herself. Honestly, even though I find her introduction to the class really cheesy and cringe at times (since they had to introduce the other cures), I find that it was the way for her to overcome her weakness right off the bat.

I say that she is a simple character…but also the idealistic character. After all, Smile revolves around fairy tales (even though GoGo did it really) so of course the main character has to be an idealist. Yes yes yes Nozomi and Hana were idealistic, but again, Miyuki really ups this characteristic because she grew up with fairy tale books. She knows Cinderella like the palm of her hand, so she clearly knows her stuff. Not that I’m saying that this is a bad thing, actually this idealist characteristic of hers became her strength and motivation most of the time.

In episode 22, the Smile girls had to make a difficult decision because they wanted to save Candy. I just loved the moment where Miyuki says that its scary, but Candy is our friend, and I want to save my friend. That made me like her character more and also made me realize that she is the leader of the group. Even though I think that she doesn’t feel like a leader a lot of times, I also think that she deserves to be the leader of her group.

In the Smile movie, she got her pink shilling moment. But I honestly loved the moment where she talked to Nico and properly apologized to her. I think that its a great moment and again, another showcase of what being a pink precure means. Also, her Ultra Cure Happy costume looks so beautiful, such a shame it was just there for her to create a flower field and hug the villain. But hey, the hugging moment was really nice too.

Anyways, though Miyuki isn’t really my favorite, I really think what sets her apart from the other two is her idealism and how she showed this throughout the whole series. She gets the gag of getting hit in the face always, but hey she’s always ultra happy no matter what.

Hana Nono. Always mecchoku but never stops being fure fure to everyone.

Ah, yes. Hana with her iconic bangs.

When I was watching Hugtto, my favorites were Homare and Ruru. After watching the show, I was like “Oh my favorite character? Guess it was Hana all along.” I guess its because I always get attached with the main characters especially in mahou shoujo shows (or probably the purple ones).

Personally, I think Hana is the most complex character out of them three and its really because of her tie in the main plot. Y5 and Smile had simple plot, so it doesn’t really affect the pinks, but freaking Hugtto had to throw in a time travelling plot, so it resulted to convoluted mess by the end.

Anyways… before I talk about that, I think what really differentiates her from the other two is… her past! Yes, her past involved her getting bullied in another school, so she had to move to another to start afresh. This results to her having self-confidence issue. Outside, she’s energetic, cheerful. I mean heck, her introduction was her showcasing her cheerful attitude. Miyuki, on the other hand, was really nervous. So, there’s that. However, this cheerful attitude from Hana kind of serves as a mask for her past issues. Yes, she will always be there for you, support you and everything. But when there are problems, she really REALLY crumbled under pressure.

Episode 10 showed this when she couldn’t transform I don’t remember why now. But it took the encouragement of her mom and friends to get her out of the comfort zone. Episode 24 showed this again after getting betrayed by someone she admired. Again, it took the encouragement of her family and friends to cheer her back. Episode 47 had every cure to sacrifice themselves to give Hana power. Like…its really obvious that this is something that Hana struggled throughout the show.

And that’s not it, even the movies showed this lol. In Super Stars, it took Ichika and Mirai’s encouragement to get her back on feet (they are her senpais after all). Although her breakdown in All Stars Memories is painful, I think it was rational for her to feel that. Also, I liked that scene because it shows that precures are also young girls who just can’t be strong every time. Thanks for pointing it out Nagisa!

Anyways… I say all of this to say that this weakness of hers became her greatest catalyst to grow as a character. I find that episode 11 and 48 really showed it. Especially when she rejected the precure sword (though I’m still kinda salty that she chose a stick rather than a cool sword lol) because hugs are powerful. Hugs will save the world! Hugs will cure someone’s pain. Hana is the hugging goddess. I don’t remember what episode is that now, but I think the episode when Hana met her classmate from her old school also showed that she is willing to move on and forgive. She literally forgave everyone in the show including ALL villains. Plus the movie villains. Its a part of her.

Speaking of encouragement, another distinction that I find is her support to everyone. After all, Hugtto is about cheering for everyone, becoming who you want to be, stuff like that. Obviously, Hana ups this characteristic, BUT I also find that she is the one who needs to get supported in crucial times. Again, this ties back to her past issues, but yeah I find it interesting that she has to be supported in order to stand stronger.

Her tie to the main plot…is so so different than the other precure shows I’ve watched so far. Yes, you have Smile movie about Miyuki, but that’s the movie.

Anyways, I just find it…really interesting that Hana is like…the main catalyst of the story? In Smile, its Candy and in GoGo its Syrup (I think) but in Hugtto? Its Hana. Literally, the plot would not happen if she didn’t “die” in the future. So basically, if she cut her hair before, she wouldn’t be in such mess lol. But this isn’t really obvious until the last 4 episodes of the show. So, the main plot is always about “bad guys came from the future and they’re trying to freeze the present because future sucks” and not about “bad guys came from the future and they’re trying to freeze the present because everyone dies including the MC in the future so the future sucks” kind of like that. I swear time travelling can either be good or hot garbage lol. Hugtto chooses to be both.

Furthermore, she’s actually connected to the main mascot but is it really surprising? Not really lol. I guess it made sense that her endgame was going to be her becoming a mom and she was actually taking care of her future kiddo all along. But not only she’s connected to the cutesy mascot, she’s actually connected to the big bad. Like, even Nozomi and Miyuki didn’t reach that level lol. It just shows that Hana is actually very important to the plot. For others, its a good thing, but for others its not since she had her own arc in the show. And I do agree that her importance to the plot doesn’t affect her character because she knew nothing all about what happened to her in the future. I do think, however, this makes her character more complex because its pretty interesting. Too bad they didn’t explore this further because they can’t spoil the finale lol. And its controversial because everyone in Toei likes age-gap romance for some reason. Like please, I wanted to see more of Hana’s no-bangs appearance!

And since I talked about her endgame…I know Nozomi/Coco is canon and IS canon to my heart. But Hana? She became CEO of a huge company, has two great friends, gets married and gets a beautiful baby girl. Like wew. No other cure achieved that besides her. Yes yes yes every precure that showed timeskip had everyone be successful in their lives, but I don’t think anyone will reach Hana’s achievement for a long time (technically Mana did but pfffft it should happen in series proper, not in the film). But I will always wonder what I really feel about you-know-who because its really complicated and freaking not explored properly, but anyways can’t deny who is Hana married with rofl. I’m really proud of my mecchoku girl.

Anyways, yes I talked so much about Hana because I just find her character really fascinating for so many reasons. She’s obviously a top favorite of mine (probably behind Nozomi) and I even based my 7th chosen one shenanigans on her. Also, always associating yellow flowers with her now lol. She got to be the Hana Nono that she wanted to be.

It’s them again! The goats!

Overall, I’m a bit sad Hana only got to interact with Nozomi during the crossover episodes. They should’ve brought in Miyuki too smh. Anyways, I really wanted to make a post about them ever for weeks now and phew lol we’re here. Yes, they are pretty much the same standard mahou shoujo pinks, but I think they are all unique on their own and they have amazing character developments. They are all great Kawamura pinks!

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