Scoopshipping: The Impact of a Positive Influence

Ahh yugioh relationships. Well. Besides the fascinating plots that yugioh usually has, I really like the character relationships. Yugioh can present different character relationships and honestly, they really pull you in and make you get invested in these relationships. Whether it may be about friends, rivals, siblings…I find myself just appreciating how yugioh shows youContinue reading “Scoopshipping: The Impact of a Positive Influence”

Fruitshipping: Four Years Later

Oh hey look. Back for more yugioh posts. My love for ARC-V has been reigniting lately. So, forget about everything I said in the last post lol. I mean it’s a combination of many things. Duel Links…the local TV airing A5 dub…Tumblr…rewatching some episodes and a special senpai. I just find myself appreciating my favoriteContinue reading “Fruitshipping: Four Years Later”

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